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OSUVA [14629]
Artikkelit [2803]
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Vaasan yliopiston julkaisut [626]
Väitöskirjat [497]
  • Sustainable human resource management and job satisfaction—Unlocking the power of organizational identification : A cross-cultural perspective from 54 countries 

    Wojtczuk‐Turek, Agnieszka; Turek, Dariusz; Edgar, Fiona; Klein, Howard J.; Bosak, Janine; Okay‐Somerville, Belgin; Fu, Na; Raeder, Sabine; Jurek, Paweł; Lupina‐Wegener, Anna; Dvorakova, Zuzana; Gutiérrez‐Crocco, Francisca; Kekkonen, Aleksandra; Leiva, Pedro I.; Mynaříková, Lenka; Sánchez‐Apellániz, Mercedes; Shafique, Imran; Al‐Romeedy, Bassam Samir; Wee, Serena; Dunlop, Patrick; Stinglhamber, Florence; Caesens, Gaëtane; Caldana, Adriana; Sticca, Marina Greghi; Vasilev, Valentin; Lauzier, Martin; Desjardins, Guillaume; Zhang, Gangfeng; Tan, Le; Galvez‐Sierra, Lady Brigitte; Pérez, Erico Rentería; Goić, Srećko; Tadić, Ivana; Charvátová, Dagmar; Botek, Marek; Jensen, Dorthe Høj; Rojas, Dayamy Lima; Ramos, Segundo Gonzalo Pazmay; Masso, Piret; Järlström, Maria; Gillet, Nicolas; Huyghebaert‐Zouaghi, Tiphaine; Robakidze, Maia; Martskvishvili, Khatuna; Dorrough, Angela R.; Jekel, Marc; Häffner, Carolin; Sevincer, A. Timur; Kekesi, Elias Kodjo; Agyemang, Collins Badu; Apospori, Eleni; Jose, Jerin; Salendu, Alice; Etikariena, Arum; Susianto, Harry; Sjabadhyni, Bertina; Malayeri, Shera; Seydi, Masoumeh; Kinahan, Mary; Lisak, Alon; Mariani, Marco Giovanni; Salvati, Marco; Moscatelli, Silvia; Crapolicchio, Eleonora; Manzi, Claudia; Shimazu, Akihito; Ikeda, Hiroshi; Žukauskienė, Rita; Kaniušonytė, Goda; Catania, Gottfried; Lauri, Mary Anne; Gómez, Sergio Manuel Madero; Fernando, Denise; Veth, Klaske; Dhakal, Sandesh; Podgorodnichenko, Nataliya; Lawal, Abiodun; Duhović Hafstad, Marius; Reategui, Ana; Tristán, Oswaldo Morales; Edralin, Divina M.; Schmitz, Susana; Neto, Joana; Neto, Félix; Popov, Boris; Đorđević, Jasna Milošević; Mihić, Vladimir; Kalistova, Anna; Piterová, Ivana; Mayer, Claude‐Hélène; Molina, María José Charlo; Ranasinghe, Ruwan; Nakchedi‐Ooft, Tesora; Sobhie, Rosita; Matteo, Mösli; Chavanovanich, Jennifer; Petchthip, Narumol; Karabati, Serdar; Akbaş, Gülçin; Turkoglu, Beril; Shkoda, Tetiana; Savych, Oleksandr; Mosanya, Magdalena; de León, Pablo Pérez; Labarthe‐Carrara, Javier; Phelps, Ceri; Sullivan, Katie; Hutchings, Paul; Danilewicz, Dariusz; Łabędzki, Rafał; Karamustafa‐Köse, Güldem (ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 10.05.2024)
    Sustainable human resource management is gaining importance in organizations due to its role in developing a sustainable work environment and well-being. This paper discusses the relationship between employee perceptions ...
  • Innovation and Conservatism in Ethics Policies in Europe : The Case of Disclosure Policies 

    Demmke, Christoph; Rouet, Gilles; Raytcheva, Stela; Côme, Thierry (Springer, 12.09.2024)
    Ethics policies are fluid policies: Whereas new ethical challenges constantly emerge, others decrease or even disappear at the same time. Whereas integrity policies are expanding and deepening, they also focus on individual ...
  • Cyber-physical attack and the future energy systems : A review 

    Diaba, Sayawu Yakubu; Shafie-khah, Miadrezah; Elmusrati, Mohammed (Elsevier, 06.09.2024)
    As the world increasingly relies on interconnected energy systems, the threat of cyber-physical attacks on these vital infrastructures has escalated, posing significant challenges to the security and reliability of future ...
  • FuzzyLogic.jl : A Flexible Library for Efficient and Productive Fuzzy Inference 

    Ferranti, Luca; Boutellier, Jani (IEEE, 09.11.2023)
    This paper introduces FuzzyLOGIC.JL, a Julia library to perform fuzzy inference. The library is fully open-source and released under a permissive license. The core design principles of the library are: user-friendliness, ...
  • Towards Precision Positioning For Smart Logistics Using Ultra Wide-Band Systems and LEO Satellite-Based Technologies 

    Elsanhoury, Mahmoud (Vaasan yliopisto, 23.09.2024)
    The modern technological era relies heavily on smart systems and smart operations such as smart manufacturing, smart logistics, and smart shipping. They are the core ingredients of Industry 4.0 and the internet of things ...
  • Methods of concept analysis - a comparative study (part 1 of 3) 

    Nuopponen, Anita (Copenhagen Business School, 2010)
    This article is the first one in a series of three articles, which focus on methods of concept analysis and discuss how terminological concept analysis methods could be developed as more generally applicable research ...
  • Organisaation hyvä tietoturvan sääntelyjärjestelmä 

    Andersson, Jenna (Vaasan yliopisto, 26.09.2024)
    Tietoturvallisuuden merkitys on kasvanut teknologian kehittymisen, digitalisoitumisen ja globalisaation myötä. Kybertoimintaympäristöömme kohdistuu uhkia, joilla on merkittäviä vaikutuksia organisaatioiden toimintaan, ...
  • Generating and Financing Growth : Essays on Intangible Capital, Entrepreneurship, and Capital Structure in Finnish SMEs 

    Norkio, Antti (Vaasan yliopisto, 30.09.2024)
    This doctoral dissertation contains three essays focusing on both the role of intangible capital (IC) and entrepreneurship in growth firms and the dynamics of their capital structure. IC is measured using an occupation-based ...
  • Organizational Capacities for Change : Insights from Finnish Healthcare Reform 

    Sinervo, Lotta-Maria; Laihonen, Harri; Kork, Anna-Aurora; Morales-Alonso, Gustavo; Schiuma, Giovanni (IKAM - Institute of Knowledge Asset Management, 2024)
    Healthcare systems in many countries are under pressure for renewal due, for instance, to demographic changes or service delivery fragmentation. This paper focuses on organizational capacities for change by illustrating ...
  • Käyttäjälähtöinen käytettävyyden heuristinen arviointi : Tarkastelussa toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä (ERP) 

    Rekilä, Hanne (11.09.2024)
    Pro gradu -tutkielma
    Pro-gradu tutkielmassa tarkastellaan käyttäjälähtöistä käytettävyyden heuristista arviointia. Heuristinen arviointi on tarkoitettu alun perin asiantuntijoiden käyttöön käytettävyyden tutkimi-sessa, mutta sitä on käytetty ...

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