Spare part sales scenarios and product lines - a case study
Saha, Sofia (2017)
Saha, Sofia
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Defining sales processes is a vital step when an organization is creating their sales strategy. Functional sales processes help the organization to achieve their financial objectives. In order to reach the objectives, sales processes should be designed in a way that they fulfill customers’ needs and desires. What makes this difficult is that the markets and customers’ requirements are changing all the time. In addition, the phenomena of globalization escalates the changes even more. Therefore, organizations need to constantly develop their business processes in order to keep creating value to the customers also in the future.
The main purpose of this research was to examine case company’s sales processes in spare part sales, specifically in Part Centers. All in all case company uses five different sales scenarios when selling spare parts but only three of them were investigated in this research. These three scenarios are Intercompany Billing/Customer Drop Shipment, Transfer Order and Network Company Docking.
The aim was to create a complete picture about how Part Centers use different sales scenarios and product lines. This was conducted by analyzing data about the sales orders from previous years. Additionally, a survey was sent to the coordinators working in the Part Centers to find out in what kind of situations they use these scenarios and do they find it challenging to work with different sales processes.
The findings indicated that different sales scenarios are used in order to ensure the quality of customer service. The distribution between the usages of sales scenarios has changed to the desired way when more Part Centers were established as the usage of ICB scenario has increased significantly during the years. When thinking about the challenges the different sales scenarios and product lines cause, two major topics emerged among the Parts division’s coordinators’ responses: the choice between the scenarios and the fact that NC Docking scenario is so complex cause challenges to the coordinators.
The main purpose of this research was to examine case company’s sales processes in spare part sales, specifically in Part Centers. All in all case company uses five different sales scenarios when selling spare parts but only three of them were investigated in this research. These three scenarios are Intercompany Billing/Customer Drop Shipment, Transfer Order and Network Company Docking.
The aim was to create a complete picture about how Part Centers use different sales scenarios and product lines. This was conducted by analyzing data about the sales orders from previous years. Additionally, a survey was sent to the coordinators working in the Part Centers to find out in what kind of situations they use these scenarios and do they find it challenging to work with different sales processes.
The findings indicated that different sales scenarios are used in order to ensure the quality of customer service. The distribution between the usages of sales scenarios has changed to the desired way when more Part Centers were established as the usage of ICB scenario has increased significantly during the years. When thinking about the challenges the different sales scenarios and product lines cause, two major topics emerged among the Parts division’s coordinators’ responses: the choice between the scenarios and the fact that NC Docking scenario is so complex cause challenges to the coordinators.