Comparing the Survival of Nigerian Solar energy and Finnish Manufacturing Companies in Turbulent Business Environments
Oriekwo, Oba (2014)
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In turbulent business environments, both solar energy companies and manufacturing companies are affected negatively. Turbulent business environments are accompanied by decrease of sales, reduction of profits, sudden shrinkage of domestic demands, political instability, and economic crisis. This thesis aims to compare the survival strategies of Nigerian solar energy companies and Finnish manufacturing companies in harsh business environments. In addition, the case study in the thesis will explain how solar energy companies and manufacturing companies formulate the evaluation elements for choosing subcontractor suppliers as well as the decisive elements in decision-making of manufacturing outsourcing. Methods such as sense and respond (S&R), analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and decision making elements are used. The analysis results show that quality and cost are indispensable survival attributes while time quality, flexibility are essential elements for evaluating subcontractor suppliers.