Security of Wireless Remote Control and Monitoring in Electric Network
Pelkkikangas, Pasi (2006)
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The control of medium voltage devices could be more effective than in current situation. By utilizing remote control and monitoring systems, the maintenance of the grid and medium voltage devices could be faster and cheaper. The use of telecontrol devices has been relatively small due to the high expenses. This thesis provides information to help building new low cost communication and control concepts for medium voltage devices.
In this thesis the network security of the remote control and monitoring system has been studied. The objective of this thesis is to provide enough information to understand the types of security threats against the system. Also security measures to counter the types of attacks are introduced.
The security solution proposed in this thesis utilizes the IPsec to provide the security at the lower layers of OSI model. It optimizes the IPsec for wireless remote control and monitoring application by using appropriate protocols and algorithms.
In this thesis the network security of the remote control and monitoring system has been studied. The objective of this thesis is to provide enough information to understand the types of security threats against the system. Also security measures to counter the types of attacks are introduced.
The security solution proposed in this thesis utilizes the IPsec to provide the security at the lower layers of OSI model. It optimizes the IPsec for wireless remote control and monitoring application by using appropriate protocols and algorithms.