Simulation Process for Wind Power Systems
Kolbasi, Ibrahim Yigit (2012)
Kolbasi, Ibrahim Yigit
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Wind Power Systems are one of the most used and developing renewable energy systems across the world. Diminishing oil and gas reserves worldwide, and the increment in supplying prices of these reserves cause a nebulous future for the future’s energy production. As a result, the importance of wind power systems becomes bigger. The aim of this thesis is to prepare a wind map of the Kalajoki-Raahe-Oulainen region, which is located on the northwest coast of Finland. There are some wind power projects continuing in the region, and there will be more of them according to future plans. Etha Ab, which is the company that gave me the opportunity of working in this field, is involved in some of these projects. Firstly, the European as well as the worldwide market shows a huge increase in total installed capacities. Secondly, the techniques underlying wind power systems have a great effect on energy production from wind gusts. Thirdly, simulation models are inevitable computer programs necessary in making decisions concerning both wind farm area selection, and the locations of turbines, to produce maximum energy on these farms.
The case study in this thesis has been prepared by AWS openWind wind farm design software. The results show that the Kalajoki-Raahe-Oulainen region has better wind speeds at hub height, compared to average Finnish winds. However, the free spaces are not many due to environmental limitations. There are towns in the region, which contain many residents. Nevertheless, the results do not prove that the goals of the ongoing and planned projects in the region are incorrect. The Finnish Wind Power Association has expressed that by 2020, the total installed capacity is aimed to be increased to an approximate 2.3 GW. As of 2011, the total capacity is 197 MW, and the planned projects show that the 2020 goal can be reached, if the projects are prepared with consideration to environmental factors. The results of the case study agree with this statement.
The case study in this thesis has been prepared by AWS openWind wind farm design software. The results show that the Kalajoki-Raahe-Oulainen region has better wind speeds at hub height, compared to average Finnish winds. However, the free spaces are not many due to environmental limitations. There are towns in the region, which contain many residents. Nevertheless, the results do not prove that the goals of the ongoing and planned projects in the region are incorrect. The Finnish Wind Power Association has expressed that by 2020, the total installed capacity is aimed to be increased to an approximate 2.3 GW. As of 2011, the total capacity is 197 MW, and the planned projects show that the 2020 goal can be reached, if the projects are prepared with consideration to environmental factors. The results of the case study agree with this statement.