Hakula, Jaakko (2013)
Hakula, Jaakko
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The main purpose for this study was to find out growth possibilities and economic possibilities for the jib- product in India, China and USA from the Konecranes company point of view. The economy and the business in general vary very much between those countries and it forces to think the main topic from a different point of views. The Konecranes company has different kind of strategies for different geographical countries and areas. The current debt crisis has an impact on almost every business and therefore forecasting future figures is challenging.
The growth potential and economic possibilities are analyzed with three factors. Factors are: economic growth theory, international trade theory and exchange rate theory that includes risks in daily business as well. These theories give a good base to even understand how the international business and market works.
Profits have decreased in developed economies during last few years, and therefore many companies have expanded their business into emerging markets in terms of finding more profits and growth potential. This study shows that there are still plenty opportunities in manufacturing sector in emerging markets such as Asia. The current debt crisis still has impact on investment decisions, but the economy has recovered from deeper crisis, for example the Great Depression in 1930s.
The market size for jib cranes is evaluated by using these theories. The study analyzes competition that Konecranes faces in India, China and USA. India, USA and China are all very different economies and it gave a nice view to this study. Currently I found out that best growth potential for Konecranes is in the U.S.. Konecranes has strong and decent working culture in the U.S.. It is good to build more successful business based on those positive factors in the U.S.
The growth potential and economic possibilities are analyzed with three factors. Factors are: economic growth theory, international trade theory and exchange rate theory that includes risks in daily business as well. These theories give a good base to even understand how the international business and market works.
Profits have decreased in developed economies during last few years, and therefore many companies have expanded their business into emerging markets in terms of finding more profits and growth potential. This study shows that there are still plenty opportunities in manufacturing sector in emerging markets such as Asia. The current debt crisis still has impact on investment decisions, but the economy has recovered from deeper crisis, for example the Great Depression in 1930s.
The market size for jib cranes is evaluated by using these theories. The study analyzes competition that Konecranes faces in India, China and USA. India, USA and China are all very different economies and it gave a nice view to this study. Currently I found out that best growth potential for Konecranes is in the U.S.. Konecranes has strong and decent working culture in the U.S.. It is good to build more successful business based on those positive factors in the U.S.