The expected equity risk premium: Empirical evidence from Finland in 1999-2002
Kähkönen, Olli Jochen (2003)
Kokotekstiversiota ei ole saatavissa.
The purpose of this study was to determine the current estimation of ex-ante equity risk premium in Finland by using relatively new Earn Back Period model. For comparison reason an ex-post equity risk premium estimate is calculated. Finnish 5-year Government Bond yield is used as a risk-free rate input in both methods.
In the theoretical background section of the study the interpretations ex-ante and ex-post equity risk premium are clarified and the models used in empirical part are derived. The data includes stock prices, earnings and earnings forecasts of all the companies that were listed in the Helsinki Stock Exchanges main list 1999-2002.
During 1999 and 2002 the ex-ante equity risk premium has been on average 4.97 percent.
In the theoretical background section of the study the interpretations ex-ante and ex-post equity risk premium are clarified and the models used in empirical part are derived. The data includes stock prices, earnings and earnings forecasts of all the companies that were listed in the Helsinki Stock Exchanges main list 1999-2002.
During 1999 and 2002 the ex-ante equity risk premium has been on average 4.97 percent.