Selaus Oppiaineen mukaanPro gradu -tutkielmat ja diplomityöt (rajattu saatavuus)Kansainvälinen liiketoiminta
Aineistot 1-20 / 36
Analysing employee brand engagement and its impact on internal brand management strategies
Pro gradu -tutkielmaInternal brand management plays an important role in organisations as it ensures that the actions by a company’s employees are aligned with the meanings promoted through external communications of the company, leading to ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Analyzing the importance of talent management
Pro gradu -tutkielmaWhile the competition in business environment is constantly increasing, new ways in creating competitive advantage is needed. Yet companies can gain competitive advantage in various ways, managing employees and their talent ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Asiakassuhteen päättyminen finanssisektorilla
Pro gradu -tutkielmaTIIVISTELMÄ: Finanssisektori on kokenut melkoista turbulenssia viimeisinä vuosikymmeninä. Toimialarationalisoinnit ja organisaatiomuutokset ovat arkipäivää. Myös erilaiset maailmantilanteet ovat näkyneet –niin alan ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Attractive recruitment advertising : What generations X and Y value in their work
Pro gradu -tutkielmaGlobaalin kilpailuympäristön seurauksena yritykset etsivät tapoja erottautua kilpailijoistaan. Henkilöstö on yrityksen tärkeä resurssi, joka mahdollistaa menestyksen saavuttamisen ja lisää yrityksen arvoa. Lahjakkaasta ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Benefits and challenges of remote work from employees’ perspective in different countries during COVID-19 pandemic
Pro gradu -tutkielmaModernissa maailmassa, ja eritoten työelämässä, ainoa pysyvä on muutos. Se muovaa ympärillämme lähes kaikkea työstä vapaa-aikaan. Teknologia ja IT ovat kehittyneet kiihtyvällä vauhdilla viimeiset vuosikymmenet eikä tämä ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Challenge hindrance stressor framework and the utilization of effective coping mechanisms within entrepreneurship
Pro gradu -tutkielmaEntrepreneurial stressors are omnipresent in entrepreneurship. Though the stressors affect entrepreneurs individually, effective coping mechanisms help entrepreneurs to better deal with the stressors and simultaneously ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Decision-making and global environment in the international market expansion strategy of the firm and implications to international performance
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe research on international market expansion strategy has previously mainly focused on examining the differences between two opposing strategies: market concentration and mar-ket diversification. Hence, we still know ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Emotional Intelligence in Frontline Managers’ Leadership Practices
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe purpose of this master’s thesis is to continue the Leadership research at the University of Vaasa on how Emotional Intelligence (EI) appears in Leadership, and to obtain a more comprehensive picture of Frontline Managers’ ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Employees' Adaptation of International Technology
Pro gradu -tutkielmaNew technologies are currently dynamically reinventing the environment of human resource development (HRD) on a global scale. The truth is that the rapid advancement and wide-scale adoption of revolutionary technologies ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Exploring AI adoption by Finnish Marketing Managers in Their International Marketing Actions
Pro gradu -tutkielmaArtificial intelligence (AI) is attracting considerable interest worldwide due to its ability to produce favorable results across various fields and industries. The use of AI has grown ex-ponentially in recent years, and ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Factors influencing the quality of manufacturer and distributor relationships : Case study
Pro gradu -tutkielmaLong-term and well-functioning business relationships have become even more important as international competition is fierce in many different sectors. The aim of relationship marketing is to maintain the relationship by ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Healthcare professionals´ perception towards environmentally friendly dry powder inhalers in the United Kingdom, Sweden and Germany
Pro gradu -tutkielmaPharmaceutical industry and the whole health care sector are facing pressures from various stakeholders to be as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible. These stakeholders include patients, doctors and ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
How social media usage can be integrated in market orientation and how the use of it influences performance?
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis thesis studies if social media usage can be integrated in market orientation and if this relationship influences performance. Social media can be identified as WEB 2.0 which allows companies and consumers to access ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Impact of Decision-making Approaches on the International Performance of INVs : The moderating effect of the international business environment uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic
Pro gradu -tutkielmaBecause traditional internationalization methods have been argued to not be suitable for all firms in the current international business environment, researchers have become increasingly aware of INVs. Decision-making has ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Impact of Green Thinking in Achieving Sustainability in Business: A Case Study of Godrej Consumer Products Limited
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis thesis examines the relationship between corporate sustainability and green thinking techniques, using Godrej Consumer Products Limited (GCPL) as a case study. This study examines the significance of green initiatives, ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Improving candidate selection for multinational corporations through the utilization of e-recruitment
Pro gradu -tutkielmaTutkimus käsittelee e-rekrytoinnin hyötykäyttöä kandidaattivalinnan parantamiseen monikansallisille yrityksille. Tutkimuksen tavoite on selvittää minkälaisia hyötyjä, haittoja ja trendejä e-rekrytoinnissa on ja millaisia ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Influence of experience in internationalization decision-making among international new ventures
Pro gradu -tutkielmaInternational new ventures are companies that start to internationalize from the early stages. These companies are founded on a strong aim towards global markets. Their entrepreneurs have to face many risks and problems, ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Influencer Marketing During the Internationalization of SMEs
Pro gradu -tutkielmaAs consumers are spending more and more time on social media and becoming increasingly skeptical of brand-generated advertising, companies have begun to turn to social media influencers to disseminate brand messages on ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
International marketing communication decisions of Finnish technology-oriented born globals in the context of social media
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe field of international marketing communication has been in the middle of transformation lately. The rise of social media has enabled new ways for resource-constrained firms to communicate cost-efficiently without ...Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla. -
Leadership in Global Virtual Teams
Pro gradu -tutkielmaDue to the development of ICT, the utilization of virtuality has increased rapidly in or-ganizations resulting in using global geographically distributed workforce, operating cross-culturally, operating across different ...