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A Review of International Entrepreneurship as Part of Broader Opportunity Research : Topic Modelling Approach
(Springer, 22.05.2021)
bookPartAlthough international entrepreneurship reviews have made a significant contribution to the subject’s knowledge, researchers have not unleashed its full potential. This review provides an understanding of the deeper ... -
A Typology of Emerging Market SMEs’ COVID-19 Response Strategies : The Role of TMTs and Organizational Design
(Wiley, 04 / 2022)
articleThe unique challenges posed by COVID-19 call for new insights into how firms respond to multiheaded and multistage evolving global crises. Whilst prior research acknowledges the potential role flexible organizational designs ... -
Adaptive learning in cross-sector collaboration during global emergency : conceptual insights in the context of COVID-19 pandemic
(Emerald, 07.01.2021)
articlePurpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the important role of cross-sector partnerships and collaboration in global emergency management, relevant in situations such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and grand ... -
Addressing the Complexity of the Digital Divide and the Role of Government in Addressing It : Role of Government in Bridging the Digital Divide
(Emerald, 04.12.2023)
bookPartThe digital divide refers to the gap among citizens of a country or across borders due to the lack of ease of access to digital means for some and the difficulty for others. The possession of electronic gadgets, smooth ... -
Ambidextrous Learning and Survival of Early International Firms-The Role of Social Media Usage
(University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 05.01.2021)
articlePrior studies show the importance of social media in facilitating both exploitative learning and exploratory learning. The central concern is how the usage of social media influences the blend of both exploitative learning ... -
An entrepreneurial framework for value co-creation in servitization
(Elsevier, 11 / 2022)
articleThe importance of value co-creation in servitization is increasingly emphasized but remains largely unexplored from the entrepreneurship theoretical perspective. This study develops an entrepreneurial framework for value ... -
Barriers and wellbeing-oriented enablers of intergenerational innovation in the digital age
(Springer Nature, 10.10.2021)
articleSo far, researchers have used a wellbeing-centered approach to catalyze successful intergenerational collaboration (IGC) in innovative activities. However, due to the subject’s multidisciplinary nature, there is still a ... -
Big data analytics capability and decision-making : The role of data-driven insight on circular economy performance
(Elsevier, 01.07.2021)
articleBig data analytics (BDA) is a revolutionary approach for sound decision-making in organizations that can lead to remarkable changes in transforming and supporting the circular economy (CE). However, extant literature on ... -
Bringing Nordic Slush to Asia : entrepreneurial internationalization of an NGO as a social movement
(Elsevier, 24.08.2020)
articleWe explore the internationalization of Slush, an entrepreneurship-promoting NGO from Finland that expanded to Japan, China, and Singapore. We incorporate the social movement theory that allows revealing special mechanisms ... -
Building trust in the sharing economy : current approaches and future considerations
(Elsevier, 10.01.2021)
articleThe sharing economy could be an answer to the challenge of sustainability; it can facilitate the sharing and reuse of resources, create new ways of earning money, and enhance social connections. For example, by reducing ... -
Business Model Mechanisms for Overcoming the Liability of Platformization in International Digital Platform Firms
(Routledge, 03.03.2022)
bookPartWhile the extant research recognizes that digital platforms not only enable internationalization but can also hinder the process, the prior studies do not address how firms can overcome these hindrances. We describe these ... -
Business Model Transformation during Firm Internationalisation : Stretching from Japan to the US Market
(Routledge, 21.12.2021)
bookPartFirms commonly seek profitable business models to ensure survival through developments that they may possibly encounter in their business environment (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010). However, when expanding operations to a ... -
Business modeling under adversity : Resilience in international firms
(John Wiley & Sons, 04.09.2023)
articleResearch Summary This study employs resilience theory and examines the dynamics of business modeling in international firms that enable them to resist environmental shocks under the adverse conditions of a global pandemic. ... -
Change of International Business Models during Covid-19
(Routledge, 01.01.2021)
bookPartIn this chapter, we discuss how Covid-19 impacts firms’ business models in the international context and how firms should aim toward business models built on network trust, cost cutting, and automation to maximize resilience ... -
Characteristics of digital artifacts in international endeavors of digital-based international new ventures
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Strategic Management Society, 29.05.2023)
articleResearch Summary Current research on digital artifacts and international business reveals that digitalization is changing how firms enter international markets and operate within them. The unbounded nature of digital ... -
Collaboration and Internationalization of SMEs : Insights and Recommendations from a Systematic Review
(British Academy of ManagementWiley, 21.07.2020)
articleThis paper performs a systematic literature review of the undeniably diverse – and somewhat fragmented – current state of research on the collaborations and internationalization of small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). ... -
Connecting the Dots : Do Financial Analysts Help Corporate Boards Improve Corporate Social Responsibility?
(Wiley, 26.12.2021)
articleThis paper presents an examination of the joint impact of board structural elements at firm level and financial analysts as market-level corporate governance (CG) on corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance. Our ... -
Control, innovation and international joint venture performance : The moderating role of internal and external environments
(Elsevier, 23.06.2019)
articleThis study aims to analyze how parent control strategies affect the degree of innovation in international joint ventures (IJVs) and how different types of innovation strategies - divided into radical and incremental ... -
Corporate Sustainability Reporting : Shifting From Optional Due Diligence to Mandatory Duty
(John Wiley & Sons, 20.10.2024)
articleThis paper offers a critical overview of the newly proposed Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive by the European Commission. The aim is to uncover potential opportunities, challenges, gaps, and contradictions, ... -
COVID-19 and business renewal : Lessons and insights from the global airline industry
(Elsevier, 15.03.2021)
articleThe emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected the fortunes of multiple companies around the globe. Accordingly, questions are increasingly being asked about how organizations can revitalize during and after ...