- Selaus nimekkeen mukaanPro gradu -tutkielmat ja diplomityöt

    • Achieving Quality in Crisis Communication Management. Case: Valio Ltd. 

      Kujala, Mari (2003)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      The purpose of this study is to describe the basic elements of crises and analyse process of crisis communication. The study aims to evaluate organisations preparedness in crisis situations. The aim of this study is to ...
    • Achieving transparency and effectiveness – A paradox? 

      Kymäläinen, Mikko (13.12.2023)
      Pro gradu -tutkielma
      The purpose of this thesis is to find out how the paradox between transparency and effec-tiveness is visible and managed in the city of Vantaa. Background for the thesis comes from the changes the city of Helsinki tried ...

      Kukunda-Onyait, Naomi (2019)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      Continuous turbulence in the business environment fuelled by technological disruptions has led firms in a frantic search for sustainable competitive advantages as they attempt to stay relevant in a dynamic environment. ...
    • Acoustic analysis of engine exhaust ducts: a comprehensive empirical/1D simulation approach 

      Idrees, Muhammad Danish (22.02.2023)
      Pro gradu -tutkielma
      Internal combustion engines, renowned for their instantaneous and high-energy output, are in high demand in the heavy-duty sector, especially within the marine industry. However, they pose significant challenges with ...
    • Active share and fund performance : Evidence from Finland 

      Laaksonen, Vinski (2023)
      Pro gradu -tutkielma
      This thesis examines the level of active portfolio management within Finnish funds that mainly invest in Finnish equities. As passive funds have generally attracted more flows than their active counterparts, the discussion ...
    • Activity of Global and Responsible Equity Funds 

      Heikkilä, Tuomas Julius Antonius (29.04.2021)
      Pro gradu -tutkielma
      Besides all traditional investment products and investment themes, responsible investing has rapidly grown one of the talked-about topics of investing. The increasing interest towards responsible investing has resulted ...

      Saranpää, Iiris (2016)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      The purpose of this study is to understand, if and how the daily activity within the case company reflects the written strategy it has. The literature of the study focuses on strategy as practice perspective, which enlarges ...
    • Adaptation of digital invoicing: A research within the field of recurring household costs. 

      Westergård, Robert Johannes (11.05.2020)
      Pro gradu -tutkielma
      Recurring household costs, such as electricity, internet, water and insurances are costs that most people in Finland pay on a monthly basis. The specifications and details in these invoices does not change that much from ...
    • Adapting leadership to a different cultural context : Finnish business leaders in China 

      Javanainen, Mikko (25.08.2021)
      Pro gradu -tutkielma
      Several studies have shown that when leadership is taken to a different cultural context, its verbal and non-verbal communications may disrupt partly due the incorrect leadership style; therefore, achieving commonly shared ...
    • Adapting to the post-pandemic hybrid model : Leadership in hybrid virtual environment 

      Elo, Camilla (24.05.2023)
      Pro gradu -tutkielma
      This Master's thesis examines hybrid leadership and team performance in a new post-pandemic operating environment. In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic spread around the world, shaking society. In addition to its societal impact, ...
    • Adjacency visualization in mobile networks 

      Laipio, Lauri (2008)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      The ever-increasing usage of mobile phones forces the network operators to expand and tune their mobile networks continuously to meet the growing requirements for the quality of service. This is done with the help of ...
    • Adjektiivien muodostamat merkitykset uskonnollisessa diskurssissa. Semanttinen analyysi Kotimaan ja Viikkolehden adjektiiveista. 

      Haapasalo, Hanna (2008)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      Tutkielma on semanttinen analyysi adjektiivien merkityksistä ja niiden luomista merkitysrakenteista uskonnollisessa diskurssissa. Aineistona työssä on Kotimaa-lehden ja Viikkolehden adjektiivit. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, ...
    • Adjektiivien synonyymit ja vastakohdat saduissa 

      Leppinen, Johanna (2009)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      Adjektiivien merkitys on tärkeä saduissa. Adjektiivien suhteille on ominaista synonyymisyys ja vastakohtaisuus eli antonymia. Synonymia ja antonymia perustuvat sanojen erilaisiin suhteisiin. Semantiikka tutkii muun muassa ...
    • Adjektiven i rockbandet Kents lyrik 

      Huhtanen, Teuvo (2007)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on tutkia adjektiivien roolia rockyhtye Kentin sanoituksissa. Materiaali koostuu kahdesta vanhemmasta levystä, Isola (1997) ja Hagnesta Hill (1999), sekä Kentin uusimmasta levystä Du & Jag Döden ...

      Yang, Chen (2015)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      The intent of the study is to get to know the adjustment mechanism of Western expatriates in China, particularly in the social capital perspective. The importance of social capitals of western expatriates in China are ...
    • Admission Control for Multiuser Communication Systems 

      Imran, Ali (2010)
      During the last few years, broadband wireless communication has experienced very rapid growth in telecommunications industry. Hence, the performance analysis of such systems is one of the most important topics. However, ...
    • Adoptionhakijan oikeusturva: Kansainvälisessä ja kotimaisessa adoptiossa 

      Koskela, Hanna (2016)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      Halukkaiden adoptiovanhempien määrän kasvaminen on aiheuttanut Suomen lainsäädännölle paineen adoptiolain uudistamiselle. Tästä syystä lakia muutettiinkin vuonna 2012. Uuden lain painopiste on lapsen edun toteutumisessa ...
    • Advertising appeals and cultural values in social media brand posts: a comparison between Finland and Spain 

      Juslin, Elena (2018)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      Social media offers companies new opportunities for marketing and investments in social media marketing are continuously growing. Brands are balancing between standardizing and adapting their traditional media marketing ...
    • Advertorials and Their Means of Persuasion in Glamour Magazine 

      Eskelinen, Henna (2006)
      Pro gradu - tutkielma 
      Kilpailuntilanteen ollessa tiukka aikakauslehtien markkinoilla, julkaisijat ovat joutuneet kehittämään uusia keinoja, joiden avulla houkutella lukijoita ja mainostajia. Perinteisten mainonnan keinojen rinnalle ovat tulleet ...
    • Affordances for practice in CRM : A critical realist approach 

      Tuomisto, Noora (03.09.2019)
      Pro gradu -tutkielma
      As digitalization sweeps through workplaces, the academics have been intrigued by the theory of sociomateriality to better explain the dynamic, emergent and entangled consequences of the technologies on contemporary ...
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