OSUVA - Selaus nimekkeen mukaan
Aineistot 14619-14638 / 15138
Women in the Boardroom and Firm Financial Performance: Evidence from the Nasdaq OMX Helsinki firms
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThis study investigates the relationship between female board members in publicly listed companies and firm financial performance. The cross-sectional data set involves 82 publicly listed companies from Nasdaq OMX Helsinki ... -
Women leadership development in local governance in South and Southeast Asia: a critical analysis
(Emerald, 03.10.2023)
articlePurpose The main goal of the study is to participate in academic debates and explore women's leadership and related challenges and opportunities in governance, and the extent to which women’s leadership has been enhanced ... -
Women’s leader-member relationships during pregnancy and the return to work
(Vaasan yliopisto, 2009)
Monografiaväitöskirja -
Word-of-mouth -viestintä virtuaaliyhteisöissä. Kuntoilu-keskusteluiden sisällönanalyysi.
Pro gradu - tutkielmaTämän pro gradu –tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tutkia, miten markkinoinnillisesti relevanttia tietoa välitetään internetin keskusteluryhmissä word-of-mouth –viestinnän avulla. Word-of-mouth –viestintä on tehokas epävirallinen ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
“Wordplay five!” : Comparing the Translation of Wordplay in the Finnish Subtitles of How I Met Your Mother on Netflix and DVD
Pro gradu -tutkielmaSanaleikit ovat mahdollisesti yhtä vanhoja kuin kieli itse. Dirk Delabastitan mukaan sanaleikeissä on mukana vähintään kaksi kielellistä rakennetta, joiden muoto ja merkitys ovat enemmän tai vähemmän samanlaisia, joten ... -
Work and non-work-related antecedents of expatriates' well-being : A meta-analysis
(Elsevier, 29.12.2021)
articleStudies show a reduction in expatriates' well-being while abroad which entails a risk of low performance or even termination of the assignment abroad. To extend the knowledge of antecedents of expatriates' well-being, this ... -
Work Characteristics Needed by Middle Managers When Leading AI-Integrated Service Teams
(SAGE Publications, 13.12.2023)
articleArtificial intelligence (AI) is a significant part of digital transformation that signifies new requirements for middle managers in AI-integrated work contexts. This is particularly evident in financial service industries. ... -
Work engagement and innovative work behavior : NCA analysis
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe rivalry for new products and services has challenged traditional operating methods and increased the pressure for various innovations and the commitment of employees who are excited about their creation. It's no wonder ... -
Work Life Balance of Female International Business Travelers
Pro gradu -tutkielmaToday's globalization has brought with it a strong need for international business travel, which has led to an increase in research on international business travelers. The proportion of women as international business ... -
Work Life Hell in Finnish Social Media Discussions
(VAKKI ry, 31.12.2020)
articleThis article investigates social media discussions regarding a hellish work life. Relevant blogs and discussion chains are analysed in light of characteristics captured from theological models and interpretations of hell. ... -
Work to Life conflicts : A comparison of Self-Initiated Expatriates and Assigned Expatriates.
Pro gradu -tutkielmaInternational organizations have now more than ever a need for qualified and talented people to successfully grow globally. Thus, companies send employees for international assignments. Therefore, there is an increasing ... -
Work well-being of young adults in different phases of the Covid-19 pandemic
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe aim of this Master’s thesis is to explore the work well-being of young adults during different phases of the Covid-19 pandemic and to study how the changes in young adult’s lives caused by the pandemic have affected ... -
Work-life balance in remote working conditions
Pro gradu -tutkielmaKoronapandemian alettua etätyöstä tuli uusi normaali monille työntekijöille ympäri maailmaa. Perinteisestä toimistosta kotitoimistoon siirtyminen oli nopea muutos, johon organisaatiot ja työtekijät eivät olleet täysin ... -
Work-Life Balance Initiatives and their Influence on the Career Development of Women
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe purpose of this paper is to examine the role of work-life balance initiatives on the career development of women, and whether there is a link to be drawn about work-life balance initiatives and the representation of ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Work-to-family enrichment and atmosphere of family meals influence satisfaction with food-related life : An actor-partner interdependence approach in dual-earner parents with adolescent children
(Elsevier, 04 / 2022)
articleThe effects of work-to-family enrichment (WtoFE) have been examined on outcomes such as family and job satisfaction, with scarce research on the potential effects of WtoFE on the food domain. To fill in this gap, the present ... -
Working Capital and Corporate Performance : Empirical Evidence from Three Manufacturing Industries
(06 / 2023)
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis master’s thesis aims to investigate the optimal working capital level for the manufacturing industry in the mining, quarrying, and construction segment between 2013-2021. The sample includes all geographical regions. ... -
Pro gradu -tutkielmaA cycle of working capital should be optimized with a focus on inventory and the cooperation of a given value chain. This would be achieved by the reduction of all the components of working capital, also accounts payables, ... -
Working Capital Management in Stainless Steel Industry: Case AvestaPolarit Oy
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe primary objective for this study was to create benchmark information concerning the case company AvestaPolarit’s and its competitors’ working capital levels, where the main focus was placed on inventory performance. ... -
Working Remotely During the COVID 19-Pandemic: Work and Non-Work Antecedents of Work–Life Balance Development
(Emerald, 19.04.2023)
bookPartThis study investigates work and non-work antecedents for the work–life balance (WLB) development of remote employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. Longitudinal data (N = 1,146, T1; N = 737, T2) was collected in May–June ... -
Working through frame incongruences : A process perspective on (re)framing for digital servitization
(Elsevier, 11.11.2023)
articleIndustrial firms are increasingly seeking new means of competitiveness through digital servitization that involves incorporating digital services and platforms. Despite the growing prominence of digital servitization, we ...