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Aineistot 1-20 / 32
A Requirements Specification Template for Temperature Calibration System
DiplomityöCalibration laboratories follow a set of standards and these standards change all the time. The ISO17025 standard concerns calibration laboratories and have recently got a new version. This new version mainly adds the ... -
Ammoniumsulfaattikiteyttämön ohjausparametrien optimointi
DiplomityöNikkelin vetypelkistyksessä tuotetaan nikkelipulveria, jolloin sivutuotteena syntyy ammoniumsulfaattia. Ammoniumsulfaattia käytetään kiteytettynä muun muassa lannoitteena. Lisäksi ammoniumsulfaattikidettä käytetään ... -
An obstacle detection system for automated guided vehicles
DiplomityöThe objective of this master's thesis is to investigate the utilization of computer vision and object detection as an integral part of an automated guided vehicle's navigation system, which operates within the facilities ... -
Automated Testing For Software Process Automation
DiplomityöRobotic Process Automation is a way of automatizing business processes within short timespans. At the case company the initial automation step is implemented by business experts, rather than software developers. Using ... -
Building a GT-Power-in-the-Loop System comprising a Fast-Running Model as an Extended Digital Twin for a Single-Cylinder Research Engine
DiplomityöDue to the distinct characteristics of single-cylinder engines (SCE) regarding flow dynamics, platform structure and used auxiliaries, conventional multi-cylinder engine (MCE) turbochargers cannot be installed for ... -
Data utilization software for assisting power plant project sales
DiplomityöA business opportunity in power plant project sales goes through several stages before a quote can be made. Previously made quotes can offer insight on how earlier projects were sold in certain areas or countries. Therefore, ... -
Developing an architecture for a test sequencer
DiplomityöTesting is an important aspect of developing systems and products. It ensures quality of the product and that it works as it has been specified to work. Testing is a very expensive and time consuming process. It can be ... -
Engine Fuel Injection Timing : A Design for an Automatic Verification System
DiplomityöThis thesis describes the development of an automatic testing system for the timing of the fuel injection of a 4-stroke engine. The fuel injection timing is managed by an electronic engine control unit which has a distributed ... -
Engine monitoring based on harmonic saliencies
DiplomityöThe fundamental frequency of the powertrain’s rotational velocity (speed) corresponds to one of the peaks in a frequency spectrum. By processing the speed signal data in the frequency domain, the signal can be decomposed ... -
Enhancing Security and Transparency of User Data Systems with Blockchain Technology
DiplomityöAs blockchain is increasingly gaining popularity, interest in corporate use is also gaining traction. One area blockchain has seen an increased amount of use are systems involving management of sensitive information, such ... -
Evaluating Internal and External Data Points in Long-term Periodical Testing with Protection Relays
DiplomityöA protection relay is a part of the electrical network intended to protect the distribution network and react in case of abnormal situations. The protection relay can be electromechanical, static, microprocessor-based, or ... -
Google Analyticsin hyödyntäminen oppilashallintojärjestelmän tuotekehityksessä
DiplomityöDiplomityön tavoitteena on hyödyntää Google Analytics -ohjelmistoa toimeksiantoyrityksen hallinnoiman oppilashallintojärjestelmän tuotekehityksessä. Lähtötilanne on, että toimeksiantoyritys on implementoinut Google Analytics ... -
Implementing Azure Active Directory Integration with an Existing Cloud Service
DiplomityöTraining Simulator (TraSim) is an online, web-based platform for holding crisis management exercises. It simulates epidemics and other exceptional situations to test the functionality of an organization’s operating ... -
Implementing machine learning into industrial plant energy supervision
DiplomityöMachine learning is a concept in which a machine can learn from its past experiences. The machine learning trend is rising in popularity, and this is the reason this method has been chosen for this thesis. The purpose of ... -
Intelligent software development tools
DiplomityöArtificial intelligence can be used to automate various tasks, also within software development. The purpose of this thesis was to research what kind of artificially intelligent software development tools and methods are ...Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa. -
Kokoonpanoajan määrittäminen Teamcenter ympäristössä
DiplomityöTIIVISTELMÄ : Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, pystyykö Teamcenteriä käyttämään Wärtsilän työntutkimuksen työvälineenä, ja siten osana prosessinohjausta sekä kehitystä. Työn toisena tavoitteena oli havainnollistaa, ... -
Merging multiple hospital databases into a single shared database
DiplomityöThis work concerns the merging of eight hospital databases in the Finnish Ostrobothnia region. Each of them used their own database solution, making it hard for them to analyze data between hospitals. The purpose of this ... -
Multi-platform data processing engine
DiplomityöModern software often must run on multiple different platforms, devices, CPU architectures and software stacks. To simplify development of software and to minimize implementation mistakes, it is often desired to reuse a ... -
Neural network based image capture for 3D reconstruction
DiplomityöThe aim of the thesis is to build a neural network, which is capable of choosing frames from a video, which have important information for building a 3D map of the depicted structure without losing the 3D map accuracy. ... -
Ohjelmistorobotiikan hyödyntäminen kohdeyrityksen eri funktioissa
DiplomityöTässä diplomityössä käsitellään ohjelmistorobotiikan tuomia mahdollisuuksia toimeksiantajan kohdeyksikössä. Työssä käydään läpi ohjelmistorobotiikan teoriaa ja vertaillaan kolmen kaupallisen RPA-toimittajan ohjelmistoja ...