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Aineistot 1395-1414 / 14681
Can You Trust Your Pose? Confidence Estimation in Visual Localization
(IEEE, 05.05.2021)
articleCamera pose estimation in large-scale environments is still an open question and, despite recent promising results, it may still fail in some situations. The research so far has focused on improving subcomponents of ... -
Cancelled M&A deals and target shareholder returns
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis thesis investigates the effect terminated M&A deals have on the share prices of acquisition targets. The share price development is examined up to 20 days before and 20 days after the deal’s termination announcement ... -
Cancer Modeling-on-a-Chip with Future Artificial Intelligence Integration
(Wiley, 13.11.2019)
articleCancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, despite the large efforts to improve the understanding of cancer biology and development of treatments. The attempts to improve cancer treatment are limited by the ... -
Capacity assessment of Lasse’s quay and the impact of the quay extensions on waiting time by using a digital twin : Case Vaasa Harbour
Pro gradu -tutkielmaLayout changes can be expensive. Especially changes in the layout of ports, such as the construction of new quays or the extension of quays, are often very expensive and the implementation of the construction work often ... -
Capacity withholding assessment of power systems considering coordinated strategies of virtual power plants and generation companies
(Elsevier, 10 / 2022)
articleThis paper presents a multi-level optimization framework for power system operators' joint electricity markets capacity-withholding assessment. The main contribution of this research is that three capacity-withholding ... -
Capital Structure and Firm Performance: Evidence from Emerging Markets
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThis paper investigates the impact of financial leverage on firm performance measured by ROA and ROE in publicly traded enterprises amongst the selected emerging markets, including Brazil, Russia, India and China. Additionally, ... -
Capital Structure in Negative Interest rate Markets
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThis study examines the development of firm capital structures in European negative interest rate markets. This kind of new market phenomenon has not been occurred before in Europe, thus creating an intriguing opportunity ... -
Pro gradu - tutkielmaIn the nowadays highly competitive environment, multinational companies (MNCs) seek for the new sources of sustainable differentiation to outperform other players in the market. Building on the recent knowledge-based view ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Carbon emission allowances and Nordic electricity markets : Linkages and hedging analysis
(Elsevier, 04.09.2024)
articleUnlike previous studies which tend to consider only return linkages between European emission allowances and electricity markets, this paper examines return and volatility linkages between the two markets and importantly ... -
Carbon Footprint Calculation in the Restaurant Sector : Case Friends & Brgrs
DiplomityöThe objective of this case study was to investigate the environmental impact of a Finnish restaurant chain. The purpose was to provide the case company with information about its carbon footprint, how it is caused, and how ...Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa. -
Carbon neutral higher education institutions : a reality check, challenges and solutions
(Emerald, 31.07.2024)
articlePurpose Calculating an organization's carbon footprint is crucial for assessing and implementing emission reductions. Although Finnish higher education institutions (HEIs) aim for carbon neutrality by 2030, limited research ... -
Care robot literacy : integrating AI ethics and technological literacy in contemporary healthcare
(Springer Nature, 25.09.2024)
articleHealthcare work is guided by care ethics, and any technological changes, including the use of robots and artificial intelligence (AI), must comply with existing norms, values and work practices. By bridging technological ... -
Career Capital Development of Highly Skilled Self-Initiated Expatriates
(Palgrave Macmillan, 03.11.2023)
bookPartExisting literature and research on the career impacts of expatriation have focused on expatriates sent abroad by their employers. In turn, the career experiences of other types of global workers (e.g., migrants and ... -
Career decision making among young graduates: Self-initiated expatriation perspective
Pro gradu - tutkielmaInternationalisation and globalisation have changed the way of doing business and there is a growing need for talented and internationally oriented employees. There are more and more companies that have realised that they ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Career Decision Making of Self Initiated Expatriates (SIE): Past, Present and Future Perspectives
Pro gradu - tutkielmaGlobalization and an open economy present worldwide have allowed individuals the possibility to expand their career choices to places other than their home countries. Typically, expatriates have been characterized as ... -
Career Success in Different Countries : Reflections on the 5C Project
(Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 26.05.2018)
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Career success of expatriates : the impacts of career capital, expatriate type, career type and career stage
(Emerald, 21.07.2023)
articleAbstract Purpose This paper investigates whether career capital (CC) development abroad, expatriate type, career type and career stage affect expatriates' career success in terms of perceived marketability and the ... -
Careers in context : an international study of career goals as mesostructure between societies' career-related human potential and proactive career behaviour
(Wiley, 12.11.2019)
articleCareers exist in a societal context that offers both constraints and opportunities for career actors. Whereas most studies focus on proximal individual and/or organisational‐level variables, we provide insights into how ... -
Careers of highly educated self-initiated expatriates : observations from studies among Finnish business professionals
(Springer, Cham, 18.09.2018)
bookPartThis chapter reviews existing literature about the careers of self-initiated expatriates and analyzes the different studies carried out among university level educated Finnish business professionals. A series of studies ... -
Carrock – Otavankalle – Karok. Jämförelse mellan finska och svenska i översättning av ortnamn i J.R.R. Tolkiens The Hobbit och The Fellowship of the Ring
Pro gradu - tutkielmaPro gradu -tutkielmani tavoitteena on selvittää, mitä paikannimien käännösstrategioita käytetään J.R.R. Tolkienin romaanien The Hobbit ja The Fellowship of the Ring suomennoksissa ja ruotsinnoksissa. Vertailen käännösstrategioiden ...