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A common component of Fama and French factor variances
(Elsevier, 24.09.2024)
articleThis is the first study that explicitly explores the risk of the Fama and French equity factors in terms of their realized variances. Our results show that realized factor variances exhibit strong power-law behavior. A ... -
A finite-time singularity in the dynamics of the US equity market: Will the US equity market eventually collapse?
(Elsevier, 12.07.2023)
articleFitting Dow Jones 30 index data for the 1790–1999 period into a log-periodic power-law singularity (LPPLS) model, the seminal paper by Johansen and Sornette (2001) was the first to show that the US equity growth rate is ... -
A Fractal and Comparative View of the Memory of Bitcoin and S&P 500 Returns
(Elsevier, 23.06.2023)
articleThe majority of previous studies used autocorrelation-based methodologies to explore the dependency structure for Bitcoin, but this paper follows Benoit Mandelbrot in taking a fractal point of view. This perspective showed ... -
A Fractal View on Losses Attributable to Scams in the Market for Initial Coin Offerings
(MDPI, 05.12.2022)
articleAnalogous to traditional Initial Public Offerings (IPO), Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) represent an emerging channel through which firms can access external funding using the new evolving digital financial market for tokens. ... -
A multifractal model of asset (in)variances
(Elsevier, 21.04.2023)
articleThis study extends Mandelbrot’s (2008) multifractal model of asset returns to model realized variances across different time frequencies. In a comparative manner, various degrees of time deformations are explored for ... -
A new approach to identifying high-tech manufacturing SMEs with sustainable technological development : Empirical evidence
(Elsevier, 26.05.2022)
articleIndustry 4.0 has already become part of the world's largest manufacturers and is beginning to influencing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through the supply chain. High-tech industries, such as pharmaceuticals, ... -
A Race for Long Horizon Bankruptcy Prediction
(Taylor & Francis, 27.02.2020)
articleThis study compares the accuracy and efficiency of five different estimation methods for predicting financial distress of small and medium-sized enterprises. We apply different methods for a large set of financial and ... -
A review of the limitations of financial failure prediction research
(Universidad de Murcia, 01.07.2023)
articleThe objective of this paper is to critically evaluate the main weaknesses associated with the limitations of financial failure prediction research studies. For more than 80 years, researchers have unsuccessfully studied ... -
A universal exponent governing foreign exchange rate risks
(Elsevier, 29.06.2024)
articleDeparting from previous studies, this paper uses power laws to model foreign exchange rate risks in terms of realized foreign exchange rate (FX) variances for daily and weekly data. Empirical tests based on daily data ... -
A Way Forward
(Palgrave Macmillan, 05.12.2024)
bookPartThis book comprises fourteen articles that explore the concept of information resilience from various complementary perspectives. Together, they underscore the concept’s diversity and complexity, presenting information ... -
Accounting for intangibles and intellectual capital : a literature review from 2000 to 2020
(WileyAccounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand, 22.01.2021)
articleThis article presents the results of a systematic literature review on intangibles and intellectual capital (IC) focusing on articles published in the top 20 accounting journals between 2000 and 2020. We find that North ... -
Accounting for intangibles: a critical review
(Emerald, 08.02.2024)
articlePurpose In 2000, Cañibano et al. published a literature review entitled “Accounting for Intangibles: A Literature Review”. This paper revisits the conclusions drawn in that paper. We also discuss the intervening developments ... -
Accounting in Identity Regulation : Producing the Appropriate Worker
(Taylor & Francis, 17.11.2021)
articleIt is acknowledged that identity regulation in organizations relies on discursive resources. This study moves beyond discourse – illustrating how discourse and accounting measurements are mobilized together in revising ... -
Achieving net-zero emission target in Africa : Are sustainable energy innovations and financialization crucial for environmental sustainability of sub-Saharan African state?
(Elsevier, 06.04.2024)
articleFollowing the rising importance of energy transition in the environmental sustainability discussion, it is imperative to understand the roles of sustainable energy innovations and financialization to reach informed inferences ... -
Acquisition determinants of energy SPACs : Reflecting a closed group?
(Elsevier, 16.05.2023)
articleSpecial Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPAC) as acquisition funders are now under investors scrutiny due to challenging market dynamics and pressure from regulators. Given the sustainability-related importance of energy ... -
Advancing COP26 climate goals : Leveraging energy innovation, governance readiness, and socio-economic factors for enhanced climate resilience and sustainability
(Elsevier, 16.11.2023)
articleClimate change adaptation and mitigation remain critical to achieving sustainable development while reducing climate vulnerability, particularly among climate-exposed and sensitive regions. Yet, achieving a balance between ... -
Age, gender, and risk-taking : Evidence from the S&P 1500 executives and market-based measures of firm risk
(Wiley, 10 / 2021)
articleThis paper contributes to the literature by examining whether the age and gender of the firm's top executives influence market-based measures of firm risk. Using data on the S&P 1500 firms, we document that chief executive ... -
Aineeton pääoma Suomessa edistämässä teknologista muutosta – kasvun haasteet
(Kansantaloudellinen yhdistys, 15.12.2024)
articleSuomen talous kestää kilpailukykyvertailun etenkin, kun aineettoman pääoman laatu otetaan huomioon. Suomessa aineettoman pääoman työntekijöiden määrä on noin 10 % työntekijöistä, joka on jonkin verran alhaisempi kuin muissa ... -
Alkoholiverolaki pähkinänkuoressa
(Edita Publishing, 23.11.2023)
articleTässä artikkelissa tehdään kokonaiskatsaus alkoholi- ja alkoholijuomaverosta annetun lain esille nostamiin oikeudellisiin ongelmiin sekä syvennytään lainopillisiin ongelmiin eli siihen, miten alkoholiverolakia on tulkittu ... -
An analysis of comment letters on a new, stand-alone standard for audits of less complex entities’ financial statements
(Emerald, 31.05.2023)
articlePurpose The objective of this paper is to extend the debate on audit quality in the less complex entity (LCE) context by analyzing comment letters submitted to the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board ...