OSUVA - Selaus nimekkeen mukaan
Aineistot 2487-2506 / 14624
E-Commerce Policy and International Business. Guest Editors’ Introduction
(Springer, 02.11.2022)
articleThe rise of digitization and information and communication technologies (ICT) is playing a vital role in facilitating global trade and business activities and in overcoming cross-border transaction costs. In so doing, it ... -
Pro gradu - tutkielmaIn this new era of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) the role of government is changing rapidly. To bring overall effective improvement in administration government has changed their patterns by implementing ... -
E-leadership in nursing – a systematic review
(Sosiaali- ja terveyshuollon tietojenkäsittely-yhdistys, 11.04.2024)
articleNurses and nurse leaders play a key role in healthcare digitalisation. While the volume of nursing leadership research has increased dramatically, empirical research on e-leadership in nursing remains limited. We believe ... -
E-leadership in virtual teams during Covid-19 pandemic : the role and skills of a leader in the e-environment
Pro gradu -tutkielmaDigitalisaatio sekä informaatio-ja viestintäteknologian kehittyminen ovat merkittävästi muuttaneet työntekotapoja maailmanlaajuisesti. Työnteko ei ole enää aika-tai paikkasidonnaista, jonka vuoksi työtä tehdään yhä enemmän ... -
E-learning as a Tool for Human Resource Development. Case ABB
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe rapid change of knowledge-intensive and technology-oriented working life requires continuous development. At the same time, new technology can be seen as an enabling factor in finding solutions to this challenge. One ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
E-palvelut tukemassa yrityksen huoltoliiketoimintaa
Pro gradu - tutkielmaPalvelut voivat nykyään muodostaa yritykselle kilpailuedun, jos se pystyy tarjoamaan asiakkailleen uusia toimintamalleja ja käsitteitä. Menestyvien yritysten onkin löydettävä uusia ja lisäarvoa tuottavia palveluja. Tämän ... -
E-Procurement in International Paper Industry. Adoption and Benefits of e-Procurement and its Models among Paper and Board Producers
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe main aim of this research was to analyze the adoption and benefits of e-Procurement and its models among paper and board producers. The study aimed to analyze both the current use of e-Procurement and to review paper ... -
e-STRATEGIAA TEKEMÄSSÄ -Strategisten työkalujen käyttö sähköisen liiketoiminnan strategian luonnissa
Pro gradu - tutkielmaKustannusala on muutospaineiden edessä. Alan kasvu on pientä ja perinteistä arvoketjua kehittämällä ei enää saavuteta kilpailuetua. Sähköinen liiketoiminta, e-bisnes, tarjoaa kustantajille mahdollisuuksia hakea kasvua ja ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
E-waste in Information Systems Research
(Elsevier, 25.07.2024)
articleTechnological advances in the Information Systems (IS) Science field require technical infrastructure, that is based on hardware and software. While different calculation models, as well as life cycle models, try their ... -
Early Internationalization in the Digital Context : A Capabilities-based Approach
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaIn the fields of international entrepreneurship (IE) and international business (IB), digitalization influences the early internationalization of firms. While we know that digitalization facilitates early internationalization, ... -
EARLY WARNING INDICATORS OF THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS : Focus on bank profitability and funding in the United States 2004-2008
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe global financial crisis began in the United States in 2007, when the housing prices collapsed. Depositary and financial institutions noticed that the values of mortgage-backed securities in their balance sheets were ... -
Early-warning analysis of crowd stampede in metro station commercial area based on internet of things
(Springer, 07.12.2019)
articleCrowd stampede has attracted significant attention of emergency management researchers in recent years. Early-warning of crowd stampede in metro station commercial area is discussed in this paper under the context of ... -
Earnings Management before a Share for Share Bid under IFRS
Pro gradu - tutkielmaPrevious studies have shown that acquirers tend to manage earnings before the share swap transactions. According to Erickson and Wang (1999), Louis (2004) and Botsari and Meeks (2008), earnings are managed the most often ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Earnings management, capital management and signaling: European evidence
Pro gradu - tutkielmaPrior research has shown that banks use loan loss provisions (LLPs) for earnings management, capital management and signaling. The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, it aims to investigate the relationship between ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Earnings-related anomalies in a thin security market : an accounting-based risk estimation approach
(Vaasan yliopisto, 1996)
Artikkeliväitöskirja -
Earth Fault Location Using Negative Sequence Currents
(Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI), 30.09.2019)
articleIn this paper, a new method for locating single-phase earth faults on non-effectively earthed medium voltage distribution networks is proposed. The method requires only current measurements and is based on the analysis of ... -
Earth Fault Protection of Compensated Rural Area Cabled Medium Voltage Networks
DiplomityöRecent storms in Nordic countries have damaged MV distribution networks and caused major outages. Furthermore, new quality requirements of electricity supply, and customers’ demands for more uninterruptable and better ... -
East African Immigrant Children Experiences with Integration in Finnish Day-cares
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe present investigation analyses critically the discursive and conceptual grounding of the experiences of East African immigrant children in the integration process in the Finnish day-cares. The literature review highlights ... -
EBP-ratio as a return predictor on the Finnish Stock Market 2000–2005
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe purpose of the study is to investigate whether it is possible to form portfolios based on the rather rare valuing ratio Earn Back Period. The study period was from 2000–2005. The study was performed by forming three ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
ECB asset purchase programs effect on corporate bond issuance
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe purpose of this thesis is to study the effect of European Central Bank asset purchase programs to corporate bond issuance in European countries. Thesis distinguishes between two main transmission channels of quantitative ...