"3D printing" - Selaus asiasanan mukaanPro gradu -tutkielmat ja diplomityöt
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Investigating the design workflow for designing a component for Additive Manufacturing: A case study of designing a Jet engine combustion chamber component for AM
DiplomityöThe increasing integration of Additive Manufacturing (AM) in the Product Development and production phase has brought a need for developing a new design for manufacturing methodology which is distinct to AM. Commonly known ... -
Optimization of batching and the effect on overall production time with the fused deposition modeling additive manufacturing
Pro gradu -tutkielmaIn this thesis, we will look at the batching of production and production scheduling in Fused deposition modeling (FDM) system. Literature about FDM technology, manufacturing execution systems, and production scheduling ... -
The effect of 3D printing on the Global Value Chain: a cross-country survey
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe past decades have been characterized by mature companies sending managers to countries where labour, engineering and management costs were lower than developed nations’. Despite the past decades, a trend inversion comes ...