Selaus Oppiaineen mukaanPro gradu -tutkielmat ja diplomityötHallintotiede : European Civil Servants - kansainvälisen hallinnon ohjelma
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A Study of Organisational Power in the European Union: The complex and unbalanced power potential of the Commission, the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe European Union is a remarkable actor when it comes to the European citizens, the organisational researchers, the member states, and the rest of the world. EU’s main institutions use enormous powers in their every-day ... -
Characteristics of Policy Networks in Two Finnish EU Funded Projects
Pro gradu - tutkielmaEuropean Union Structural Funds and Regional Policies implementation have been oriented to involve the sub-national level of government to plan, act and co-ordinate EU activities more than before. At the same time relations ... -
CROSS-CULTURAL TEAMWORK IN THE EU-GOVERNANCE: A Case Study in the Council´s Latin America Working Group
Pro gradu - tutkielmaEuropean Union governance constitutes a totally unique working environment with its several special features. It has adopted its present form as a consequence of approximately 50 years long development process of the EU. ... -
Evaluating the Principles of Good Governance in the Reports of Finnish Bilateral Development Cooperation
Pro gradu - tutkielmaDevelopment cooperation has been part of the world politics already for 50 years. Also Finland has a long and varying history in this field. After the economical recession in Finland in the 1990’s the development cooperation ... -
FINNISH REGIONAL LOBBYING: A Study of Goals Means and Methods of Four Regional Lobbying Organisations
Pro gradu - tutkielmaLobbying has nowadays become almost a trend-word and is used quite freely also in standard language. But from where does lobbying originate and especially how does lobbying take place? This study concentrates on Finnish ... -
Intercultural Informal Organizations at University
Pro gradu - tutkielmaIntercultural relations are worth of studying, because they are very common in different kinds of organizations. Not only do they exist in international organizations, but they are also common in national organizations and ... -
Intercultural Project Leadership: Observations on the Finnish-Swedish Interreg Project Cultural Arena Kvarken
Pro gradu - tutkielmaIn today’s world cross-border cooperation is becoming increasingly more common. One important aspect of the European Union’s regional policy today is cooperation between regions in different member countries, in order to ... -
Organisation of International Affairs in Finnish Universities
Pro gradu - tutkielmaOrganisations are in many ways the basis for the modern society and they relate to most spheres of life. Public, private and social organisations have long been objects of research in the field of commercial and administrative ... -
ORGANIZATION OF INFLUENCING. A Case Study on the Contexts, Tools and Channels of Influencing used by Sinn Féin & IRA
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThis study focuses on influencing as a whole by firstly defining it in general and then in different contexts. After this, the numerous ways in which influencing can be understood will be examined. In other words, what are ... -
Participation of Users and Other Stakeholders in Public Construction Projects - Comparison of School Construction Projects in Britain and in Finland
Pro gradu - tutkielmaParticipation is a major topic both in organizations and in society. Participation and interaction are stressed increasingly in all public processes. Public construction projects are processes in which participation has ... -
Pathology of a Governance Reform: An Analysis of the Failure of the White Paper on European Governance
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThis study approaches governance reforms and concentrates more precisely on the White Paper on European governance published by the Commission of the European Communities in 2001. The White Paper was carefully planned and ... -
Performance Guidance in Decision-Making and Budget Process of Ministries of Finance. Comparison between Finland and Poland
Pro gradu - tutkielmaFinland has been considered as a welfare state when the society developed rapidly after the Second World War. Poland was a good pair to compare with Finland because of the background of the society with the Soviet Union, ... -
STRIVING FOR RESPONSIVE GOVERNANCE THROUGH CONSULTATIVE POLICY MAKING: Regional hearings in the national plan for mental health and substance abuse work
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe main theme for this study is participation as an element of public policy making and more widely, a cornerstone of responsive governance. The main purpose for this research is then to gain a wider understanding of the ... -
The Challenge of Horizontal Cooperation: A Study on Two Local Action Groups Implemented under the Leader+ Community Initiative for Rural Development
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe basis of the Community Initiative Leader+ is formed by its new conception on rural development; innovations in rural development actions. This new conception is based on the bottom-up approach, on horizontal partnerships ... -
The conceptual origins of managerialism: A review of the beliefs and practices in the public administration literature
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThis study examines and discusses the concept of managerialism and related themes and phenomena such as new public management in the context of the administrative reforms of the last decades. So far, the theory of managerialism ... -
The Elements of University Organizations: A Comparison of the University of Genoa and the University of Vaasa
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe Bologna Process, started by the Sorbonne and Bologna Declarations, aims at establishing a European area of higher education by 2010, making the higher education system in Europe more transparent. Interesting is how ... -
The open method of coordination in the European Union health policy
Pro gradu - tutkielmaThe aim of the study is to find out Finnish views on the open method of coordination (OMC) and to form a comprehensive understanding of the OMC in the European Union (EU) health policy. Health policy is understood in the ...