"Wang, Cheng" - Selaus tekijän mukaanArtikkelit
Data-Driven Chance-Constrained Optimal Gas-Power Flow Calculation : A Bayesian Nonparametric Approach
Wang, Jingyao; Wang, Cheng; Liang, Yile; Bi, Tianshu; Shafie-khah, Miadreza; Catalão, João P. S. (IEEE, 11.03.2021)
articleThis paper proposes a data-driven chance-constrained optimal gas-power flow (OGPF) calculation method without any prior assumption on the distribution of uncertainties of wind power generation. The Gaussian mixture model ... -
Storage and Transmission Capacity Requirements of a Remote Solar Power Generation System
Chen, Yue; Wei, Wei; Wang, Cheng; Shafie-khah, Miadreza; Catalão, João P. S. (IEEE, 06 / 2022)
articleLarge solar power stations are usually located in remote areas and connect to the main grid via a long transmission line. The energy storage unit is deployed locally with the solar plant to smooth its output. Capacities ...