: viimeistä lisäystäPro gradu -tutkielmat ja diplomityöt
Aineistot 1-20 / 7289
Pikamuodin markkinointi pois muodista : Markkinoinnin viestinnälliset keinot kulutustottumusten kääntämiseksi kansainvälisestä pikamuodista vastuullisiin kotimaisiin muotibrändeihin
Pro gradu -tutkielmaTässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan markkinoinnin viestinnällisiä keinoja, joilla pyritään muuttamaan kulutustottumuksia kansainvälisestä pikamuodista vastuullisiin kotimaisiin muotibrändeihin. Tutkimuksen taustalla on kasvava ... -
Building a Subcontractor's Competence Management Framework for an IT Company : Case: Finnish IT Company
Pro gradu -tutkielmaCompetence Management (CM) has evolved significantly as understanding and knowledge in the field have deepened. It has also grown in importance, especially in the fields under constant development, and the IT industry is ... -
Integrating circular economy into business models : A study on B2B plastic products manufacturers and international customers
Pro gradu -tutkielmaEnvironmental issues have increasingly become a matter of concern for the general public and sustainability has emerged as a central topic for both producers and consumers. Therefore, industrial companies are pressured to ... -
Reflections of high- and low-context marketing communication styles in YouTube video ads : A comparative study of FMCG companies in Finland and India
Pro gradu -tutkielmaUnderstanding intercultural communication is important because modern technology has made it easier for people to communicate across border in the blink of an eye. Failure to communicate effectively can lead to misunderstandings ... -
Pro Gradu: Strategy work and strategic planning in Non-Profit Organizations in Finland
Pro gradu -tutkielmaIn today's rapidly evolving business environment, all types of organizations are challenged in multiple ways. The significance of planning and strategizing becomes particularly important in this volatile environment. ... -
Hedging Bitcoin cryptocurrency with green bond and gold : Can sustainable green bond provide better hedging results?
Pro gradu -tutkielmaGreen investing has notably gained traction in recent years as a sustainable and responsible investment strategy, focusing on financing assets that support environmental goals. Green bonds, in particular, have emerged as ... -
Sustainable and conventional mutual funds compared as an investment for retail investors : Performance and fees
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis thesis explores the differences in sustainable and conventional fund’s performance and fees. Sustainable investing has been increasingly popular as themes around ESG have become increasingly important. This thesis ... -
Combining value and momentum in the German stock market
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis thesis investigates the performance of value and momentum strategies in the German stock market, focusing on long-, short- and long-short portfolios. It aims to determine whether value and momentum strategies, ... -
Hallitustyöskentelyn vaikutus yrityksen kannattavuuteen : Corporate governance näkökulma
Pro gradu -tutkielmaTämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia, onko tehokkaalla hallitustyöskentelyllä vaikutusta yrityksen kannattavuuteen. Hallituksen tehokkuus voi riippua hallituksen kokoon-panosta ja toimintakyvystä vaikuttaa ... -
Asiakasarvonluonti ja tapahtumien merkitys B2B-SaaS-liiketoiminnassa : Case: Thinking Portfolio Oy
Pro gradu -tutkielmaOhjelmistoala on nopeasti kasvava ja muuttuva, globaali ja kilpailtu ala. Vaikka ala ja sen merkitys kasvavat vauhdilla, ohjelmisto- eli SaaS-palveluyritysten arvonluontia on tutkittu vähän erityisesti B2B-asiakkuuksien ... -
Taloushallinnon asiantuntija liiketoimintakumppanina : Identiteetin muotoutuminen suoritusta mittaavassa ympäristössä
(09 / 2024)
Pro gradu -tutkielmaLaskentatoimen tehtävissä toimivan asiantuntijan rooli on kehittymässä niin sanotusta pavunlaskijasta kohti liiketoimintakumppania. Tähän kehitykseen on vaikuttanut muun muassa digitalisaatio, jonka myötä työaikaa on ... -
Profitability of momentum strategies during crisis: evidence from Finland during Covid-19 pandemic
Pro gradu -tutkielmaExtensive research exists to support the profitability of momentum strategies, which rely on the continuation of past price trends. However, the source of the momentum anomaly remains largely unknown. Studies have found ... -
The impact of corporate social responsibility on financial performance - Evidence from Finland
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThroughout recent history, there have been significant changes to the business sector, notably to stakeholder groups, corporate duties, and business operations. More than at any other time in history, corporations are ... -
The Influence of ESG Ratings on Corporate Debt Costs and Debt Ratios : Evidence from Nordic Markets
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe purpose of the thesis is to study how the ESG rating and its individual pillars (Environ-mental, Social, Governance) affect corporate debt costs in the Nordic countries between 2017 and 2023. The theoretical framework ... -
Low-Risk Anomaly : Evidence from the Nordic equity markets
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis study seeks to examine the low-risk anomaly in Nordic equity markets from February 2005 to March 2024. While the low-risk anomaly has been a subject of extensive research, particularly in US markets, it remains ... -
Tilintarkastuksen kannalta keskeisten seikkojen hyödyllisyys yrityksen taloudellisen kannattavuuden arvioinnissa
Pro gradu -tutkielmaPitkään jatkunut tilinpäätösten loppukäyttäjien tyytymättömyys tilintarkastuskertomusten informatiiviseen arvoon on johtanut uusien tilintarkastusstandardien laatimiseen, joista yhden tarkoituksena on ollut pienentää niin ... -
Utilizing AI in customer support work
DiplomityöRecent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) offer new opportunities for companies to streamline operations and gain a competitive edge. This thesis explores the potential of AI to improve customer support operations ... -
Guiding the Transition: A Roadmap for Smart Manufacturing in the Era of Industry 4.0
Pro gradu -tutkielmaTechnological advances have transformed and made production more efficient in recent decades, leading to significant improvements in productivity. The current Fourth Industrial Revolution, known as Industry 4.0, aims to ... -
Sustainability Success Factors in Global Supply Chain : Exploratory multi-case study
Pro gradu -tutkielmaSustainability has become a strategic necessity for companies because of stakeholders increasing expectations and sustainability regulatory requirements. This thesis researches the sustain-ability success factors of Smart ... -
Tavarantoimittajahallintamallin kehittäminen
Pro gradu -tutkielmaTässä tutkimuksessa tutkitaan miten tavarantoimittajia tulisi hallinnoida suuressa suomalaisessa ruokataloyrityksessä. Tutkimuksen ensisijaisena tavoitteena on tuottaa ohjeistus tavarantoimittajien hallinnointiin. Tutkimuksen ...