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Aineistot 41-60 / 15056
The persuasion of performative technologies : constructing calculating selves in universities
(Emerald, 23.02.2024)
articlePurpose This paper aims to investigate the process by which performative technologies (PTs), in this case accreditation work in a business school, take form and how humans engage in making up such practices. It studies ... -
Push and pull factors affecting in leaving academia
(Springer Nature, 07.02.2024)
articleThis paper presents the findings of the push and pull factors that cause professionals to leave academia. Previous research has mostly focused on academic professionals’ intent to leave their current organisations and ... -
Kolmen korkeakoulun opinnäytetyöpajat – Case: Tritonia
(Suomen tieteellinen kirjastoseura, 11.12.2024)
articleOpinnäytetyöpajat ovat olleet osa Tritonian tukipalveluita Vaasan yliopiston toiminnassa viisi vuotta. Pian työpajat ovat osa jokaisen Tritonian kehysorganisaation palveluita. -
Managing the retention of key employees in international acquisitions : a multiple case study
(Inderscience Publishers, 09.11.2024)
articleHow do we retain key employees in international acquisitions? Drawing from international business and human resource management literature, this study develops an integrated conceptual framework that identifies the factors ... -
A Way Forward
(Palgrave Macmillan, 05.12.2024)
bookPartThis book comprises fourteen articles that explore the concept of information resilience from various complementary perspectives. Together, they underscore the concept’s diversity and complexity, presenting information ... -
Synergizing energy investments, environmental taxation, and innovative technology within carbon neutrality targets of E7 bloc: Do institutional pathways and structural changes matter?
(Elsevier, 16.12.2024)
articleCarbon neutrality targets are laudable goals among all and sundry. However, the pathways to these goals remain a subject for broad discussion in the environmental debates. We explore how a more sustainable environment can ... -
Vastaväittäjänä väitöstilaisuudessa: miten vahvistaa väitöksen vuorovaikutusta?
(Prologos ry, 10.06.2024)
article -
Insights for Opponents on fostering interaction in the public defence of a doctoral dissertation
(Prologos ry, 06.05.2024)
articleThe public defence of a doctoral dissertation is a multifaceted, demanding interaction situation, in which the Doctoral Candidate and the Opponent have a conversation about the Candidate’s doctoral disser-tation. The public ... -
Tekoäly ja etiikka viestintäjohtajan työssä
(ProCom – Viestinnän ammattilaiset ry, 08.06.2024)
bookPartTekoäly tuo viestintäjohtajan työhön uusia eettisiä kysymyksiä. Artikkelissa havainnollistetaan tekoälyn eettisten kysymysten kirjoa ja tarkastellaan viestintäjohtajan roolia muutoksessa – ei vain tekoälysovellusten ... -
Organisaatio Luhmannin autopoieettisen systeemiteorian mukaan tulkittuna
(Hallinnon tutkimuksen seura, 13.08.2024)
articleOrganization interpreted according to Luhmann’s autopoietic systems theory The theory describes systems that reproduce their unity recursively through their own operations. This is autopoiesis. As social systems ... -
Confronting and alleviating AI resistance in the workplace : An integrative review and a process framework
(Elsevier, 30.12.2024)
articleThis study involves an integrative literature review and a process framework explaining the mechanisms to confront and alleviate employee Artificial intelligence (AI) resistance in organizations. First, we conceptualize ... -
Media-based climate risks and international corporate bond market
(Elsevier, 24.12.2024)
articleWe examine the impact of the media-based climate risks, grouped into physical and transition risk categories, on the international corporate bond market in the period from 2012 to 2022. We analyze the following aspects: ... -
Servant Leadership Research in Emerging Economies : An overview
(Springer, 31.12.2024)
bookPartServant leadership is a leadership style characterized by service to the subordinates. An important tenet of servant leadership is that servant leaders transcend their own interests for the interests of the community/mem ... -
Signaling Collective Action in Ecosystems
(Academy of Management, 05.12.2024)
articleCollective action can turn individuals into communities or ecosystems that solve complex problems together. The advent of decentralization technologies (e.g., blockchain) has enabled tools that help coordinate collective ... -
Effort and reward as a mechanism linking leader-member exchange with work engagement
(Taylor & Francis, 22.12.2024)
articleLeader-member exchange (LMX) theory consentrates on the unique dyadic relationships between leaders and followers. Consistent evidence associates LMX relationships to employee work engagement, but research on the mechanisms ... -
Importance to establish and deploy technical management processes to support organizations : A case study
(SAGE Publications, 23.02.2024)
articleDue to today’s intense competition and rapid changes in the market, organizations must concentrate on their process management to improve their effectiveness to be able to respond quickly. Studies have shown that organizations ... -
GreenCompass - A self-assessment tool for fostering integration of green skills
(European Academy of Sciences and Arts, 19.09.2024)
articleIn today's ever-evolving landscape, fostering green skills emerges as a paramount endeavour, a beacon of progress towards a green(er) future. Within this transformative journey, this paper unveils a blueprint for organizations ... -
The scope of demand-driven material requirements planning in operative purchasing of a multi-national company : A case study
(SAGE Publications, 26.11.2024)
articleThe objective of this study is to address existing study gaps by defining what materials are demand-driven material requirements planning (DDMRP) suitable and building a tool that helps to identify such materials. The ... -
Automation in purchasing order through items classifications : a case study in Finland
(Taylor & Francis, 08.12.2024)
articleThe aims of this study are to analyse the procurement process of a case company in Finland and to find ways to improve both the inventory level and purchasing efficiency. This study adopted both theoretical and empirical ... -
Bibliometrinen katsaus oikeustieteellisiin julkaisuihin vuosina 2010–2023 : trendit, määrät ja tutkijat
(Edita Publishing, 01.11.2024)
articleBibliometriikkaa hyödynnetään laajasti eri tieteenaloilla, kun tarkastellaan tieteenalan tuottaman kirjallisuuden määrällisen analyysin keinoin. Tällöin mitataan ja arvioidaan tieteellistä tuotantoa muun muassa julkaisujen, ...