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A complexity theory perspective on politico-administrative systems : Insights from a systematic literature review
(Taylor & Francis, 05.04.2024)
articleComplexity theory (CT) refers to a collection of concepts and heuristics that can be used to study the developments emerging from interactions between phenomena, actors, and events. CT has increasingly been utilized in the ... -
Academic Freedom and the Rule of Law
(Faculty of law, University of Stockholm, 05 / 2023)
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"After All, No One Is Superhuman Here" : An Analysis of the Perceived Effects of Managerial Athleticism
(MPDI, 26.10.2021)
articleExecutive duties have long been described as becoming more intensive and demanding. One contributing factor is a perceived increase in the complexity of the operating environment. A high level of physical fitness has been ... -
Antisipaatio - tulevaisuuden ja kompleksisuuden tuore liitto
(Gaudeamus, 19.03.2020)
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Care robot literacy : integrating AI ethics and technological literacy in contemporary healthcare
(Springer Nature, 25.09.2024)
articleHealthcare work is guided by care ethics, and any technological changes, including the use of robots and artificial intelligence (AI), must comply with existing norms, values and work practices. By bridging technological ... -
Co-Creating Safety and Security? Analyzing the multifaceted field of co-creation in Finland
(The International Sociological Association's Research Committee on the Sociology of DisastersEngelbrekt Distribution, 2021)
articleComplexity is said to be on the rise in the security environment and co-creation has been proposed as one of the ways to respond to this situation. Through co-creation, complexity is addressed by a plurality of actors and ... -
Collective Impact Partnership and Backbone Organizations as Enablers of Children’s Well-Being
(Springer, 28.08.2020)
articleIn this article, the question of partnership is approached from a perspective centred around the creation of a common agenda based on trust and from the children´s point of view. Partnership and collaboration have traditionally ... -
Could virtual volunteerism enhance information resilience in a nuclear emergency? The potential role of disaster knowledge workers and virtual emergent groups
(EDP Sciences, 04.01.2023)
articleInformal volunteerism in its various forms is on the rise in the safety and security arena. This study focuses on a new mode of informal volunteerism, virtual volunteerism. The study uses the complex context of a nuclear ... -
Dancing with ignorance : Utilizing social media to enhance public authorities’ sensemaking abilities in times of crises
(IKAM - Institute of Knowledge Asset Management, 2024)
articleThis paper builds on the relatively underexplored yet increasingly intriguing domain of ignorance, a topic that is garnering interest within the academic community. Traditional crisis management often relies on existing ... -
Deliberation Models Featuring Youth Participation
(University of Victoria, 21.08.2013)
articleThere is a growing trend among developed countries to increase the participation of youth in societal and institutional decision-making. The challenge is to move away from an illusion of participation (tokenism) to genuine ... -
Deliberative future visioning : utilizing the deliberative democracy theory and practice in futures research
(SpringerOpen, 13.12.2017)
articleBroadly defined, deliberative democracy aspires the decision-making legitimacy by deliberation of equal citizens. As a response to the growing discontent with the representational governance, the normative and empirical ... -
Den decentraliserade expertorganisationen : en översikt med fokus på individens erfarenheter
(Djøf Forlag, 2018)
articleOrganisationer och i synnerhet expertorganisationer omformas och förnyas i snabb takt. Enheter slås samman och efter en tid splittras de på nytt. Nuförtiden kan decentralisering av en organisation ske till och med flera ... -
Digital co-creation : Mission (im)possible?
(Routledge, 09.08.2022)
bookPartThis chapter discusses the promises and pitfalls of digital co-creation. Drawing on the emerging literature on co-creation of public services the chapter seeks to identify the enabling factors helping bridge the gap between ... -
Digital technology as a source of creative organizational resource and service delivery : Building a climate for organizational creativity with deliberative democracy
(University of Lincoln, 2018)
articleArticle suggests that deliberative democracy enables creative climate for organizational development connecting organizational creativity and digitalization together. Deliberative democracy processes deliver a solution for ... -
Disability and Deliberative Democracy: Towards Involving the Whole Human Spectrum in Public Deliberation
(RoutledgeNordic Network on Disability Research, 2014)
articleThere is a danger that the basic assumption in deliberative democracy rests still strongly on the idea of normality. There is an image of ordinary, normal and active citizens which is supposed to capture the whole human ... -
Drug treatment service procurement : A systematic review of models, goals, and outcomes
(SAGE Publications, 22.06.2023)
articleAim: To explore the goals and outcomes of public procurement of drug treatment services in OECD countries. The study explores how these complex services are procured and delivered. Methods and data: A systematic review of ... -
E-leadership in nursing – a systematic review
(Sosiaali- ja terveyshuollon tietojenkäsittely-yhdistys, 11.04.2024)
articleNurses and nurse leaders play a key role in healthcare digitalisation. While the volume of nursing leadership research has increased dramatically, empirical research on e-leadership in nursing remains limited. We believe ... -
Editorial : Innovating ‘co-creative’ relationships between services, citizens and communities
(Taylor & Francis, 10.05.2022)
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"Ei sitä ilman enää oikeastaan voisi olla" : Haastattelututkimus aktiivisesti liikkuvien johtajien liikuntasuhteesta
(Liikuntatieteellinen Seura ry, 02 / 2022)
articleJohtamistyön on kuvattu muuttuneen entistä intensiivisemmäksi ja vaativammaksi, jolloin johtajien aktiivinen liikuntatausta on nostettu esiin yhtenä johtamistyöhön mahdollisesti huojennusta tuottavana tekijänä. On kuitenkin ... -
Election promises on children’s wellbeing and health 2015 to 2021 – a study of Finnish voting advice applications database
(SAGE Publications, 29.07.2022)
articleBackground: According to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, children’s views should be heard in policymaking. But it remains unclear to what extent children’s wellbeing is considered in election promises M ...