Minimizing wind power curtailment using a continuous-time risk-based model of generating units and bulk energy storage
Nikoobakht, Ahmad; Aghaei, Jamshid; Shafie-khah, Miadreza; Catalão, J.P.S. (2020-06-23)
Nikoobakht, Ahmad
Aghaei, Jamshid
Shafie-khah, Miadreza
Catalão, J.P.S.
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Wind power curtailment (WPC) occurs because of the non-correlation between wind power generation (WPG) and load, and also due to the fast sub-hourly variations of WPG. Recently, advances in energy storage technologies facilitate the use of bulk energy storage units (ESUs) to provide the ramping required to respond to fast sub-hourly variations of WPGs. To minimize the sub-hourly WPC probability, this paper addresses a generic continuous-time risk-based model for sub-hourly scheduling of energy generating units and bulk ESUs in the day-ahead unit commitment (UC) problem. Accordingly, the Bernstein polynomials are hosted to model the continuous-time risk-based UC problem with ESU constraints. Also, the proposed continuous-time risk-based model ensures that the generating units and ESUs track the sub-hourly variations of WPG, while the load and generation are balanced in each sub-hourly intervals. Finally, the performance of the proposed model is demonstrated by simulating the IEEE 24-bus Reliability and Modified IEEE 118-bus test systems.
- Artikkelit [2788]