Selaus Oppiaineen mukaanPro gradu -tutkielmat ja diplomityöt (rajattu saatavuus)Julkisjohtaminen: European Civil Servants - kansainvälisen hallinnon ohjelma

    • Can Social Enterprises Help to Tackle Poverty: Examining the Role of three Brazilian Social Enterprises 

      Majamaa, Satu (2016)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      Jatkuvat muutokset julkisella sektorilla ja finanssikriisi ovat haastaneet julkisen sektorin tarkastelemaan maailmanlaajuisesti rooliaan. Perinteisten mallien rinnalle on haettu uutta toimintamallia, joka korostaisi ...
      Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.
    • Collaboration in Tourism Strategy Process: A Comparative Approach 

      Heikkinen, Henriikka (2010)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      There has been a growing tendency towards formulation of strategies in many sectors of the society. The aim of strategies is to deal with the environment, to be successful, to develop activities and to coordinate them. ...
      Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.

      Pöyhönen, Joona (2014)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      This study examines the use of e-government initiatives to make government work more effectively. The study aims to find out the level effectiveness of both the Finnish and Estonian state-level health care sector –specific ...
      Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.
    • Strategy as a challenge for organizational communication 

      Korkea-aho, Meri (2015)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      This study focuses on exploring factors affecting the decision-making process and strategy implementa-tion from communications’ point of view. The study makes an overview of decision-making processes, strategy creation and ...
      Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.
    • The Effect of Formal Change Management Communication to Resistance to Change: The Case of a New Faculty 

      Nyman, Leena (2011)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      All organizations encounter change at some point. Therefore it is important for managers to know how a change process should be led so that there would be a high chance of succeeding with the implementation of the change. ...
      Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.
    • The Motivation Challenge- The manager views on motivation and motivating 

      Grönroos, Meri (2012)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      Motivation as a phenomenon has always been interesting to me; I already focused on the subject on my Candidates thesis. The lack of motivation in their subordinates is a problem that all the managers, no matter what is the ...
      Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.
    • Values in Crisis Management 

      Hietaharju, Anssi (2012)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      After the Cold War the number of different kinds of crises has increased in the world. The crises have also become more multidimensional, there are numerous different kinds of states, organizations and actors with different ...
      Kokoteksti luettavissa vain Tritonian asiakaskoneilla.