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A Longitudinal study of organizational capability development process : rendering project portfolio management capability (PPMC)
(Vaasan yliopisto, 02 / 2018)
MonografiaväitöskirjaThis dissertation analyzes the heterogeneous development paths of project portfolio management capability (PPMC). Earlier, modern literature has prioritized its focus on the performance-based classification of organizational ... -
A Study on Variables, Technology Facilitators and Measures of Value Co-creation for Management
(Vaasan yliopisto, 24.05.2019)
MonografiaväitöskirjaValue co-creation in this research is to comprehend what facilitates internal or external customers in pursuing creative, inclusive and intellectual interactions. This research consists of two studies. Study I seeks to ... -
Arvonmuodostus yksityisen ja julkisen sektorin yhdyspinnoilla ja miten sitä tiedolla johdetaan
(Vaasan yliopisto, 05.12.2018)
MonografiaväitöskirjaArvonmuodostus käynnistyy toiminnan ja arvojen yhteisvaikutuksesta. Arvonvonmuodostuksella tavoitellaan uutta arvoa ja jatkuvuutta. Yhdyspinnalla kohtaamiset pohjautuvat jokaisen toimijan subjektiivisiin kokemuksiin ja ... -
Commercialization of Renewable Energy Technologies : A study of Socio-economic, Technical and Regulatory factors in Finland and Pakistan
(Vaasan yliopisto, 16.10.2019)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaCommercialization plays an important role in technologies’ success and failure. The successful transformation of an idea into a product or service is a complex and multifarious process. Commercialization deals with bringing ... -
Developing data analytics capabilities of circular economy SMEs
(Vaasan yliopisto, 22.11.2022)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaThe sustainability crisis demands action to match consumption and production to the limits of the nature. The circular economy is expected to solve the sustainability challenge, in which the recycling and waste management ... -
Developing Integration by evaluating Government Program for 2016–2019 : Propositions for Decision Makers
(Vaasan yliopisto, 23.11.2021)
MonografiaväitöskirjaFrom 2015–2016, around 38,000 asylum seekers flocked to Finland. This change has prompted the Finnish government to reevaluate its integration policy. In November 2018, the Finnish Parliament Audit Committee declared that ... -
Development of transportation and supply chain problems with the combination of agent-based simulation and network optimization
(Vaasan yliopisto, 06.03.2023)
MonografiaväitöskirjaDemand drives a different range of supply chain and logistics location decisions, and agent-based modeling (ABM) introduces innovative solutions to address supply chain and logistics problems. This dissertation focuses on ... -
Digital transformation of industrial organisations : A sociotechnical study on the role of leadership, structure and culture in achieving performance outcomes
(Vaasan yliopisto, 27.10.2023)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaIn order to leverage the transformational possibilities of digital technology, digital transformation (DT) has become a strategic priority for industrial organisations. DT uses a mix of modern digital technologies and ... -
Dynamic capabilities : Myth or real deal for sustaining competitive advantage
(Vaasan yliopisto, 14.02.2019)
MonografiaväitöskirjaDigitalization, technological development and globalization have changed the business world drastically over the last decade. Competition has become more and more intense and new competitors emerge on the markets faster ... -
Ecosystem-based development in the transition of fourth industrial revolution
(Vaasan yliopisto, 27.11.2020)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaSocieties around the globe are facing enormous changes based on new technologies and an exponential growth in the amount of data. At the same time, we are facing the “wicked” problems of world, like climate change, population ... -
How to apply technology, knowledge and operations decision models for strategically sustainable resource allocation?
(Vaasan yliopisto, 18.06.2020)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaTechnology is a primary source of competitive advantage that can help a firm to outperform its competitors if the firm’s technology strategy is aligned with its overall business strategy. Because firms’ resources are limited ... -
Improving competitive advantage in 3PL companies in Iran
(Vaasan yliopisto, 18.01.2022)
MonografiaväitöskirjaIn recent years with the significant growth of competition in the industry, the importance of supply chain management has been noted and acted upon. One of the most common strategies in this process is outsourcing, and ... -
Knowledge management approach for sustainable waste management: evolving a conceptual framework
(Vaasan yliopisto, 02.10.2020)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaWaste management is a global issue requiring radical change. Radical change for waste management can be achieved through the application of knowledge management (KM) tools and approaches. This dissertation develops a ... -
Learning practices in long-term university-industry relationships
(Vaasan yliopisto, 29.05.2019)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaThis dissertation analyzes the practices of relationship learning in university-industry relationships (UIRs). The empirical work is based on four articles, each presenting qualitative comparative case studies of collaborative ... -
Persoonallinen ajattelu päättelyssä ja päätöksenteossa
(Vaasan yliopisto, 21.02.2020)
MonografiaväitöskirjaTämä tutkimus kohdistuu yksilön kognitiiviseen karttaan tukeutuvaan persoonalliseen ajatteluun ja sen vaikutuksiin päätelmien tuottamisessa ja päätöksenteossa. Tutkijan tavoitteena oli tässä filosofian tutkimuksessa pyrkiä ... -
Pohjalaisen ammatillisen koulutuksen järjestäjän toimintamalli 2018 ja tulevan toiminnan toimintakehys
(Vaasan yliopisto, 18.10.2024)
MonografiaväitöskirjaTässä laadullisessa tutkimuksessa on haettu vastausta kysymykseen ”millainen oli pohjalaisen ammatillisen koulutuksen järjestäjän toimintamalli 2018, ja millainen on tulevan toiminnan toimintakehys?”. Kohdejoukkona oli ... -
Roadmap for Renewable Energy Technologies Diffusion : A comparative study of Socioeconomic, Regulatory, and Technological issues in Finland and Poland
(Vaasan yliopisto, 09.06.2023)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaEnergy is a fundamental resource required for the functioning and prosperity of societies across the globe. However, due to e.g. industrialization, digitalization, overpopulation, and growing shares of the global middle ... -
Simulation-Based Countermeasures Towards Accident Prevention : Virtual Reality Utilization in Industrial Processes and Activities
(Vaasan yliopisto, 27.09.2022)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaDespite growing industrial interests in fully immersive virtual reality (VR) applications for safety countermeasures, there is scanty research on the subject in the context of accident prevention during manufacturing ... -
Strategic Assessment of Organizational Commitment
(Vaasan yliopisto, 01.06.2018)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaThe concept of organizational commitment has been widely studied over recent decades, yet it remains one of the most challenging concepts in organizational research. While commitment is understood to be highly valuable in ... -
Supply chain inventory control for the iron and steel industry
(Vaasan yliopisto, 2006)