OSUVA - Selaus nimekkeen mukaan
Aineistot 14441-14460 / 15080
W3C web accessibility initiative under the microscope : Identifying assumptions of users and their involvement in digital accessibility design
(Design Research Society, 16.06.2024)
articleIn addition to the well-known Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, Web Accessibility Initiatives (WAI) also provide additional information and best practices for web practitioners on involving users with disabilities in ... -
W3X-moottoreiden suojaus ulkosiirtojen ajaksi
DiplomityöTämän työn tavoitteena on Wärtsilän V31, 32 ja 34 (3X) moottoreiden suojauksen kehittäminen ja parantaminen lyhyen kuljetusvälin aikana. Moottorien suojaaminen on tärkeää lian, pölyn, kosteuden ja muiden epäpuhtauksien ... -
"Was fruchtbar ist, allein ist wahr" Zur Rezeption von Goethes Metamorphose der Pflanzen bei Georg Lakon und Friedrich Gundolf
Pro gradu - tutkielmaDie vorliegende Magisterarbeit widmet sich den Rezeptionen von Lakon und Gundolf über Goethes Prosaabhandlung Versuch die Metamorphose der Pflanze zu erklären. Die entsprechenden Auswertungen der Realisationen werden an ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Was heißt „gut genug“ bei maschinell übersetzten Texten? Eine Studie der Qualität an zwei von DeepL übersetzten Textbeispielen
Pro gradu - tutkielmaMaskinell översättning sker allt oftare med hjälp av artificiell intelligens. Artificiell intelligens som hanterar mänskligt språk kallas Natural Language Processing (NLP), vid maskinell översättning tillämpas flera ... -
“Was it Something I Said?”: Politeness and Face in The League of Gentlemen
Pro gradu - tutkielmaTutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten fiktiiviset henkilöt The League of Gentlemen-komediasarjassa noudattavat kohteliaisuusstrategioita, millä tavoin he käyttävät kieltä välittääkseen (epä)kohteliaita viestejä sekä ... -
Waste fish oil as an alternative renewable fuel for IC engines
(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2021)
articleBio-oils are potential fuels for internal combustion engines because of they have advantageous properties such as biodegradability, renewability, high oxygen content and low sulphur. However, the high viscosity, surface ... -
Waste heat recovery : bottoming cycle alternatives
(Vaasan yliopisto, 2012)
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Waste management : relevance to environmental sustainability
(Inderscience Enterprises, 03.06.2019)
articleWaste generation and its management present universal challenges related to negative impacts on the environment. Municipal solid waste generation in large quantities on daily basis constitutes serious environmental problems. ... -
Waste plastic pyrolysis oils as diesel fuel blending components : Detailed analysis of combustion and emissions sensitivity to engine control parameters
(Elsevier, 05.12.2024)
articleEfforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure energy security have led to increased interest in renewable energy technologies, particularly pyrolysis for converting waste into fuel. This study examines the use of ... -
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe impact of waste on human, water bodies and the environment are as a result of human activities. Ghana over the years is faced with waste challenges and thus, the need to offer pragmatics measures on waste management ... -
Water-smart circular economy : Conceptualisation, transitional policy instruments and stakeholder perception
(Elsevier, 01.02.2022)
articleThe Circular Economy (CE) is a concept that has gained considerable global attention during the past decade amongst private and public sector actors, politicians and policymakers, citizens and media, and scientific ... -
(Suomen tieteellinen kirjastoseura, 2018)
articleKirjoittajat osallistuivat Liberin arkkitehtuuriryhmän järjestämään liber lag -seminaariin Itävallassa Wienissä 18.-20.4. Seminaarissa esiteltiin arkkitehtonisiksi maamerkeiksi suunniteltuja vaikuttavia kirjastorakennuksia, ... -
Wavelet multiresolution analysis of financial time series
(Vaasan yliopisto, 2010)
Monografiaväitöskirja -
WaveSeg-UNet model for overlapped nuclei segmentation from multi-organ histopathology images
(The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 03.07.2024)
articleNuclei segmentation is a challenging task in histopathology images. It is challenging due to the small size of objects, low contrast, touching boundaries, and complex structure of nuclei. Their segmentation and counting ... -
WCD-20 spark diagnostic
DiplomityöSpark plugs are used to ignite the fuel in the Wärtsilä’s SG engine ignition process and over-time they can suffer from various conditions such as wearing and fouling. More diagnostic information about the health condition ... -
We Don’t Connect – Negotiations between Usability, User and Art Experience in Online Art Interaction
(Babeș-Bolyai University, 19.09.2022)
articleArt and its conceptualization enable a richer understanding of human computer interaction (HCI). User experience (UX), usability and art experience (AE) have extensive traditions of scholarship. UX and AE especially, have ... -
"We Love the Real You! - Kauneudenalan ammattilaiset parantavat maailmaa yksi shampoopullo kerrallaan : Tarkastelussa Four Reasonsin vastuullisuusraportti, onko yrityksen toiminta yritysaktivismia?
Pro gradu -tutkielmaYrityksiltä vaaditaan nyt yhä enemmän vastuullisuutta ja kuluttajien ostokäyttäytymisessä on tapahtunut muutos siinä, että kun ennen haluttiin ostaa mahdollisimman paljon halvalla, nykyään halutaan ostaa vähemmän ja ... -
“We Need to Build Carbon-Neutral Houses” – Discourses of Responsible Expertise in Finnish Professional Media
(Taylor & Francis, 13.03.2024)
articleIn this study, we explore how expertise and responsibility are discursively intertwined in professional media. Based on quotations from building and real-estate industry professionals in news texts concerning sustainable ... -
Weak Signals in Management Control Systems
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe study reports a survey of 58 large and middle-sized Finnish companies, and uses partial least squares modeling to examine the effects of two contingency factors; perceived environmental uncertainty and strategy on the ... -
Wear mechanisms and effects in low-voltage contacts
DiplomityöThe target was to research the behaviour of silver iodide plated low-voltage contacts and to achieve better endurance against wearing. In this thesis was also focused on wear mechanisms. Silver iodide research was a ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.