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Organisaation hyvä tietoturvan sääntelyjärjestelmä
(Vaasan yliopisto, 26.09.2024)
MonografiaväitöskirjaTietoturvallisuuden merkitys on kasvanut teknologian kehittymisen, digitalisoitumisen ja globalisaation myötä. Kybertoimintaympäristöömme kohdistuu uhkia, joilla on merkittäviä vaikutuksia organisaatioiden toimintaan, ... -
Generating and Financing Growth : Essays on Intangible Capital, Entrepreneurship, and Capital Structure in Finnish SMEs
(Vaasan yliopisto, 30.09.2024)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaThis doctoral dissertation contains three essays focusing on both the role of intangible capital (IC) and entrepreneurship in growth firms and the dynamics of their capital structure. IC is measured using an occupation-based ... -
Organizational Capacities for Change : Insights from Finnish Healthcare Reform
(IKAM - Institute of Knowledge Asset Management, 2024)
articleHealthcare systems in many countries are under pressure for renewal due, for instance, to demographic changes or service delivery fragmentation. This paper focuses on organizational capacities for change by illustrating ... -
Käyttäjälähtöinen käytettävyyden heuristinen arviointi : Tarkastelussa toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä (ERP)
Pro gradu -tutkielmaPro-gradu tutkielmassa tarkastellaan käyttäjälähtöistä käytettävyyden heuristista arviointia. Heuristinen arviointi on tarkoitettu alun perin asiantuntijoiden käyttöön käytettävyyden tutkimi-sessa, mutta sitä on käytetty ... -
The Integration of Decarbonization and Resilience Strategies in Shaping Sustainable Cities
(Springer, 26.07.2024)
articleIn the face of escalating climate challenges, cities are taking the lead in adopting sustainable practices to mitigate carbon emissions and enhance their resilience to environmental issues. The transition towards decarbonization ... -
Institutional Dimensions in Open Government Data : A Deep Dive Into Indonesia’s Satu Data Initiative and Its Implications for Developing Countries
(Taylor & Francis, 02.08.2024)
articleInstitutional factors such as data standardization, data interoperability, and the ability to include other stakeholders (e.g., civil society) in ecosystems are now understood as crucial considerations in Open Government ... -
Critical discourse analysis of fast fashion companies' legitimation strategies on Instagram
(Taylor & Francis, 05.09.2024)
articleIn this article, we examine how fast fashion companies attempt to build legitimacy for their actions through social media marketing communications. The data are sourced from Lindex’s and H&M’s Instagram posts to explore ... -
Deep learning-based evaluation of photovoltaic power generation
(Elsevier, 14.08.2024)
articlePhotovoltaic (PV) power generation has emerged as a rapidly growing renewable energy source. However, the PV system output’s intermittent and weather-dependent nature poses challenges when integrating with the power grid. ... -
Requirements Risk Management for Continuous Development : Organisational Needs
(Australasian Association for Information Systems, 05.09.2024)
articleInformation systems development has recently evolved from traditional to agile and continuous forms. Continuous development (CD) methods, such as development and operations (DevOps), integrate many well-regarded parts of ... -
An interactive framework for strategic participation of a price-maker energy hub in the local gas and power markets based on the MPEC method
(Elsevier, 31.07.2024)
articlePower-to-gas (P2G) technologies within smart energy hubs (SEH) offer unprecedented operational flexibility to distribution networks. This is achieved by integrating various energy carriers both regionally and locally, ...