Ollikainen, Timo (2017)
Ollikainen, Timo
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Main target of this thesis is to consider the reliability and availability in power plant and terminal of liquefied natural gas, which are part of product family of Wärtsilä. Reliability and availability analyses are of high importance for energy sector nowadays and in future, when scheduling maintenance and developing new products. Analyses can be used to ensure that product or system will fulfill different requirements. Requirements of product safety, functionalities and compatibility with other attached systems can be studied by analyses. Reliability analyses are done using a specific PC program which is chosen be-tween three reliability software at the beginning of this thesis.
There are two different case projects and they are chosen so that the coverage of thesis is as high as possible. Cases are introduced as detailed as possible. Analyzing methods with examples are introduced and different examples shall further clarify how different struc-tures of pipe and instrumentation diagram (PID) can be represented in reliability analysis models. In addition to reliability analysis related information the following additional in-formation is given e.g. fuel type, scale of plant or terminal, purpose of plant (peak power supply, base power supply or emergency supply of e.g. hospital etc.).
Reliability and availability analyses are based on different well-known methods like Fail-ure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA). Those methods are introduced at the beginning of this thesis. Next, different PID structures have been analyzed, how different methods are linked together and what kind of conclusions can be done based on results.
Availability and reliability studies are the main results of this thesis. Based on those stud-ies (FTA, PRA and FMEA), can be state that power plant and terminal of liquefied natural gas, which are part of product family of Wärtsilä, have excellent reliability and availabil-ity. Models of analysis will be further developed and modified so that they can be used in future delivery projects.
There are two different case projects and they are chosen so that the coverage of thesis is as high as possible. Cases are introduced as detailed as possible. Analyzing methods with examples are introduced and different examples shall further clarify how different struc-tures of pipe and instrumentation diagram (PID) can be represented in reliability analysis models. In addition to reliability analysis related information the following additional in-formation is given e.g. fuel type, scale of plant or terminal, purpose of plant (peak power supply, base power supply or emergency supply of e.g. hospital etc.).
Reliability and availability analyses are based on different well-known methods like Fail-ure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA). Those methods are introduced at the beginning of this thesis. Next, different PID structures have been analyzed, how different methods are linked together and what kind of conclusions can be done based on results.
Availability and reliability studies are the main results of this thesis. Based on those stud-ies (FTA, PRA and FMEA), can be state that power plant and terminal of liquefied natural gas, which are part of product family of Wärtsilä, have excellent reliability and availabil-ity. Models of analysis will be further developed and modified so that they can be used in future delivery projects.