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    • Essays on Bank Liquidity Creation 

      Yasar, Sara (Vaasan yliopisto, 26.11.2021)
      This doctoral dissertation consists of three interrelated empirical essays on bank liquidity creation which is one of the most preeminent functions of banks in the economy. In particular, each essay explores slightly ...
    • Essays on Corporate Social Responsibility and its Efficacy in Value Creation 

      Fatmy, Veda (Vaasan yliopisto, 25.10.2022)
      This doctoral dissertation consists of four essays that focus on contemporary CSR-related policies and how they shape stakeholder expectations, corporate behavior, and financial outcomes. The first essay examines whether ...
    • Essays on Executive Characteristics, Risk-taking, and Compensation in the Banking Industry 

      Ahmed, Shaker (Vaasan yliopisto, 30.10.2023)
      This dissertation is comprised of four essays that examine the effect of top executive characteristics on bank risk-taking and the formation of executive compensation. The first essay uses the facial features of Chief ...
    • Essays on Financial Connectedness 

      Jiang, Junhua (Vaasan yliopisto, 05.06.2020)
      This thesis analyzes financial connectedness from different perspectives in four essays. The first essay studies whether the subprime mortgage crisis and European debt crisis intensified the connectedness effect on the ...
    • Essays on Financial Reporting and Auditing Regulation 

      Haapamäki, Elina (Vaasan yliopisto, 22.10.2019)
      This thesis investigates two broad topics in the context of accounting and auditing. The purpose of the first essay is to highlight the country-specific factors that can predict adoption of International Financial Reporting ...
    • Essays on irrational investors’ behavioral biases and pricing efficiency 

      Klemola, Antti (Vaasan yliopisto, 11.11.2019)
      This thesis analyzes the effect that investors’ sentiment and overconfidence have on asset prices. Five interrelated essays examine the effect that the changes in U.S. small investor sentiment or the potential overconfidence ...
    • Essays on the New Blockchain-Based Digital Financial Market : Risks and Opportunities 

      Sapkota, Niranjan (Vaasan yliopisto, 04.10.2022)
      This doctoral thesis consists of five original essays on the risks and opportunities of the new blockchain-based digital financial market. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze, identify, and, if possible, predict ...
    • Evolving Role of Management Accountant – Dreaming of the Perfect Controller 

      Ala-Heikkilä, Virpi (Vaasan yliopisto, 31.01.2022)
      This dissertation provides a holistic view of the role and image of management accountant. It comprises a synthesis and three inter-related essays which provide qualitative evidence regarding 1) the tasks, skills, and ...
    • Fair Value Appraisal and Financial Reporting 

      Mäki, Juha (Vaasan yliopisto, 10 / 2020)
      This thesis analyzes phenomena that occur when financial reporting on real estate companies located in the European Union is published under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The first and second essays ...
    • Innovation Capabilities, Design and Cutting Edge : Innovative Growth in the 21st Century 

      Eklund, Carita (Vaasan yliopisto, 20.08.2019)
      This dissertation examines the capability of intangible assets and design competences to predict innovations. The first essay examines how design competences at different innovation stages support new product development. ...
    • Julkiset hankinnat talonrakennusalalla : Keskisuuren yrityksen mahdollisuus toimia pääurakoitsijana 

      Karhu, Ulla-Maria (Vaasan yliopisto, 12.05.2022)
      Julkisiin talonrakennushankintoihin liittyy merkittäviä taloudellisia intressejä, minkä vuoksi niiden tehokas kilpailuttaminen on tärkeää. Euroopan komission mukaan pienillä ja keskisuurilla yrityksillä (pk-sektori) on ...
    • Kodin verotuet – tavoite, normi ja vaikutus 

      Lyly, Petra (Vaasan yliopisto, 02.12.2021)
      Tutkimus kohdistuu kodin verotukiin, joita ovat erityisesti oman asunnon luovutusvoiton verovapaus, ensiasunnon varainsiirtoverovapaus, asuntovelkojen korkovähennys, laskennallisen asuntotulon verovapaus sekä kotitalousvähennys. ...
    • Money, Merits and Gender : Essays on wage differentials 

      Vaahtoniemi, Saara (Vaasan yliopisto, 16.09.2022)
      Workers in finance are paid about 20 percent higher wages than similar workers in other fields. This finance wage premium is larger for men than it is for women, and the gender difference in this premium becomes greater ...
    • Research on discretion in accounting : Evidence from the adoption of IAS 19R 

      Lin, Zishan (Vaasan yliopisto, 27.11.2020)
      This dissertation examines the discretionary accounting choices using the setting of IAS 19R employee benefits, which replaced the IAS 19 in 2013. More specifically, two main changes under the IAS 19R have been investigated: ...
    • Tavaramerkki liikuntapalvelun tuotteistamisessa : kun jumppa ei ole enää pelkkää jumppaa 

      Sippola, Petra (Vaasan yliopisto, 29.05.2019)
      Liikuntaekosysteemin muutos tuottaa uusia mahdollisuuksia liikuntapalveluihin liittyvän liiketoiminnan kehittymiselle. Mahdollisuuksien realisoitumiselle on kuitenkin tärkeää, että yritystoiminnan perustana oleva osaaminen ...
    • User-centered design : A key to contract simplification 

      Finnegan, Milva (Vaasan yliopisto, 07.05.2021)
      Contracts are a vital part of business-to-business (B2B) exchanges. They guide the exchange relationship and define its terms. A challenge that companies face is the complexity of contract documents. Traditional documents, ...
    • Veron kiertämisen tunnistaminen : oikeuden väärinkäytön kielto VML 28 §:n tulkinnassa 

      Kaunisto, Siru (Vaasan yliopisto, 16.08.2022)
      Vero-oikeudessa on pohdittu vuosikymmenten ajan, missä menee raja veron minimoinnin ja veron kiertämisen välillä. Vähälle huomiolle on jäänyt kysymys siitä, mitkä tunnusmerkit määrittävät sen, onko oikeustoimessa kyse veron ...