Green Care – Värt att pröva på : Naturligt stöd för livet (LuoNa) -projektets erfarenhet-er och centrala resultat
Ylilauri, Martta
Vaasan yliopisto
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Den här projektrapporten sammanfattar centrala resultat av Luonnollista tukea elämään - Naturligt stöd för livet-projektet (LuoNa), som genomfördes i Österbotten och Mellersta Österbotten under tiden 12/2017 – 8/2021. Vasa universitet tillsammans med Yrkeshögskolan Centria, Mellersta Österbottens utbildningskoncern (Kpedu) och Naturresursinstitutet (Luke) fungerade som huvudaktörer i projektet. Syftet med Lu-oNa projektet var att utveckla nya servicemodeller som baserar sig på hälsoeffekter av naturen i synnerhet för klientgrupper i behov av särskilt stöd tillsammans med Green Care-företagarna i Österbottens och Mellersta Österbottens områden. Rap-porten beskriver de erfarenheter och centrala resultat som uppnåtts under projektet genom goda regionala exempel om olika verksamhetsformer. Servicemodeller har testats i många olika miljöer som i skogs- och skärgårdsnatur, på häststall och lantgår-dar. För handledningen i workshopparna ansvarade 23 Green Care-företagare mest med bakgrund som handledare inom socialpedagogisk hästverksamhet, vildmarksgui-der samt företagare inom turism och lantbruk. Man har strävat efter att ordna försök med tjänster i workshoppen i synnerhet för människor som behöver stöd av utomstå-ende för att delta i natur- och djurunderstödd verksamhet. I workshopparna deltog klienter och deras handledare från sammanlagt 21 olika bakgrundsorganisationer och tjänsteförsöken hängde samman med bland annat barnskydd, missbrukarrehabilitering och psykisk rehabilitering, handikapp- och äldreomsorg, specialpedagogik och små-barnspedagogik. Klientgrupper från alla sektorer deltog med tyngdpunkten på kom-muner och samkommuner i projektområdet. Även två församlingar deltog i anordnan-det av workshopen. Rapporten beskriver erfarenheterna från projektets verksamhet, feedback från klienter samt expertbedömningar som gör det möjligt att vidareutveckla Green Care-verksamhet. I slutet diskuteras framtidsutsikterna för Green Care samt representeras rekommendationerna för att utveckla branschen, som utarbetats av en nationell forskargrupp på initiativ av projektet. This project report presents the key results of the Natural Support for Life (LuoNa) -project, which took place between 12/2017 and 8/2021 in Ostrobothnia and Central Ostrobothnia. The project was coordinated by the University of Vaasa and imple-mented in cooperation with Centria University of Applied Sciences, Central Ostro-bothnia Education Group (Kpedu) and Natural Resources institute (Luke).
The objective of the LuoNa-project was to develop new nature-based service models promoting well-being for customer groups in need of special support, in cooperation with Green Care entrepreneurs in the Ostrobothnia and Central Ostrobothnia re-gions. The report describes the experiences and key results gained during the project through regionally and operationally representative examples. Service models have been tested in different environments, including forest and archipelago, horse stables, farms, and other rural environments. 23 Green Care entrepreneurs, who were mainly social pedagogical equestrian instructors, wilderness guides as well as tourism and farm entrepreneurs, were responsible for guiding the workshops. Service experiments conducted as workshops were aimed specifically for those people who need outside support to participate in nature-based or animal-assisted activities. The workshops included clients and their counsellors from a total of 21 different client organizations as service experiments connected with areas such as child protection, substance abuse and mental health rehabilitation, disability and elderly services, special pedagogy and early childhood education. Client groups came from all sectors with a focus on munic-ipalities and municipal federations in the project area. Also, two parishes participated in the execution of the workshops. The report describes the experiences from the activities, client feedback and expert assessments that make it possible to further de-velop Green Care -services. Finally, the future prospects for Green Care are dis-cussed and the recommendations for a broader development of the field are present-ed by a national team of researchers gathered on the initiative of the project.
The objective of the LuoNa-project was to develop new nature-based service models promoting well-being for customer groups in need of special support, in cooperation with Green Care entrepreneurs in the Ostrobothnia and Central Ostrobothnia re-gions. The report describes the experiences and key results gained during the project through regionally and operationally representative examples. Service models have been tested in different environments, including forest and archipelago, horse stables, farms, and other rural environments. 23 Green Care entrepreneurs, who were mainly social pedagogical equestrian instructors, wilderness guides as well as tourism and farm entrepreneurs, were responsible for guiding the workshops. Service experiments conducted as workshops were aimed specifically for those people who need outside support to participate in nature-based or animal-assisted activities. The workshops included clients and their counsellors from a total of 21 different client organizations as service experiments connected with areas such as child protection, substance abuse and mental health rehabilitation, disability and elderly services, special pedagogy and early childhood education. Client groups came from all sectors with a focus on munic-ipalities and municipal federations in the project area. Also, two parishes participated in the execution of the workshops. The report describes the experiences from the activities, client feedback and expert assessments that make it possible to further de-velop Green Care -services. Finally, the future prospects for Green Care are dis-cussed and the recommendations for a broader development of the field are present-ed by a national team of researchers gathered on the initiative of the project.