Distribution Automation of MV/LV transformer sta-tions and LV cable cabinets. Innovative Ideas for intelligent Distribution Grid.
Nyberg, Johan (2013)
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The distribution automation of distribution transformer stations and of low voltage grids are discussed in this licentiate thesis. The thesis aims at developing distribution automa-tion and management. It also discusses the objectives set for future networks, found in a survey defining research and development projects. In Finland, distribution grid auto-mation has been used mainly in substations, in medium voltage disconnector stations and in the 21st century again in intermediate switches. The objective of this thesis is to extend the automation used in distribution management to MV/LV transformer stations and to low-voltage grids.
I have presented a vision of the functions needed in the management of future MV/LV transformer stations and LV grids. The vision is based on the latest international re-search on distribution automation, and on discussions with the representatives of Fin-nish distribution network companies, focusing especially on automation used for the management of MV/LV transformer stations and LV grids. The present state and future of the management of the distribution grid is discussed, with the focus on the fault man-agement of MV/LV transformer stations and LV grids. I will bring up alternative solu-tions and improvements on a variety of distribution automation functions and present the results visually from the perspective of the operation in the control centre. The dis-tribution automation functions presented, such as remote control, fault detection and protection, and advanced communication techniques, make it possible to improve the power quality, reliability and safety of distribution of electricity. Auxiliary systems and building automation systems enable a better monitoring of the environment of the dis-tribution system and the targeting and scheduling of management procedures. I suggest that a building automation monitoring layer be added to the NIS/DMS system as a new function. The layer can be used for the monitoring of hatches and doors of the trans-former station, for example. This improves the safety of the personnel and civilians and the traceability of changes in the network.
The IP architecture is gaining ground in the communication of electrical networks. I have described the present state and standards of the information and communication technology of distribution automation. I have studied the development trends of both IP-based protocols, such as IEC 61850, and communication techniques from the perspec-tive of the operation and management of transformer stations. A communication system that complies with the standards and is reliable, flexible and efficient enables the system functions, the information system that supports distributed generation, and the vendor- independent use of systems.
The study fulfilled its objectives of presenting new possibilities of distribution automa-tion in the management of distribution transformer stations and low-voltage grids. The study offers innovative ideas for the development of the systems to industry and distri-bution network companies.
I have presented a vision of the functions needed in the management of future MV/LV transformer stations and LV grids. The vision is based on the latest international re-search on distribution automation, and on discussions with the representatives of Fin-nish distribution network companies, focusing especially on automation used for the management of MV/LV transformer stations and LV grids. The present state and future of the management of the distribution grid is discussed, with the focus on the fault man-agement of MV/LV transformer stations and LV grids. I will bring up alternative solu-tions and improvements on a variety of distribution automation functions and present the results visually from the perspective of the operation in the control centre. The dis-tribution automation functions presented, such as remote control, fault detection and protection, and advanced communication techniques, make it possible to improve the power quality, reliability and safety of distribution of electricity. Auxiliary systems and building automation systems enable a better monitoring of the environment of the dis-tribution system and the targeting and scheduling of management procedures. I suggest that a building automation monitoring layer be added to the NIS/DMS system as a new function. The layer can be used for the monitoring of hatches and doors of the trans-former station, for example. This improves the safety of the personnel and civilians and the traceability of changes in the network.
The IP architecture is gaining ground in the communication of electrical networks. I have described the present state and standards of the information and communication technology of distribution automation. I have studied the development trends of both IP-based protocols, such as IEC 61850, and communication techniques from the perspec-tive of the operation and management of transformer stations. A communication system that complies with the standards and is reliable, flexible and efficient enables the system functions, the information system that supports distributed generation, and the vendor- independent use of systems.
The study fulfilled its objectives of presenting new possibilities of distribution automa-tion in the management of distribution transformer stations and low-voltage grids. The study offers innovative ideas for the development of the systems to industry and distri-bution network companies.