OSUVA - Selaus nimekkeen mukaan

Aineistot 9457-9476 / 14037

    • Scholarly Knowledge Communication in Organisational Decision-Making 

      Björk, Peter; Kauppinen-Räisänen, Hannele; Hirsto, Heidi; Enell-Nilsson, Mona; Kauppinen-Räisänen, Hannele; Keng, Nicole (VAKKI ry, 31.12.2020)
      This study explored how scholarly knowledge—with a focus on service quality—is used and obtained by business managers in daily practice, and potential barriers to implementing such knowledge in decisionmaking. A qualitative ...
    • School supervision in Finland and Sweden : taking pupils’ rights more seriously? 

      Hakalehto, Suvianna; Mäntylä, Niina; Refors Legge, Maria (eddy.se, 2022)
      Utbildning är en väsentlig del av unga individers liv och välfärd i samhället. Denna artikel analyserar skillnader och likheter mellan det finska och svenska systemet för tillsyn över hur barns och elevers rättigheter ...

      Rautanen, Atte (2018)
      Beside new design and better performance, product development of low voltage switches should focus on manufacturing easiness, product quality and possibilities for customer’s variation. The target of this thesis is to study ...
      Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.
    • Scrum in a business development organization : Case study from the financial sector 

      Währn, Marika (27.08.2019)
      Pro gradu -tutkielma
      Context – Organizations are transforming ways of working to different agile methodologies to answer to the never-ending change and growing demand from customers. The different agile methodologies aim to speed the development ...
    • Scrum in the company X 

      Laatikainen, Kristiina (2013)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      Research: The traditional Waterfall development method is not very successful in today’s volatile world. Now when agile methods like Scrum are coming into the mainstream of software organizations, the need for evidence on ...
      Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.
    • "Se jää ottamatta se, yhteiskehittämisen askel..." : Erikoissairaanhoidon potilasfoorumien tarkastelua yhteisluomisen näkökulmasta 

      Kesola, Marjo Elina Marjatta (12.05.2023)
      Pro gradu -tutkielma
      VAASAN YLIOPISTO Johtamisen akateeminen yksikkö Tekijä: Marjo Kesola Tutkielman nimi: ”Se jää ottamatta se, yhteiskehittämisen askel...” : Erikoissairaanhoidon potilasfoorumien tarkastelua yhteisluomisen näkökulmast ...
    • "Se nyt vaan on tyhmää ostaa liikaa". Vastamainoksen ideologisuus ja intertekstuaalinen suhde mainokseen 

      Tehomaa, Outi (2006)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      Tutkielmani tavoitteena on hahmottaa vastamainoksen luonnetta ideologisesta ja intertekstuaalisesta näkökulmasta. Ideologisesta näkökulmasta tutkin vastamainoksen kriittisyyttä kulutuskulttuuria ja sen ilmiöitä kohtaan ja ...
    • "Se on vanhanaikainen se asetelma, ettei talous kuuluisi taiteeseen. Kuvataiteilijan ja talouden suhteesta. 

      Heikkilä, Heini (2008)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      Tämä tutkimus käsittelee kuvataiteen ja markkinatalouden mutkikasta suhdetta. Tutkimuksessa on selvitetty, mitä edellytyksiä yritysten ja kuvataiteilijoiden yhteistyölle on ja millä edellytyksillä taiteilijat itse toimivat ...
    • Seabed sediment : a natural seasonal heat storage feasibility study 

      Mäkiranta, Anne; Martinkauppi, Birgitta; Hiltunen, Erkki (Estonian Agricultural University, Faculty of Agronomy, 2017)
      The new discovery among renewable energy resources, seabed sediment, has been utilised as a heat source for 42 houses in Vaasa since 2008. Sediment heat is annually loaded by the Sun. In this study the amount of annually ...
    • Seabed Sediment as an Annually Renewable Heat Source 

      Mäkiranta, Anne; Martinkauppi, Birgitta; Hiltunen, Erkki; Lieskoski, Mauri (MDPI, 15.02.2018)
      Thermal energy collected from the sediment layer under a water body has been suggested for use as a renewable heat source for a low energy network. A prototype system for using this sediment energy was installed in Suvilahti, ...
    • Seafood traceability systems: Case Tracey - your traceability and trade data companion 

      Marttila, Jarno (24.11.2020)
      Pro gradu -tutkielma
      Traceability of perishables such as food products is important for end-consumer food safety and operational efficiency of supply chains. Regulatory and market requirements have been driving the development and adoption of ...
    • Searching for a suitable patent system for Finnish SMEs 

      Neffling, Greta (23.04.2023)
      Pro gradu -tutkielma
      Suomalaiset pienet ja keskisuuret yritykset (pk-yritykset) haluavat olla mukana maailmanlaajuisessa teknologisessa kehityksessä ja kasvattaa liiketoimintaansa erilaisten innovaatioiden avulla. Näitä innovaatioita pitää ...
    • Searching For Binding Constraints of Economic Growth: Tanzania Case Study 

      Pohjola, Tuuli (2015)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      The objective of this master’s thesis is to find constraints that are binding sustainable economic development in Tanzania by using the Growth Diagnostics approach, developed by Ricardo Hausmann, Dani Rodrik and Andrés ...
      Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.
    • Searching for patterns of innovative public service delivery : Institutional design in Finnish public sector context 

      Tuurnas, Sanna; Jäppinen, Tuula; Pekkola, Elias; Pinheiro, Rómulo; Trondal, Jarle (Fagbokforlaget Vigmostad & Bjørke, 21.12.2021)
      Red Comrades Save the Galaxy is one of the most popular adventure game series from the early period of game development in Russia in the late 1990s. It presents adventures of characters borrowed from the century-long ...
    • Searching for returns - Investor attention in the Nordic stock market 

      Saario, Anna (2017)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      During the most recent decade, several studies have found the applicability of Google search volume information to research. In financial market research, the relationship between Google search volumes and stock returns ...
      Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.
    • Seaside Renewable Energy Resources Literature Review 

      Girgibo, Nebiyu Wolde (MDPI, 18.10.2022)
      This review paper describes seaside renewable energy resources. The motivation and need behind this work are to give background literature on the use of climate change effects as a resource support for shallow geothermal-energy ...
    • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Effect on Stock Market. Evidence from Swedish Stock Market 

      Dimitrova, Yana (2015)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      In general the theory of finance assumes that the markets are efficient, but behavioral finance concept shows that markets are not efficient due to deviations known as anomalies. This study focuses on a seasonal anomaly ...
    • Seasonal affective disorder and investors' response to profit warnings 

      Pelkonen, Juuso (2018)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      A listed company must publish a profit warning if its profit or financial position differs substantially from its expected profit or financial position. I examine how seasonal affective disorder (SAD) affects investors’ ...
    • Seasonal Affective Disorder on the Stock Market: Nordic Evidence 

      Malinen, Rasmus (2016)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) causes seasonal depression in a part of the population in several countries. It presents itself, when daylight hours decrease and has been found to be more prevalent, when moving away from ...
    • Seasonal Effects on Stock Market Volatility: Evidence from S&P 500 index options 

      Kuittinen, Antti (2008)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      The purpose of this study is to observe seasonal effects in volatility implied by the option prices. If seasonal effects are found in the data, then it confirms the efficient market theory, as the risk changes over time ...
      Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.