: viimeistä lisäystäArtikkelit
Aineistot 61-80 / 2999
Digital transformation in public-private collaborations : The success of humanitarian supply chain operations
(Elsevier, 02.11.2024)
articleRecent years have seen the extensive use of big data analytics, related technological infrastructure, and machine learning applications for digital transformation. The resource dependency related to data-driven applications ... -
Operation of distribution network : Challenges and opportunities in the era of peer-to-peer trading
(Elsevier, 06.05.2024)
articleIn recent years, the attention of researchers has been drawn to identifying and investigating new optimal approaches for operation of the distribution networks (ODNs) and the role of various players including distribution ... -
Detecting zombie firms in a sample of Finnish small firms
(John Wiley & Sons, 18.09.2024)
articleThe objective of the study was to develop a method to detect zombie firms in a sample of mainly very small companies. The original sample consisted of 70,809 active and 134 bankrupt Finnish companies (or firms in insolvency ... -
How Do Sales in High-Tech Firms React to Changes in Expenses? Evidence from Finland
(Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 12.09.2024)
articleThe aim is to analyze the functioning of high-tech companies from a new perspective. The framework is based on a multiplicative sales function leading to constant expense elasticities of sales. The objective is to test the ... -
Impact of Markup on Profitability Ratios : Evidence from Finland
(Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 15.08.2024)
articleThe objective of the study is to show how the markup affects key ratios of profitability. Markup is an important tool for pricing planning and control, but little research has been done on it from a business management ... -
Effect of Expenditure Structure on Profitability Ratios
(Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 25.04.2024)
articleThe aim of the study is to show how the company’s expenditure structure affects the comparability of profitability ratios. The hypothesis is that the impact of the expenditure structure is significant, in which case it ... -
Managerial Social Capital and Dividends : Evidence from the UK
(MDPI, 15.12.2024)
articleAbstract We examine the relationship between managerial social capital (MSC) and firms’ dividend policies. For an unbalanced panel of publicly listed UK FTSE 350 firms from 2006 to 2017, we find that MSC has a negative ... -
An examination of three ethical perspectives on IT practitioners’ intentions to implement accessibility in IT artifact design
(RWTH Aachen, 31.10.2024)
articleAccessibility is a goal that information technology (IT) practitioners strive to achieve when creating IT artifacts for universal use. Designing accessible IT artifacts involves paradigms that encompass typical actions IT ... -
Aineeton pääoma Suomessa edistämässä teknologista muutosta – kasvun haasteet
(Kansantaloudellinen yhdistys, 15.12.2024)
articleSuomen talous kestää kilpailukykyvertailun etenkin, kun aineettoman pääoman laatu otetaan huomioon. Suomessa aineettoman pääoman työntekijöiden määrä on noin 10 % työntekijöistä, joka on jonkin verran alhaisempi kuin muissa ... -
Voices in government crisis communication in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic : A rhetorical arena perspective
(VAKKI, 13.12.2024)
articleThe aim of this article is to explore the discursive and communicative choices made in the United States’ government crisis communication during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020–2023). The article investigates government crisis ... -
Asiantuntijatiedon moninaisuus : Tarkastelussa podcast-tarjonta ja sen luokitteluperiaatteet
(VAKKI, 13.12.2024)
articleThe ways and forms of presenting expert knowledge are constantly changing. For example, such media formats as podcasts, i.e. audio or video recordings available online, are increasingly being used to convey expert information. ... -
Diagnostic Accuracy of MRI for Orbital and Intracranial Invasion of Sinonasal Malignancies : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
(MDPI, 12.12.2024)
articleBackground/Objectives: In this study, we review the diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in detecting orbital and intracranial invasion of sinonasal malignancies (SNMs) using histopathological and surgical ... -
The crypto collapse chronicles : Decoding cryptocurrency exchange defaults
(Elsevier, 04.12.2024)
articleThis research explores the factors contributing to the failure of cryptocurrency exchanges by analyzing a sample of 845 exchanges. Using logit and probit models, it identifies key variables affecting cryptocurrency exchange ... -
Sales managers' perceptions of interpersonal communication competence in leading AI-integrated sales teams
(Elsevier, 29.11.2024)
articleAdoption of artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer the issue for most professional organizations—the question is how to integrate it into the functions and organizational processes. Considering the current integration ... -
Kenen vastuu? Tilivelvollisuus kompleksisessa arvioinnissa
(Hallinnon tutkimuksen seura, 13.12.2024)
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The effects of haptic, visual and olfactory augmentations on food consumed while wearing an extended reality headset
(Springer Nature, 11.12.2024)
articleThe current food production system is unsustainable, necessitating a shift towards plant-based diets. Nutritious options fulfill basic needs but may not satisfy hedonic ones. Our novel approach is to promote healthier ... -
Permakriisit koettelevat hallintoa
(Hallinnon tutkimuksen seura, 13.12.2024)
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Aseistettua vapaaehtoisuutta ja osallistuvaa sodankäyntiä : Kartoittava katsaus spontaaniin vapaaehtoisuuteen maanpuolustuksen kontekstissa
(Hallinnon tutkimuksen seura, 13.12.2024)
articleWeaponized volunteering and participatory warfare: A scoping review of spontaneous volunteering in the context of national defense This article explores the phenomenon of spontaneous volunteering within the context of ... -
National Preparedness : Towards an Emergent System of Governance
(Palgrave Macmillan, 05.12.2024)
bookPartPublic governance refers to the mechanisms, processes, and institutions through which societies organise and govern themselves. It encompasses a variety of forms, ranging from traditional hierarchies to more decentralised ... -
Introduction to Information Resilience in the Context of National Preparedness
(Palgrave Macmillan, 05.12.2024)
bookPartChanges in the global environment, the intricacies of decision-making, and the evolving role of social media have challenged traditional crisis preparedness and the security of supply frameworks. Securing the continuous ...