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The effect of consumers’ supermarket competence on information search and shopping outcomes in two Balkan cities
(Oxford University PressEuropean Agricultural and Applied Economics Publications Foundation, 201-01-14)
articleDistribution systems for food can change quickly in emergent markets, requiring new competences for consumers, and even in some European countries we have seen considerable changes in the distribution system for food in ... -
Paparazzeja ja wannabe-älykköjä - Katso!-lehden ja Kauppalehden toimittajat opiskelijoiden silmin
(VAKKI ry., 2005)
conferenceObjectTexts are ways to communicate socially. Therefore, writing or reading a text means taking a part to social communication, but it also means that a writer and a reader have their own social identities and also conceptions ... -
Arvottavien merkitysten rakentaminen taloussanomalehtien pääkirjoituksissa
(Vaasan yliopisto, 2006)
articleThis article focuses on the subjectivity of evaluation in the language use in the Finnish business newspaper, Taloussanomat. The aim is to discuss the linguistic features which are explicitly evaluative, either positively ... -
The Dialectic Nature of the Rhetoricals Structure in the Editorials of two Finnish Business Newspapers
(DSFF / LSP Centre, 31.10.2006)
articleIn this article is studied the potentially dialectical nature of the rhetorical structure in the 10 editorials of two Finnish business newspapers, Kauppalehti and Taloussanomat. In addition, it is also analysed the use of ... -
Terminological modelling of processes : An experiment
(John Benjamins, 2007)
bookPartThe article discusses the modelling and description of processes with the help of different types of concept relations. The study is part of an ongoing project where terminological concept analysis methods are being developed ... -
Sensitivity analysis of frequency and voltage stability in islanded microgrid
(CIRED, 21.05.2007)
conferenceObjectThis paper studies the voltage and frequency stability of an islanded microgrid and the sensitivity of these quantities to certain changes in system configuration. In conventional power systems the system frequency ... -
Fault type and location detection in islanded microgrid with different control methods based converters
(CIRED, 21.05.2007)
conferenceObjectIn this paper the fault type and location detection in an islanded low voltage (LV) distribution network based microgrid with converters applying different control methods is studied. In the ... -
Voltage and current THD in microgrid with different DG unit and load configurations
(CIRED, 23.06.2008)
conferenceObjectAfter microgrid transition from the normal operation to the islanded operation the system impedance changes considerably and it affects on the harmonic voltages of the microgrid. In this paper the voltage ... -
Lebesgue type decompositions for nonnegative forms
(ElsevierAcademic Press, 15.12.2009)
articleA nonnegative form t on a complex linear space is decomposed with respect to another nonnegative form w: it has a Lebesgue decomposition into an almost dominated form and a singular form. The part which is almost dominated ... -
Methods of concept analysis - a comparative study (part 1 of 3)
(Copenhagen Business School, 2010)
articleThis article is the first one in a series of three articles, which focus on methods of concept analysis and discuss how terminological concept analysis methods could be developed as more generally applicable research ... -
Methods of concept analysis - towards systematic concept analysis (part 2 of 3)
(Copenhagen Business School, 14.12.2010)
articleThis article is the second one in a series of three articles which focus on comparison and development of concept analysis methods as an academic research method. In the first article, ... -
Methods of concept analysis - tools for systematic concept analysis (part 3 of 3)
(Copenhagen Business School, 2011)
articleThis article is the third one in a series of three articles which focus on development of concept analysis methods as an academic research method. In the first article, terminological analysis methods ... -
Johtamisen etiikka tuloksellisuuden mahdollistajana
(EBEN Suomi ry, 2011)
articleJohtaja toimii monien ristiriitaisten paineiden alaisena. Johtajan pitää huolehtia organisaation tuloksellisuudesta ja samalla toiminnan laadusta, vaikuttavuudesta ja eettisyydestä. Miten johtamisen etiikka voi vahvistaa ... -
Effects of quality management practices and concurrent engineering in business performance
(Canadian Center of Science and Education (CCSE), 03 / 2011)
articleThe main focus of this paper is to indicate the effect of quality management practices and concurrent engineering on business performance improvement. The research has been done by taking one of Brewery Company (Meta Abo ... -
Protection system for future LV microgrids
(CIRED, 06.06.2011)
conferenceObjectTraditional protection of low voltage (LV) network will not be applicable for future LV microgrids and new adaptive protection system must be developed. In this paper adaptive protection system for LV microgrid during ... -
Novel protection approach for MV microgrid
(CIRED, 06.06.2011)
conferenceObjectThe amount of distributed generation (DG) connected to medium voltage (MV) networks is expected to increase continuously. This trend creates a good opportunity to use MV feeders as microgrids. Normally ... -
Knowledge sharing: a survey, assessment and directions for future research: individual behavior perspective
(World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), 2012)
articleOne of the most important areas of knowledge management studies is knowledge sharing. Measured in terms of number of scientific articles and organization-s applications, knowledge sharing stands as an example of success ... -
Ammattikielisten tekstien tutkimisesta - esimerkkinä tilintarkastuskertomus
(Kotimaisten kielten keskus, 2012)
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Framework for Random Power Allocation of Wireless Sensor Networks in Fading Channels
(Scientific Research Pub., 2012)
articleIn naturally deaf wireless sensor networks or generally when there is no feedback channel, the fixed-level transmit power of all nodes is the conventional and practical power allocation method. Using random power allocation ... -
Customer participation in retail - focus on automated services
(Centre for Business & Economic Research, 2012)
articleSelf-service technologies in retail have not been studied on a large scale despite their increasing importance. The major aim of this article is to increase our understanding of automated processes in retail ...