Servitization: Synthesis and Direction Forward
Harmsen, Willem (2016)
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This literature review makes an attempt to synthesize existing research on servitization and integrated solutions. Using an exhaustive and systematic methodology, a total of 152 articles are identified as relevant and of high impact in the field. An integrative framework of servitization is developed and the antecedents, processual elements, outcomes, and the linkages between them are identified and discussed. The results show that servitization is complex and that it is contingent on a multitude of different elements. These range from industry-related and customer-related factors, to organizational configuration, product elements, service culture, employee characteristics and several others. The article finds however, that the literature on servitization is often shallow in nature and that research needs to take steps in the right direction in order to deepen our understanding of the process by focusing on more specific research questions and by applying different methodologies and theories. Both general research considerations as well as specific suggestions for research are proposed here. The thesis concludes by offering some theoretical and managerial implications.