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Aineistot 14579-14598 / 15143
Why Does an Auditor Not Issue a Going Concern Opinion for a Failing Company? Impact of Financial Risk, Time to Bankruptcy, and Cognitive Style
(Scientific Research Publishing, 02 / 2020)
articleThis study investigates the effects of client’s financial risk, time to bankruptcy, and auditor’s cognitive style on issuing a Going Concern Opinion (GCO) for failing companies. Empirical tests are based on financial data ... -
Why hassle moren you got to? : How translation of non-standard speech affects characterization in City of Night
Pro gradu -tutkielmaTämä pro gradu - tutkielma käsittelee romaanin dialogin kääntämistä ja hahmojen karakterisointia puheen perusteella. Tutkimuskysymyksiä olivat: 1) mitä eroavaisuuksia on englanninkielisen lähdetekstin ja suomenkielisen ...Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa. -
Why Is CryptoKitties (Not) Gambling?
(ACM, 2020)
articleCryptoKitties (Axiom Zen 2017) is a pioneering blockchain-based game that disrupts the ‘classic game model’ (Juul 2003; 2013) in a way that turns it into a gambling web application. As previous research has shown, its ... -
Why is it so hard to develop relationships in public procurement? The impact of early interaction
(Örebro University, 2020)
articlePublic procurement research emphasizes the benefits of interacting with potential suppliers early in the public procurement process; that is, in the phase before the tendering. However, how such interaction influences ... -
Why Leaders Fail in Introducing Values-Based Leadership? An Elaboration of Feasible Steps, Challenges, and Suggestions for Practitioners
(Canadian Center of Science and Education (CCSE), 05 / 2012)
articleThe recent debate on modernizing leadership and organizations has placed a strong emphasis on values and ethics. This article elaborates on the benefits and challenges in the integration of values into leadership actions, ... -
Why Millennials Initiate E-WOM? Cultural Comparison of Finland and Russia
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThis study explores motivation of millennials for e-WOM initiation and possible influence of national culture on this motivation. The theoretical part reviews previous studies on motives for WOM, e-WOM and UGC initiation. ... -
DiplomityöThe demand for high mobile data transmission has been dramatically enlarged since there is a significant increase at the number of mobile communication devices that capable of providing high data rates. It is clearly ... -
Wicked game of smart specialization : a player’s handbook
(Taylor & Francis, 29.03.2017)
articleThe objective of this article is to explore the theoretical foundations of a wicked game. The theoretical part is based on the notion of wicked problems, which is developed further. It is also illustrated that the latest ... -
Wicked Problems in Africa : A Systematic Literature Review
(SAGE Publications, 01.07.2021)
articleThe theory of wicked problems, originating from Western academic discussion, has evolved since the 2000s toward a universal diagnostic of societal challenges. In this article, we employ a systematic literature review to ... -
Wide-Area Composite Load Parameter Identification Based on Multi-Residual Deep Neural Network
(IEEE, 09 / 2023)
articleAccurate and practical load modeling plays a critical role in the power system studies including stability, control, and protection. Recently, wide-area measurement systems (WAMSs) are utilized to model the static and ... -
Wiederholung und Variation in deutschen Aufsätzen von finnischsprachigen Gymnasiasten didaktisch betrachtet
Pro gradu - tutkielmaI avhandlingen undersöks upprepning och variation i tyska uppsatser skrivna av finskspråkiga elever i gymnasiets första klass. Undersökningsmaterialet består av totalt 30 tyskspråkiga uppsatser som är skrivna åren 2003, ... -
DiplomityöNavigation has become much easier these days mainly due to advancement in satellite technology. The current navigation systems provide better positioning accuracy but are limited to outdoors. When it comes to the indoor ... -
Wilhelm-grillimakkaran markkinoinnillinen asema
Pro gradu - tutkielmaTutkielman tarkoituksena on pyrkiä löytämään sellaisia asemoinnin tekijöitä, joiden varassa Wilhelm-grillimakkaran myyntiä ja markkinaosuutta pystytään kasvattamaan. Tarkoitukseen pyritään kolmen tavoitteen avulla. ... -
Will financial development and clean energy utilization rejuvenate the environment in BRICS economies?
(Wiley, 20.02.2022)
articleGlobal warming and environmental degradation caused essentially by changes in climate have attracted enormous surveillance considering the menace of its reverberation on the health of humans during the past two decades. ... -
Will Kentucky Route Zero Take You to Twin Peaks? Tracing the Narrative of the American Weird
(Filmiverkko, 02.06.2021)
articleIn this article, I analyze the narrative of Kentucky Route Zero in search of tropes and constructive principles already known from Twin Peaks. I seek to find out how interactivity of the game adds to these tropes and ... -
Will Robots Know That They Are Robots? The Ethics of Utilizing Learning Machines
(Springer, 16.06.2022)
articleThe aspirations for a global society of learning technology are high these days. Machine Learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are two key terms of any socio-political and technological discourse. Both terms ... -
Will they take this offer? A machine learning price elasticity model for predicting upselling acceptance of premium airline seating
(Elsevier, 04 / 2023)
articleEmploying customer information from one of the world's largest airline companies, we develop a price elasticity model (PREM) using machine learning to identify customers likely to purchase an upgrade offer from economy to ... -
Pro gradu - tutkielmaWireless broadband access technologies are rapidly growing and a corresponding growth in the demand of its applicability transcends faster internet access, high speed file download and different multimedia applications ... -
WiMAX Network Planning
DiplomityöWorldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) is a wireless metropolitan area network (WMAN) technology by using the IEEE 802.16 standard. The main purpose of IEEE 802.16 technologies is to provide last-mile ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Wimax Physical Layer: Analysis and Simulation
DiplomityöThe usage of wireless data communication systems such as internet exploring, multimedia up/downloading, VoIP, etc. is very rapidly increasing daily. Faster, more efficient and reliable communication systems are needed to ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.