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Aineistot 1421-1440 / 15065
CAD-järjestelmän kehityskulku 2D:stä 3D:hen eri näkökulmasta katsoen ja sen käyttö tuotantosovelluksessa
Diplomityö3D-suunnitteluun siirtymiseen on liitetty hyvin usein pelkoja: investointi ei maksa koskaan itseään takaisin, ohjelmistot ovat vaikeita käyttää, jo tehtyjä suunnitelmia ei voida käyttää jatkossa ja niin edelleen. Aikaisempia ... -
Calendar Anomalies : Nordic Evidence
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis research is constructed in order to further analyze calendar anomalies in the Nordic stock markets. Calendar anomalies are price movements that appear during particular times of the year. Since Fama (1965) introduced ... -
Pro gradu - tutkielmaMarket efficiency and anomalies have been in interest of academic research over 40 years. Study of calendar effects is also fairly old branch and it can be traced back to 1970’s. Due to long history of studies in the area, ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Calendar Effects in the World Stock Markets: Evidence from Thirty-One Countries
Pro gradu - tutkielmaCapital market efficiency has been a popular topic for teaching and empirical research since Fama (1965, 1970) described the theoretical analysis of market efficiency (Efficient Market Hypothesis). More recently, however ... -
Calibration Method for the Determination of the FAME and HVO Contents in Fossil Diesel Blends Using NIR Spectroscopy
(MPDI, 07.05.2021)
articleThe European diesel fuel standard, EN590, allows a 7% (V/V) biodiesel (FAME) addition to automotive diesel fuel. The allowed addition of renewable diesel (HVO) to fossil diesel is not defined, as long as the properties of ... -
Cam shape optimization by genetic algorithm
(Vaasan yliopisto, 1999)
Monografiaväitöskirja -
Camera Integration to Wireless Sensor Node
LisensiaatintyöA wireless sensor node with a vision sensing and image processing capabilities has a great utilisation potential in many industrial, healthcare and military applications. University of Vaasa has recently been developing a ... -
Can clean energy stock price rule oil price? New evidences from a regime-switching model at first and second moments
(Elsevier, 15.01.2021)
articleThe study evaluates nonlinear price transmission mechanisms between clean energy stock and crude oil price in levels, mean, and error variances. We propose a novel way of combining a two-regime threshold vector error ... -
CAN GOOD GUYS FINISH FIRST? : A follow-up study on employee satisfaction and stock prices
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe rapid growth of both investor and academic interest towards socially responsible investing has produced a large number of scientific papers studying the relationship between corporate social responsibility and returns. ... -
Can Insiders Earn Abnormal Returns? Evidence from the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki in 2012–2013
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThis study examines whether corporate insiders in the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki earned abnormal returns by trading with their own companies shares in the time period of 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2013. The theoretical framework focuses ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Can Investor Attention Predict Cryptocurrency Returns? : On the interconnections of the cryptocurrency market
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe purpose of this thesis is to study the predictability of cryptocurrency returns by investor attention, the interconnections of the cryptocurrency market, and what causes attention to cryptocurrencies. This is done ... -
Can new technology outperform the responsibility
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis study uses empirical analysis to compare two different types of Exchange-traded funds and examine which has the higher Alpha and the risk-adjusted return. The data is from the Datastream, and the time period is from ... -
Can real estate regulatory policies constrain real estate risks to banks? Evidence from China
(Taylor & Francis, 04.01.2021)
articleThis study investigates the effects of real estate regulatory policies on the real estate risks to banks in China. The study shows that real estate control policies issued by the policy makers in China cannot constrain the ... -
Can robots possess knowledge? : Rethinking the DIK(W) pyramid through the lens of employees of an automotive factory
(Springer Nature, 14.09.2021)
articleKnowledge, information, and data are increasingly processed in human–robot collaboration. This study tackles two requirements for revising the concepts of knowledge, information, and data. First is developing robots’ ... -
Can Social Enterprises Help to Tackle Poverty: Examining the Role of three Brazilian Social Enterprises
Pro gradu - tutkielmaJatkuvat muutokset julkisella sektorilla ja finanssikriisi ovat haastaneet julkisen sektorin tarkastelemaan maailmanlaajuisesti rooliaan. Perinteisten mallien rinnalle on haettu uutta toimintamallia, joka korostaisi ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Can You Trust Your Pose? Confidence Estimation in Visual Localization
(IEEE, 05.05.2021)
articleCamera pose estimation in large-scale environments is still an open question and, despite recent promising results, it may still fail in some situations. The research so far has focused on improving subcomponents of ... -
Cancelled M&A deals and target shareholder returns
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis thesis investigates the effect terminated M&A deals have on the share prices of acquisition targets. The share price development is examined up to 20 days before and 20 days after the deal’s termination announcement ... -
Cancer Modeling-on-a-Chip with Future Artificial Intelligence Integration
(Wiley, 13.11.2019)
articleCancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, despite the large efforts to improve the understanding of cancer biology and development of treatments. The attempts to improve cancer treatment are limited by the ... -
Capacity assessment of Lasse’s quay and the impact of the quay extensions on waiting time by using a digital twin : Case Vaasa Harbour
Pro gradu -tutkielmaLayout changes can be expensive. Especially changes in the layout of ports, such as the construction of new quays or the extension of quays, are often very expensive and the implementation of the construction work often ... -
Capacity withholding assessment of power systems considering coordinated strategies of virtual power plants and generation companies
(Elsevier, 10 / 2022)
articleThis paper presents a multi-level optimization framework for power system operators' joint electricity markets capacity-withholding assessment. The main contribution of this research is that three capacity-withholding ...