A Kind of Change Management Method for Global Value Chain Optimization and Its Case Study
Xiong, Guangyu; Wu, Huaiyu; Helo, Petri; Shang, Xiuqin; Xiong, Gang; Qin, Rui; Wang, Fei-Yue (2021-04-02)
Xiong, Guangyu
Wu, Huaiyu
Helo, Petri
Shang, Xiuqin
Xiong, Gang
Qin, Rui
Wang, Fei-Yue
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Any successful change in an organization requires an appropriate change management method and a process for involved staff and department to accept the change and become engaged in order to achieve its success. It is even more important and difficult to adopt a novel change management method to bring multiple organizations across the business value chain into the change implementation. This research does not focused on change management within a single organization but rather emphasizes a change management method, including an appropriate change framework, well-defined critical success factors (CSFs), and related tools for implementing change in multiple organizations. This article introduces one kind of change management method to support a process change through global value chain (GVC) in multiple organizations, and the method is used in a case study to achieve a successful change. In order to succeed in optimizing GVC performance, this research applies the proposed change management method to the case GVC, to support technical change by obtaining the staff's full commitment and engagement. The achieved results from the case study prove that successful change comes not only through technical solutions implemented in the problem process throughout the GVC but also through strong support and engagement from all organizations and involved staff. The proposed change management method not only helped the case GVC to implement change successfully but also can help the relevant multiple organizations to improve the GVC performance and add value by optimizing their problem process.
- Artikkelit [3019]