Stepanova, Anna (2011)
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Due to the rapid IT development and current globalization processes companies around the world start to realize the importance of aligning innovative technologies with the business practices and HR function is not an exception. Issues related to e-HRM’s impact on the organization of HRM within a company as well as on “new” roles and competences of HR professionals have been studied intensively during the last decade mostly by European researches. However, there is an evident lack of research made on e-HRM practices in Russian growing and developing business environment. Thus, by applying theoretical frameworks on HR roles, skills and competences offered by D.Ulrich (1998; 2008) and E.Parry (2010), this research was aimed at analyzing to what extent e-HRM might influence HR professionals and the way HR is organized in Russian banks.
The study is aimed at answering three research questions. The first RQ is divided into two sub questions and looks at the extent to which e-HRM might have an impact on HR organization from a structural perspective (RQ1a) as well as at the extent to which it might affect roles and skills of HR professionals from individual perspective (RQ1b). The second RQ investigates how and to what extent e-HRM might influence competences required from HR professionals. The third RQ is aimed at explanation how and why Russian national context may affect e-HRM development investigating the topic from an institutional perspective.
The research is of qualitative nature and follows mixed exploratory and descriptive research approaches. To conduct this research, multiple case study approach was chosen and three Russian banks of different size were selected. In order to collect data, semi-structured open-ended interviews were organized with twelve respondents. Main findings of the research show that e-HRM might have an impact on HR professionals and the way HR is organized only under certain conditions and taking into consideration numerous internal and external factors such as a size of a company, available human and financial resources and the attitude towards HR role in a company before the introduction of e-HR system. The findings provide an evidence on the Russian example that when studying e-HR related issues, the national context matters to a great extent.
The study is aimed at answering three research questions. The first RQ is divided into two sub questions and looks at the extent to which e-HRM might have an impact on HR organization from a structural perspective (RQ1a) as well as at the extent to which it might affect roles and skills of HR professionals from individual perspective (RQ1b). The second RQ investigates how and to what extent e-HRM might influence competences required from HR professionals. The third RQ is aimed at explanation how and why Russian national context may affect e-HRM development investigating the topic from an institutional perspective.
The research is of qualitative nature and follows mixed exploratory and descriptive research approaches. To conduct this research, multiple case study approach was chosen and three Russian banks of different size were selected. In order to collect data, semi-structured open-ended interviews were organized with twelve respondents. Main findings of the research show that e-HRM might have an impact on HR professionals and the way HR is organized only under certain conditions and taking into consideration numerous internal and external factors such as a size of a company, available human and financial resources and the attitude towards HR role in a company before the introduction of e-HR system. The findings provide an evidence on the Russian example that when studying e-HR related issues, the national context matters to a great extent.