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Aineistot 1-20 / 3019
Kuinka ihmisoikeuksia suojellaan ilmasto-oikeudenkäynneissä?
(Nuorten tiedeakatemia, 2024)
articleMaailmassa on käyty yhteensä jo yli 2000 ilmasto-oikeudenkäyntiä. Näistä monissa puolustetaan ihmisoikeuksia. Artikkelissa kerrotaan, millaisia ihmisoikeuksiin liittyviä teemoja Suomessa, Ruotsissa ja Norjassa käydyissä ... -
Miljöorganisationerna försvarar de mänskliga rättigheterna : granskning av klimaträttegångar i Finland, Sverige och Norge
(Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, 30.10.2024)
articleI klimaträttegångar som miljöorganisationerna inlett har man i Finland, Sverige och Norge behandlat de utmaningar för de mänskliga rättigheterna som klimatförändringen medför. I artikeln granskas ländernas klimaträttegångar ... -
Termer för grundämnena H, N och O : resultat av nordiskt terminologisamarbete från 1950-tal till 2020-tal
(Nordisk Sprogkoordination, 15.08.2024)
articleDen som vill bedriva ett framgångsrikt terminologiarbete måste ha samarbetspartners. År 1981 formulerade Christer Laurén detta faktum som att ”[b]åde ingenjören och språkmannen behövs i fackspråklig språkvård”, medan Henrik ... -
Carbon emission in MINT economies : The role of poverty, population, energy use and economic factors
(John Wiley & Sons, 12.10.2024)
articlePoor environmental quality is usually observed in developing blocs. Some plausible explanations are due to the high poverty level and their economic characterisation. The present study focuses on exploring the effect of ... -
Exploring Social Media Privacy Concerns : A Comprehensive Survey Study Across 16 Middle Eastern and North African Countries
(IEEE, 19.09.2024)
articleThe wide use of social media raises numerous privacy concerns, with limited studies of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. This study presents an in-depth analysis of social media privacy concerns in sixteen ... -
Bionic fusion perspective : Audiovisual-motivated integration network for solar irradiance prediction
articleAccurate and reliable prediction of solar irradiance (SI) is an important requirement to develop solar energy while a challenging task due to stochastic and nonlinear data characteristics. Additionally, most deep networks ... -
The role of digitalization in early internationalization Research : A systematic literature review and future research directions
(Elsevier, 07.11.2024)
articleThe purpose of this research is to systematically collate and synthesize the literature on how digitalization-related antecedents influence the processes and outcomes of early internationalizing firms. To do so, the present ... -
Tame, Messy and Wicked Problems in Hybrid Management – The Perspective of Management Students
(Athīnaiko Institouto Ekpaideusīs & Ereunas, 10 / 2024)
articleRemote management has increased in Finnish society due to the COVID-19pandemic. It will be needed even after the pandemic, as remote work has become a stable and fairly common method in various organizations. The purpose ... -
Pehmeää militarismia ja moniäänisyyttä turpo-keskusteluun – Somevaikuttajat kansallisen turvallisuuden ytimessä
(Valtiotieteellinen yhdistys, 19.12.2024)
articleKaupalliset somevaikuttajat ovat astuneet kansainvälisen turvallisuuden alueelle uusina toimijoina. Somevaikuttajat ovat moninainen joukko ja he voivat toimia sekä yhteistyökumppaneina turvallisuusviranomaisten ... -
Circular economy in supply chain management : a framework for database tool development to enhance sustainability
(Taylor & Francis, 08.05.2024)
articleThe study surveys circular economy (CE) theoretical building blocks, conceptualisation, and practical implementation within the supply chain. A narrative review synthesises the knowledge and maps research in the CE field. ... -
Optimizing Mechanical Design for an Additively Manufactured Prosthetic Leg
(Elsevier, 20.03.2024)
articleThe study discussed in this paper focuses on additive manufacturing (AM) of intricate geometrically structured components of a prosthetic leg. The objective is to optimize the original design to reduce the need for support ... -
Efficient state of charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles using evolutionary intelligence-assisted GLA–CNN–Bi-LSTM deep learning model
(Elsevier, 30.07.2024)
articleThe battery's performance heavily influences the safety, dependability, and operational efficiency of electric vehicles (EVs). This paper introduces an innovative hybrid deep learning architecture that dramatically enhances ... -
Hyvännäköinen pankinjohtaja saa parempaa palkkaa
(Toinen Aatos Oy, 05.12.2024)
articleJohtajan kannattaa olla komea. Keskimääräistä hyvännäköisempien toimitusjohtajien vuotuinen kokonaispalkkio on noin 24 prosenttia korkeampi kuin heidän vähemmän hyvännäköisillä kollegoillaan, Sami Vähämaa ja Mikko Ranta ... -
Enhancing efficient solar energy harvesting : A process-in-loop investigation of MPPT control with a novel stochastic algorithm
(Elsevier, 01 / 2024)
articlePV systems currently generate 4% of the world's energy needs, and their share is growing quickly. The maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is a complex non-convex optimization problem because the electrical characteristics ... -
Vision : Leveraging Low Earth Orbit Satellites for Future Ubiquitous Positioning
(Association for Computing Machinery, 22.11.2024)
articleDesigning a globally ubiquitous positioning system that works seamlessly in all environments remains a critical area of ongoing research. While Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), such as GPS, are the predominant ... -
Using ChatGPT in Content Marketing : Enhancing Users’ Social Media Engagement in Cross-Platform Content Creation through Generative AI
(Association for Computing Machinery, 10.09.2024)
articleAs the integration of artificial intelligence into social media continues to attract attention, the key impacts on content marketing are still undefined. Initial studies have shown that language models are capable of ... -
Engagement Patterns in TikTok : An Analysis of Short Video Ads
(Association for Computing Machinery, 10.09.2024)
articleShort videos have become one of the dominant formats of social media content. Such short videos are often boosted by advertising to increase their reach and visibility. We investigate user churn (i.e., drop or loss of ... -
Communication Design for an Educational AI Chatbot : Analyzing Cipherbot's Communication Style and Challenges
(Association for Computing Machinery, 08.10.2024)
articleWe analyzed the communication patterns of Cipherbot, an educational AI chatbot that addresses validation and transparency problems in AI-student interaction, with 44 undergraduate business students using the system. Findings ... -
Getting Emotional Enough : Analyzing Emotional Diversity in Deepfake Avatars
(Association for Computing Machinery, 13.10.2024)
articleWhen using deepfake technology to represent users, there is a need to convey a reasonable range of emotions to be able to portray different circumstances ranging from positive to negative experiences (e.g., personal ... -
Investigating Persona Viewing Behavior : An Eye-Tracking Study on Portrait-Format Persona Profile
(Association for Computing Machinery, 13.10.2024)
articleThe study offers empirical evidence on how users visually interact with digital personas. Conducting an eye-tracking study in a major news organization's premises, we analyzed the fixations of 29 participants interacting ...