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Aineistot 1-9 / 9
Communicating with Purpose
(VAKKI ry, 21.12.2023)
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Diversity in Communication
(VAKKI, 13.12.2024)
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Humane Autonomous Technology : Re-thinking Experience with and in Intelligent Systems
(Palgrave Macmillan, 21.10.2024)
bookThis open access book takes a human-focused multidisciplinary look at the ways in which autonomous technology shapes experience, affecting human lives and ways of working in settings ranging from the arts, design, and ... -
Monitoring media pluralism in the digital era : application of the media pluralism monitor in the European Union, Albania, Montenegro, The Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia & Turkey in the year 2020 : Country report : Finland
(European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, 19.10.2021)
reportThe Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM) is a research tool designed to identify potential risks to media pluralism in the Member States of the European Union and in candidate countries. This narrative report has been produced ... -
Poikkeuksellinen viestintä
(ProCom - Viestinnän ammattilaiset ry, 09.06.2022)
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Responsible Communication
(VAKKI ry, 15.12.2022)
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Space Business : Emerging Theory and Practice
(Palgrave Macmillan, 21.08.2024)
bookThis book is an academic investigation of commercial activities of firms in the space related industries and those utilizing services provided by space technology firms. These firms and their activities are part of the ... -
Työelämän viestintä II : VAKKI-symposiumi XXXIX, Vaasa 7.-8.2.2019
(VAKKI ry, 31.12.2019)
bookXXXIX kansainvälisen VAKKI-symposiumin teemana oli toista kertaa Työelämän viestintä. Teema on tuonut onnistuneesti yhteen laaja-alaista viestinnän tutkimusta ja samalla sekä jatkanut symposiumin perinteisiä painotuksia ... -
Työelämän viestintä III, Arbetslivskommunikation III, Workplace Communication III, Kommunikation im Berufsleben III. VAKKI Symposium XL 6.–7.2.2020
(VAKKI ry, 31.12.2020)
bookNeljäskymmenes VAKKI-symposiumi järjestettiin Vaasassa helmikuussa 2020 –vain noin kuukausi ennen koronapandemiasta johtuvien kokoontumisrajoitusten alkamista. Haastavana aikana on erityisen suuri ilo julkaista symposiumin ...