"capital structure" - Selaus asiasanan mukaanPro gradu -tutkielmat ja diplomityöt (rajattu saatavuus)
Aineistot 1-3 / 3
Does capital structure affect the performance of startups? The Finnish evidence
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThis thesis examines the capital structure impacts on the performance of Finnish start-ups. The literature has documented the pecking order theory as being the most suitable capital structure theory to use to explain ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Effect of the 2008−2009 Financial Crisis on Firm Capital Structure
Pro gradu - tutkielmaPurpose of this study is to find out whether and how the financial crisis of 2008−2009 affected firms’ capital structure. The study also aims to explain how the crisis affected firms of different sizes. Motivation for the ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
The effect of debt financing on profitability: evidence from the financial crisis Master’s
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThis thesis examines the causality of leverage on companies’ profitability around the financial crisis of 2008. Leverage is defined as total debt of company divided by its total assets, while profitability is companies’ ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.