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A Blockchain-Based Mutual Authentication Method to Secure the Electric Vehicles’ TPMS
(IEEE, 15.03.2023)
articleDespite the widespread use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and wireless connectivity such as Near Field Communication (NFC) in electric vehicles, their security and privacy implications in Ad-Hoc networks have not ... -
A blockchain-based resilient and secure framework for events monitoring and control in distributed renewable energy systems
(John Wiley & SonsThe Institution of Engineering and Technology, 22.06.2024)
article -
A Business Model Incorporating Harmonic Control as a Value-added Service for Utility-owned Electricity Retailers
(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 13.06.2019)
articleWith the deepening of electricity market reform in China, the competition in the electricity retail market becomes increasingly intense. Electricity retailers (ERs) need to explore new business models to enhance their ... -
“A Cage or Really a Door?” A Psychoanalytic Study of the Trickster-Father in David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest
Pro gradu - tutkielmaTämän tutkimuksen kohteena on David Foster Wallacen Infinite Jest (1996) -romaanin isähahmo, James Incandenza. Incandenzassa on merkittävää se, että hän luo elokuvan nimeltä ’Infinite Jest’, jonka huhutaan olevan niin ... -
A Case Study in Social Manufacturing : From Social Manufacturing to Social Value Chain
(MDPI, 26.10.2022)
articleA new manufacturing mode, called social manufacturing, has been developing widely, and employed in many enterprises across the business value chain in recent years. Faced with this increasing dynamic, both enterprises and ... -
A Case Study of NGO’s Profit-Seeking Business Model in the Microfinance Sector in Emerging Markets
Pro gradu -tutkielmaNon-government organizations (NGOs) aim to support people in need through programs that are primarily related to basic human needs. However, in recent years, in many emerging countries, the role and activities of NGOs have ... -
A class of multi-parametric quadratic program with an uncertain objective function
(Elsevier, 12.07.2020)
articleIn this paper we analyze a class of multi-parametric quadratic program (mpQP) with parameters in the objective function. Except for parameters in coefficients associated with the linear term, the coefficient of the quadratic ... -
A Class of Sectorial Relations and the Associated Closed Forms
(Springer Nature, 19.09.2020)
articleLet T be a closed linear relation from a Hilbert space H to a Hilbert space K and let B ∈ B(K) be selfadjoint. It will be shown that the relation T∗(I+iB)T is maximal sectorial via a matrix decomposition of B with respect ... -
A cloud service platform integrating additive and subtractive manufacturing with high resource efficiency
(Elsevier, 20.12.2019)
articleCloud manufacturing has been studied for years, yet commercial implementations are still limited. The recent advances in information technology have stimulated the free sharing of additive and subtractive manufacturing ... -
A combination of active buy-write strategies
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe purpose of this study is to examine active buy-write strategies and whether a dynamic strike price strategy, a volatility risk premium estimation utilizing strategy and a combination of those active strategies can ... -
A common component of Fama and French factor variances
(Elsevier, 24.09.2024)
articleThis is the first study that explicitly explores the risk of the Fama and French equity factors in terms of their realized variances. Our results show that realized factor variances exhibit strong power-law behavior. A ... -
A Comparative Analysis of the Use of Deep Learning and Machine Learning in Weather Forecasting : Using Meteorological Dataset on Vaasa
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis study presents a comparative analysis of two prominent technologies, namely deep learning, and machine learning, in the context of weather forecasting. The main research question is “How can machine learning and deep ... -
A Comparative Evaluation Study of the Stability and Convergence Programs of Six European Union Member States
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe member states of the European Union have common goals with the aim to increase their competitiveness and knowledge through sustainable growth. In order to cope with globalization, Europe has to be innovative and ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Pro gradu - tutkielmaYesterday’s struggle to survive has transformed into a struggle towards happiness and utility. As many seem to believe that mortgage financed owner-occupation is the key to happiness it is important to study how a ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
A Comparative Study on Public Administration Values: Using Changing Doctrines in Interpreting Diversity in Contents of Public Administration Values
Pro gradu - tutkielmaEthics and values are one of the enduring questions of humanity. They treat issues that cover both ideal and practice in guiding the human life on individual as well as collective level. Much of the current research in the ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
A Comparative Study on the Nature of Public Sector Ethics and the Issue of Civil Service Corruption: The Cases of Teachers and Police in Cameroon
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe results to date of civil service ethics and professionalism in Cameroon has been daunting and quite frustrating, thereby leading to the eroding of the prestige and image that the civil servants and the public service ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
A comparison of heuristic portfolio optimization approaches : Risk parity versus mean-variance optimization
Pro gradu -tutkielmaässä tutkielmassa paneudutaan hierarkkisen riskipariteetti-portfolion ja tavanomaisen käänteisvarianssiin perustuvan riskipariteetti-portfolioiden suorituskykyä sijoitustoiminnassa verrattuna ”Markowitz-tyylin” mukaisesti ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
A Comparison of Motivational Patterns in Sustainable Food Consumption between Pakistan and Finland : Duties or Self-Reliance?
(Routledge, 08.09.2020)
articleThis research explores organic food consumption motivations in Pakistan and Finland. It links the findings to life goals typifying vertically collectivistic and horizontally individualistic cultures in order to produce a ... -
A complexity theory perspective on politico-administrative systems : Insights from a systematic literature review
(Taylor & Francis, 05.04.2024)
articleComplexity theory (CT) refers to a collection of concepts and heuristics that can be used to study the developments emerging from interactions between phenomena, actors, and events. CT has increasingly been utilized in the ... -
A comprehensive linear model for demand response optimization problem
(Elsevier, 15.10.2020)
articleDemand Response (DR) is known as an effective solution for many power grid problems such as high operating cost as well as high peak demand. In order to achieve full potential of DR programs, DR must be implemented optimally. ...