OSUVA - Selaus nimekkeen mukaan
Aineistot 10066-10085 / 15088
Roadmap toward Smart Grids in Hydro and Thermal Power System : A Case study of the Ghanaian Power System
(Ess & Ess Research Publications, 01 / 2020)
articleThe evolution of Smart Grid flings fresh applications and opportunities to enhance the efficiency of power distribution networks. Network operators have the opportunity to make use of different sources of power. Communication ... -
Roads to recovery in remote working. Exploration of the perceptions of energy-consuming elements of remote work and self-promoted strategies toward psychological detachment
(Emerald, 05.09.2023)
articlePurpose This paper examines an employee's recovery process in the remote-working context. It explores which elements of remote work are energy-consuming for employees and what action they can take to instigate the essential ... -
DiplomityöIn recent years, the industrial applications of the wireless transmission of data acquired through sensors have been growing. Addressing the challenges or requirements that come with this needs the integration of new product ... -
Robust Joint Planning of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructures and Distribution Networks
(IEEE, 01.06.2022)
articleThe electric vehicles (EVs) are developed rapidly due to the demand of fossil fuel depletion and environmental pressure. However, as a flexible and clean resource, EV charging is full of uncertainty. With its large-scale ... -
Robust optimization framework for dynamic distributed energy resources planning in distribution networks
(Elsevier, 01.09.2019)
articleThis study relies on a dynamic reliability-based model for distributed energy resources (DER) planning in electric energy distribution networks (EEDN) with the aim of maximizing the profit of EEDN companies by increasing ... -
Robust power management system with generation and demand prediction and critical loads in DC microgrid
(Elsevier, 15.01.2023)
articleIn this paper, a robust power management system (RPMS) for a DC microgrid is proposed. A novel neural network-based scheme is proposed for the PV cells’ generation prediction using ultraviolet (UV) index, temperature, and ... -
Robust Primary Control of Microgrids for Parametric and Topological Uncertainties: A Quest for Resilience
(IEEE, 16.12.2019)
articleIn this paper, a robust droop-based control structure is developed in primary level of a hierarchical control scheme for robust performance and robust stability against parametric and topological uncertainties to 1) improve ... -
Rohkeudesta ja rajojen hallinnasta
(Focus Localis ry, 03.10.2023)
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Roikkuva profiili : selvitys kuusi vuotta tai sitä pidempään opiskelleiden opintojen viivästymisestä
(Vaasan yliopisto, 2005)
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Rokkia ja roskia: festivaalikävijät osana vastuullisen tapahtuman rakentumista
Pro gradu - tutkielmaKuluttajat janoavat yhä enemmän elämyksellisiä kulutuskokemuksia ja tämä näkyy maailmanlaajuisesti erilaisten tapahtumien sekä festivaalien kasvavana määränä. Elämyksellisissä, suuren luokan festivaalitapahtumissa piilevät ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Rokottaako vai eikö rokottaa? Retoriikka ja asiantuntijuus HPV-rokotteeseen liittyvässä kirjoittelussa
Pro gradu - tutkielmaTämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, millaista retoriikkaa ja asiantuntijuuden retoriikkaa käytettiin Suomessa HPV-rokotetta käsitelleissä artikkeleissa syksyllä 2013. Tutkielman hypoteesi on, että sekä ... -
Rokotuskriittiset argumentaatiostrategiat terveysviestinnässä. Tarkastelussa keskustelu Rokotusinfon Facebook-sivulla
Pro gradu - tutkielmaTutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia ovat rokotuksiin kriittisesti suhtautuvien argumentaatiostrategiat pääsääntöisesti rokotusmyönteisellä terveysviestinnän kentällä. Argumentaatiostrategialla tarkoitetaan tässä ... -
Role and effectiveness of international trade shows for SME internationalization; from a network perspective
Pro gradu - tutkielmaA growing number of international trade shows (ITS) have been held over the world and more interest in understanding the role and impact of ITS have raised in academic literature. ITS are regarded as an effective tool ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Role of cultural intelligence and -experience in multicultural teams. Impact on conflict, trust and knowledge share
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThis Master’s thesis study examines how cultural experience (CE) and cultural intelligence (CQ) influence multicultural team behaviour, more specifically their influence on conflict, trust and knowledge share. Due to rapid ... -
Role of Culture in Communication Process and Atmosphere of Business Negotiation: A comparative Analysis of Business Negotiations in CEE and ASEAN Countries from Finnish Firms' Perspective
Pro gradu - tutkielmaIn the research area of cross-cultural business negotiations there are few studies on factors that impact the atmosphere and the communication process of business negotiations. Hence, the interest of this study lies in ... -
Role of Culture in the Finnish-Indian Business Negotiations
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThis research seeks to examine the influences of culture in the face-to-face interaction phase of the business negotiation process between the Indian and the Finnish businessmen. Culture is a complex and intricate phenomena. ... -
Role of Epistemological Assumptions in Knowledge Transfer Process
Pro gradu - tutkielmaKnowledge has been identified as the primary resource which plays a key role in the success of any company. The age of knowledge and the knowledge worker has been heralded by business scholars and economists alike. Thus ... -
Role of experience in leisure travel behaviour
(Vaasan yliopisto, 1992)
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Role of lubricating oil properties in exhaust particle emissions of an off-road diesel engine
(SAE International, 14.04.2020)
articleParticle number emissions from an off-road diesel engine without exhaust after-treatment were studied by using five different heavyduty lubricating oils in the engine. The study extends understanding on how the properties ... -
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe world has been changing towards a point where companies need to be able to respond to market needs faster and more precisely in order to gain competi-tive advantage. In order to fulfil these needs more effectively the ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.