UNIVERSITY OF VAASA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION AUTOMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Jeremias Snellman IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION OF A GRAPHQL-BASED WEB AP- PLICATION FOR PROJECT FOLLOW UP Vaasa 27.08.2019 Supervisor Prof. Timo Mantere Instructor Petri Välisuo & Tim Wallin, Gambit 1 CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 4 ABSTRACT 5 1 INTRODUCTION 6 1.1 Research question and purpose 6 1.2 Limitations 7 1.3 Structure 8 1.4 Gambit Labs Ab Oy 8 2 WEB API 10 2.1 Client-server architecture 10 2.2 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 10 2.2.1 The history of HTTP 11 2.2.2 Structure of messages 12 2.3 Data formats 14 2.3.1 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 14 2.3.2 Extensible Markup Language (XML) 15 3 GRAPHQL 16 3.1 The Type System 18 3.1.1 Schema 18 3.1.2 Types 19 3.2 Queries, Mutations and Subscriptions 21 3.3 GraphQL API Architecture and Design 24 3.3.1 Domain analysis 25 2 3.3.2 Architectural design 25 3.3.3 Prototyping 25 3.3.4 Implementing for production 26 3.3.5 Publishing 26 3.3.6 Maintenance 26 4 REPRESENTATIONAL STATE TRANSFER 27 4.1 The architectural style 27 4.2 RESTful API Design 28 4.2.1 Resources 29 4.2.2 Representation 30 4.2.3 Parameters 30 4.2.4 Methods 31 5 RELATED WORK 33 5.1 Web API Capacity Study 33 5.2 Performance analysis of Web Services 34 5.3 API Design in Distributed Systems 34 5.4 Semantics and Complexity of GraphQL 36 6 PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION 37 6.1 Toggl 37 6.1.1 Toggl API 38 6.1.2 Reports API 38 6.2 Requirements 40 6.3 Selection of technologies 42 6.3.1 Selection criteria 42 3 6.3.2 Server-side 42 6.3.3 Client-side 43 6.4 System design and architecture 44 6.4.1 Data model 45 6.4.2 Synchronization service 46 6.5 Creating the GraphQL API 48 6.6 Consuming the GraphQL API 49 7 EVALUATION AND RESULTS 52 8 CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION 57 REFERENCES 59 APPENDIX 63 A. List of HTTP status codes and reason phrases 63 B. List of supported API requests for the Toggl API 64 4 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AST Abstract Syntax Tree API Application Programming Interface CMS Content Management System HTML Hypertext Markup Language HTTP Hypertext Transport Protocol JSON JavaScript Object Notation REST Representational State Transfer SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol SPA Single-Page-Application TCP Transmission Control Protocol URI Uniform Resource Identifier URL Uniform Resource Locator XML Extensible Markup Language 5 UNIVERSITY OF VAASA Faculty of technology Author: Jeremias Snellman Topic of the Thesis: Implementation and evaluation of a GraphQL-based Web application for project follow up Supervisor: Timo Mantere Instructor: Tim Wallin, Petri Välisuo Degree: Master of Science in Technology Degree Programme: Degree Programme in Energy- and Information Technology Major: Automation and Computer Science Year of Entering the University: 2014 Year of Completing the Thesis: 2019 Pages: 66 ABSTRACT This thesis is about APIs and web development. Technologies specifically presented in- clude GraphQL and REST as a basis for the implementation of the web application. The purpose of the thesis was to create a web-based tool for project follow up. The main goal of the tool is to provide reporting functionalities and views for project follow up based on data from the public APIs provided by Toggl. In the first part of the thesis, relevant theory about GraphQL, REST and APIs is provided. Web APIs are presented, along with common protocols, such as HTTP, as well as differ- ent data formats for the serialization of the data to be transmitted over the network. A literature review is also performed on the current state of the research on GraphQL-based APIs as well as on comparisons on GraphQL-, and RESTful-APIs. The second part consists of the design and implementation of the application. Toggl, a time tracking service, is described with its two different APIs, the Toggl API, and the Report API. Further, the decision process of selecting the technologies for the developed tool is presented. One of the main parts of the tool consists of the synchronization mech- anism for keeping the data in the database up to date with the data stored in Toggl. The other major part is about exposing the data via a GraphQL-API and consuming it in a single-page-application created in React. The developed application is a minimum viable product, fulfilling its purpose of provid- ing reporting functionalities for projects based on the data provided by Toggl. It was de- veloped with usability, flexibility and testability in mind enabling further development in the future. GraphQL was the choice of API technology and was considered a suitable approach in this application. KEYWORDS: GraphQL, REST, API, Web application, Toggl 6 1 INTRODUCTION After the World Wide Web was invented and implemented, a need for standards for com- municating between different computer systems rose in the 1990s. Different protocols were developed, such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Later, a web architectural style called Representational State Transfer (REST) was developed by Roy Fielding. (2000). With the emerge of SOAP and REST, computer systems could communicate with each other via the Web using HTTP, utilizing Application Programming Interfaces (API). Together with Web APIs, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) enabled the possi- bility to create dynamic sites which run in the browser. The term Single Page Application (SPA) was coined in the 2000s, which is used for a web application which runs com- pletely in the browser. The needed resources, for example, JavaScript files or Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) documents are fetched from the server and form a standalone application in the browser without the need of loading a new page when the user clicks on a menu, for example. A large number of frameworks have been developed which builds on this principle. React, developed by Facebook, Angular, which Google is the inventor of, and Vue, founded by Evan You, to mention a few. As the complexity of data has increased, the need for new ways for fetching data from the server has emerged. As a response to this, Facebook developed a query language and runtime called GraphQL, enabling a flexible and extensible way for the client to fetch data and communicate with the server. 1.1 Research question and purpose This thesis is about evaluating GraphQL from a practical approach, in the implementation of a web application. Two different approaches for creating APIs, namely GraphQL and REST, will be presented and evaluated. A literature review will also be performed on the current state of research on GraphQL and REST. 7 A need for a tool was discovered in the company Gambit Labs Ab Oy (see chapter 1.4), to ease the follow-up of projects. A time tracking service called Toggl is in use by the company. Toggl offers integrations to different project management tools, along with the possibility to create custom integrations, using its public API. Toggl is used for tracking the time developers, designers and project manager spend on different clients and pro- jects, thus making it easier to invoice the customers as the total time spent and other que- ries are easy to access from the Toggl reports. The purpose of the thesis is to utilize Toggl’s public API in creating a tool for fetching and presenting the data, thus creating views for the follow-up on estimates, time used, and invoices on specific tasks within a project. On the short term, this tool primarily serves in a retrospective way, whereas in the long term, it enables to serve as a foundation for the salesforce on giving more precise estimates and offers for new potential projects. 1.2 Limitations The thesis is limited to presenting only two different API technologies, namely GraphQL and RESTful APIs, as these are very popular today. Terms such as Single Page Applica- tion (SPA) will be explained, together with an exploration of different frontend and backend frameworks. These will, however, not be evaluated nor compared to each other, rather they only serve as a theoretical foundation for the later chapters in which the de- velopment process is explained in more detail. The tool created is not a complete project management tool, with all the different features for managing a project, but a rather focused tool and a minimum viable product (MVP), which aims to fulfill its purpose mentioned in the previous section. This will help to keep the complexity down but still, enable further development in the future. Further utilization of the Toggl data is effortlessly achievable, due the the flexibility and customizability of GraphQL, which is used, thus enabling rapid creation of new user interfaces. 8 1.3 Structure After the introduction chapter, Web APIs in general are covered. HTTP, a commonly used protocol, is explained along with different data formats for sending data between the server and the client. In the following chapter GraphQL is explained in detail. Terms such as schema, types, queries and mutations are covered, along with different use cases for GraphQL and scenarios, where a different choice of technology is better suited. In chapter four, alternatives to GraphQL, REST-based APIs are covered. The architec- tural style will be presented along with its constraints. Finally, the term RESTful web service, the implementation of REST, will be explained. Chapter five provides a literature review of some of the research about GraphQL which at the time of writing have been done. The research papers presented in this thesis cover essentially comparisons between GraphQL and REST, as well as evaluations of the GraphQL language itself. In the initial part of chapter six, Toggl, the time tracking service in use in Gambit, is explained. The usage as well as the public API with its different report types are covered. Furthermore, the requirements of the tool is presented along with a section covering the selection of technologies. Different UML diagrams are created in support of the tool, covering the functionality and the structure of the application. Among these are class and sequence diagrams. Finally, in chapter seven, the results of the thesis are explained, covering the outcome of the implemented tool and an evaluation of the application and GraphQL, from a practical approach. In chapter eight the project is concluded and discussed. 1.4 Gambit Labs Ab Oy 9 Gambit Labs Ab Oy, hereafter called Gambit, is a company founded in 2011. It is one of the first companies in Finland with the intention of implementing smart mobile applica- tions to customers. Gambit employs a total of 21 employees and is located in Runsor, in the Finnish city of Vaasa. (Gambit 2019.) Gambit has gained a broad portfolio of diverse projects and customers. These vary from creating websites for small companies, to more complex solutions including mobile apps and web services customized for solving a specific problem. (Gambit 2019.) 10 2 WEB API An API is an interface to a computer program, which exposes some data and functionality to allow different systems to communicate with each other, and thus exchange infor- mation. This can be done via a web service, which is a web server, whose purpose is to support an application’s or a site’s needs. A Web API is the utilization of the two, expos- ing a web server’s functionality allowing client programs to interact with the server. (Masse 2011:5.) 2.1 Client-server architecture Web APIs typically operate in a client-server architecture. This model can be described as two separate, autonomous processes, which operates in a request-response way. That is, the client requests a resource from the server, which then processes the request and sends the resource in a response back to the client. (Singh & Yadav 2009:1). This is il- lustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1. A general view of a client-server architecture. A common example of a client-server model with network communication, is the browser acting as a client, which requests web sites or other resources from a web server. (Singh & Yadav 2009:157.) 2.2 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 11 The communication between a client and the server is often handled via HTTP. In general, a client requests a resource from the server, using a GET or POST method or another HTTP method, in which the server processes the request, and creates a response describ- ing the performed actions, hence returning the required resource to the client. The re- source can be of various formats, for example, images, audio and text, which could be formatted in JSON or XML (described in chapter 2.3). HTTP is a protocol at the application-level for distributed, collaborative, hypertext infor- mation systems, stateless in its nature. It relies on reliable data-transmission protocols such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), which ensures that the data received will be the same as the data sent from the server. (Totty, Gourley, Sayer, Aggarwal & S. Reddy 2009). HTTP, built upon the previously mentioned client-server paradigm is often used as the underlying protocol when designing and implementing web APIs. 2.2.1 The history of HTTP The first prototype version of HTTP, version 0.9, was proposed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991. As a protocol, it was rather limited. The only supported request type was a GET request, which will be explained further later in this chapter. (Totty et al. 2009). HTTP/0.9 was shortly replaced by version 1.0. This protocol was the first widely adopted version, with support of more request methods such as GET, POST and DELETE. In addition to the methods, HTTP headers and multimedia object handling were introduced, allowing for creating content with a graphically appealing user interface. (Totty et al. 2009). With the increased popularity, many features were added to HTTP by commonly used web clients and servers. Even though they were unofficial, the features became the facto standards, resulting in HTTP/1.0+. Its descendant, version 1.1 is the standard version of HTTP. This version is since its publication used by most clients and is still very popular today. In this version significant performance optimizations were made along with cor- rections for many architectural flaws. (Totty et al. 2009.) 12 The latest version of HTTP is version 2.0. Up until 2.0, the data are transmitted in plain ASCII text. For increased performance, HTTP/2.0 transfers the data in binary form. HTTP/2.0 also includes several other improvements and optimizations. The usage of HTTP/2.0 is increasing, with a percentage usage of 33.3% of all websites, at the time of writing. (W3Techs 2019.) 2.2.2 Structure of messages An HTTP message consists of three parts; the start line, the headers and the entity body. The start line and the headers, written in ASCII text, are separated by a two-character end-of-line sequence. The entity body is an optional block in the message. It may contain data in text or binary format, which is specified in the header block. (Totty et al. 2009). The message is either a request or a response, both having the same structure of the mes- sage. The start line in a message defines the type of method, the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the request and the HTTP version to use. The available methods, according to the current HTTP specification, version 1.1, are shown in table 1. Table 1. Table representation of all methods specified in HTTP/1.1, as provided by Fielding and Reschke. (2014:22.) Method Description GET Transfer a current representation of the target resource. HEAD Same as GET, but only transfer the status line and header section. POST Perform resource-specific processing on the request payload. PUT Replace all current representations of the target resource with the request pay- load. DELETE Remove all current representations of the target resource. CONNECT Establish a tunnel to the server identified by the target resource. OPTIONS Describe the communication options for the target resource. TRACE Perform a message loop-back test along the path to the target resource. In RFC 7231, in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Fielding and Reschke state that the only required methods, which general-purpose servers must support, are the GET and HEAD method, while the others are optional. (Fielding & Reschke 2014:22). As 13 HTTP was designed to be easily extensible, other methods may be implemented by serv- ers. These methods are called “extension methods”. (Totty et al. 2009.) The start line in the response differs from the request. In the response, the star line con- tains the HTTP version, a status-code and a reason-phrase. The status-code informs the client about the occurred reactions during processing the request. It consists of a three- digit sequence, with the first digit expressing the class of the response, for example “suc- cess”, “error” et cetera. (Totty et al. 2009f). The following list describes the various clas- ses of status codes, and their description, as presented by Fielding and Reschke (2014:47): • 1xx (Informational): The request was received, continuing process. • 2xx (Successful): The request was successfully received, understood and ac- cepted. • 3xx (Redirection): Further action needs to be taken in order to complete the re- quest. • 4xx (Client Error): The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled. • 5xx (Server Error): The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request. In appendix A, a list of common status codes and corresponding reason phrases is pre- sented. The reason phrases are only for human interpretation of the response and can be changed without affecting the protocol. The header section contains additional information regarding the request and response. HTTP headers can be classified in the following categories; General-, Request-, Re- sponse-, Entity-, and Extension-headers. The headers consist of a list of key-value pairs, that is, a name of the header and its corresponding value, separated by a colon. An exam- ple of a common header is “Content-length” which defines the length of the body in bytes. 14 Another example is “Content-type”, which specifies the type of the body. For example, “Content-type: image/jpeg” defines that the body is a jpeg image. (Totty et al. 2009.) Finally, the entity body of the HTTP message is the payload. Entity bodies carry the actual data, which was requested, for example HTML documents, images, videos et cetera. This section is optional, thus providing it both in the request and the response is not needed. (Totty et al. 2009.) 2.3 Data formats As different systems communicate with each other, in a web-context often via HTTP, the systems need to understand the transmitted data. A client application, for example a Ja- vaScript application, must be able to understand the entity body of an HTTP request sent to a server application, for example written in Python. For this case, different data formats have been established. The purpose of the data formats is to retain common standards for serializing data structures or other data in an application. 2.3.1 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) JSON is a lightweight, text-based format which is designed to be human readable, for exchanging information typically in a client-server architecture. JSON originated from JavaScript and uses JavaScript syntax. However, JSON is not dependent on JavaScript or any other language. Many languages support the data format, among these are Java, PHP, C# and Python. (Sriparasa 2013.) Essentially, JSON is a format for serializing data. The format supports four primitive types: numbers, booleans, strings and null. It is also able to represent two structured types: objects and arrays. Strings in JSON are defined to be any sequence of any length, includ- ing zero, of Unicode characters. Objects are a collection of key-value pairs, where the key is a string representing the name of the value, and the value itself may be any of the 15 primitive or structured types as defined in JSON. An array in JSON is an ordered list of values of any length. (Bray 2017.) 2.3.2 Extensible Markup Language (XML) XML is a subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and was formed in 1996 by a working group under the auspices of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The design purpose for XML is, among others, that it should be straightforwardly usable over the Internet, it should be easy to create programs which handle and parse XML documents and that the XML documents should be clear and human-readable. (Bray, Paoli, Sperberg-McQueen, Maler & Yergeau. 2008.) An XML document is built upon storage units, called entities. These entities contain data and are usually identified by an entity name. The entities contain parsed or unparsed data. Parsed data consists of characters which form data or markup. Character data contains the representation of the data while the markup encodes a description of the layout and logical structure of the document. (Bray et al. 2008.) 16 3 GRAPHQL GraphQL is a query language and a runtime. A client and a server which both understand the query language, may request and respectively respond to the data requirements, which is declaratively communicated by the client. The runtime lays on top of the server appli- cation and is an execution layer, which ensures that the server is able to respond to the request, made in the GraphQL language. In his book “Learning GraphQL and Relay”, Samer Buna describes the relationship between the GraphQL language and runtime as the following quotation: Anyone can invent a new language and start speaking it, but no one would under- stand them without learning the new language first or having someone translate it for them. That’s why we need to implement a runtime for GraphQL on the backend servers. (Buna 2016:7.) Furthermore, the runtime layer is a graph-based schema, which is independent of any language. The schema defines the capabilities of the corresponding data service. Based on the schema, a client can perform any query against the runtime, as long as it lies within the constraints of the schema. Using this approach, both the client and the server are de- coupled from each other, enabling each to scale as well as evolve independently. (Buna 2016:6 – 7.) When Facebook developed GraphQL, a set of design principles where followed: (Face- book 2018a.) • Hierarchical: In order for clients to describe the data requirements, a query is hi- erarchically structured, in the same way as the data returned in the response. This achieves congruency in the creation and manipulation of view hierarchies. • Product-centric: GraphQL has a client-side first approach. Instead of starting from the backend API designer’s perspective, everything starts from the front-end en- gineer’s way of thinking and requirements. 17 • Strong-typing: As every GraphQL server has its own type system, Query valida- tion can be performed already at development time, using certain tools. With strong-typing, the structure of and the nature of a response can be guaranteed at a certain level before execution. • Client-specified queries: Given the type system, the capabilities of a GraphQL server is published to the client. The responsibility then lays in the client to define what data should be returned on a detailed level. This is the opposite to most cli- ent-server applications not using GraphQL, as the data returned is specified in the server. • Introspective: As defined in the specification, a GraphQL server’s type system can be queried in itself. A client can query the server for which kind of queries can be performed, for example. This feature allows for the creation of common tools and client libraries, such as GraphiQL. At its core, a GraphQL service is about defining types which contain fields, and then provide functions for the fields. In figure 2, an example is shown, made by GraphQL (2019a). In this example a service providing the current user in a system is declared. Fig- ure 3 shows a corresponding implementation of the functions used for retrieving the data. Figure 2. Example of two GraphQL types defined. (GraphQL 2019a.) 18 Figure 3. Example functions for processing a GraphQL query. (GraphQL 2019a.) Furthermore, when proceeding with the example above, figure 4 shows how the query can be stated in this specific GraphQL server. The corresponding result of the query is shown in figure 5. Figure 4. GraphQL query example. (GraphQL 2019a.) Figure 5. Example response of a GraphQL query. (GraphQL 2019a.) 3.1 The Type System The GraphQL Type system defines the capabilities of the server. It is used to determine whether a query is valid and whether the provided values in a query contains valid data. The standard language of describing the type system, is the GraphQL Schema Definition Language (SDL), a kind of Interface Description Language (IDL), which is included in the GraphQL specifications. (Facebook 2018b.) 3.1.1 Schema 19 In order to know what kind of operations are supported in a GraphQL server, the schema must contain information about the Root Operation Types, which can be a query, muta- tion or subscription. Among these, only queries are mandatory, with mutations and sub- scriptions being optional. (Facebook 2018b.) 3.1.2 Types A fundamental unit in the schema is the type. There is a total of six different types: object- , scalar-, interface-, union-, enum- and input-object-types. Besides these types, there exist wrapping types, which can be either a List or a Non-nullable type and the root operation types, described in the previous section. The object type is the most basic component of the schema. This represents the structure of the data of a certain object. An object type contains fields which can be of any of the other types. An example of an object type is as follows: type Car { model: String! year: Int color: String } In this example, the object is a Car, which holds three fields, model, year and color. The fields are all scalar types, which will be explained later. According to the GraphQL SDL the exclamation mark (!) indicates that the model field is a Non-Null type. When a field which is marked as Non-Null is queried, the result can not contain a null value. (Facebook 2018c.) The scalar types are a defined set of raw data values. The default types available in the specification are (GraphQL 2019b): • Int: A signed 32-bit integer. • Float: A signed double-precision floating-point value. 20 • String: A UTF-8 character sequence. • Boolean: true or false. • ID: The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to re-fetch an object or as the key for a cache. The ID type is serialized in the same way as a String; however, defining it as an ID signifies that it is not intended to be human- readable. Interfaces are similar to interfaces in object-oriented programming in the way that they define a set of fields, which an object type must include in order to implement the inter- face. Extending the Car example above we could have an interface named Vehicle, which the Car object implements: interface Vehicle { id: ID! model: String! year: Int color: String } type Car implements Vehicle { id: ID! model: String! year: Int color: String } type Truck implements Vehicle { id: ID! model: String! year: Int color: String } In this example, there are two different kinds of objects, Car and Truck, both implement- ing the Vehicle interface. In addition to this, each object types may add object specific fields which do not belong to the interface. 21 Another type in the specification is union types. These specify that a type may be either one of the provided object types. In GraphQL’s web site an example is provided defined as follows (GraphQL 2019b): union SearchResult = Human | Droid | Starship This example implies that when a query has a return type of SearchResult, the returned object might be either an object of type Human, Droid, or Starship. The enum type defines a set of predefined possible values. The values in the enum type is a scalar value. This allows for the system to know, that the input or output of a query is either one of the values defined in the enum. (GraphQL 2019b). For example: enum Color { RED GREEN BLUE BLACK } The last type of the named types is the input object type. These are a special type which is only used as a type when being passed as a query argument, but more commonly in mutations (discussed in section 3.2). The input type is similar to a regular object type with the difference in the keyword being used in the schema, input, instead of type. (GraphQL 2019b.) 3.2 Queries, Mutations and Subscriptions Queries and mutations in GraphQL are means of interacting with the data. A query is a read operation, meaning that a client performs a query, which is sent to the GraphQL server. The server, in turn, processes the request and returns the requested data. This is being done without performing any so-called side-effects on the data, for instance updat- ing, or deleting any data. 22 When the user wants to perform changes to data, for example create a new object, update an instance or delete some data, a mutation operation is performed. Queries and mutations in GraphQL belong to the root operation types along with sub- scriptions. Similarly, as with the other types, queries and mutations are to be defined in the schema. In order to define a query in the schema, usually a type named Query is defined, with each field representing a specific query, which can be performed. The name of the type is not required to be Query, but according to the specifications, the schema definition is not needed. Instead it can be omitted when the root types query, mutation and subscription are named Query, Mutation and Subscription respectively. An example of this is: type Query { readCars: [Cars]! } This above example specifies that there must exist a query called readCars, which must return a list of car objects. The exclamation mark outside the brackets, allows the car objects themselves, but not the list, to be null. Similarly, to define a mutation, a type Mutation is added in the schema: type Mutation { setCarColor(id: ID!, color: String!): Car } In this example, a mutation setCarColor is defined. This mutation takes two mandatory arguments, id of type ID and color of type String. The response of this mutation is an object of type Car. When the queries and mutations are defined in the server schema similarly to the exam- ples above, the client can utilize them by performing a request to the GraphQL server. If a client wants to get data about all cars stored in a database, it can use the readCars query in the following way: 23 query { readCars { id model year } } Updating the color of a car is performed by using the example mutation like this: mutation { setCarColor(id = 1234, color = “green”) { id color year model } } Subscriptions are a means of accessing near real-time updates to the client, when data or another event occurs in the server. Typically, this has been done using polling or web sockets. GraphQL subscriptions are defined in the same way as queries and mutations, for example: type Subscription { carAdded: Car } This subscription definition implies that a client can subscribe to an event called ca- rAdded, which will inform the client whenever a new car is saved. The events or notifi- cations are often triggered when a change has occurred to the graph, via a mutation or another type of change, for instance, when new measurements from a sensor are received. (Biehl 2018:36). When the client wants to use the above subscription, a request to the GraphQL server is sent with the following payload: subscription { carAdded { id model year 24 } } After the subscription request is sent to the server, the client will receive a notification with the new car data every time a new car is added. 3.3 GraphQL API Architecture and Design The architecture of a GraphQL server is often designed as a 3-tier architecture. These are the database layer, the business logic layer and the front facing layer. The GraphQL API lies in the front facing layer, along with possible other APIs, such as a RESTful API. This allows for the different APIs to reuse most of the application, only implementing API specific details in this layer. (Biehl 2018:43.) Figure 6. Simplified 3-tier architecture, as shown by Biehl. (2018:43). When designing an API, Biehl states that the fundamental idea is to treat the API as a separate product, following that the API needs to be consumer-oriented (2018:45). Con- sumers of an API are all the developers, who build different clients utilizing the API. In its essence, being consumer-oriented means to prioritize the needs and desires of the con- sumer first when designing the API. Practically this means that it should be as approach- able, simple, clear and clean from the consumer perspective, as possible. This implies that the designers need to know the type of solutions which are built using the API. 25 Reusability is an aspect to maintain when designing a consumer-oriented API. One of the traps to fall into when using a consumer-oriented design, is to design it too application specific, meaning that it is designed with a specific use case or solution in mind. The API needs to compromise between being too generic and narrow, and to maximize the reusa- bility and the number of potential users, though being consumer-oriented at the same time. (Biehl 2018:45.) The design phases presented by Biehl are following an agile approach, consisting of an iterative process with small incremental steps. These are the domain analysis, the archi- tectural design, prototyping, implementing for production, publishing and maintenance. Each phase consists of a creative and a verification part. In the creative part, an artifact is created. The verification part provides early feedback in each phase, enabling relatively simple modification at low risk and cost. As the method is agile, not all requirements and information need to be available in the beginning, rather it is evolving as the project con- tinues. (Biehl 2018:46.) 3.3.1 Domain analysis In the domain analysis phase, the structure of the data is gathered and planned, to enable thinking from a consumer perspective. Questions to be asked are, who are the consumers of the API? What kind of solutions will be built with this API? How does the consumer want to interact with the data from the API? (Biehl 2018:47.) 3.3.2 Architectural design The server architecture and an API philosophy are chosen in the architectural design phase. This phase involves evaluating different alternatives and choosing the best suitable architecture for the application to be implemented. As previously mentioned, the 3-tier architecture is commonly chosen as the architectural design in server environments. (Biehl 2018:47.) 3.3.3 Prototyping 26 Prototyping in the means of designing a GraphQL API, involves creating the actual schema and setting up mock data, to be used by the GraphQL server. This enables the consumers of the API to test and give feedback on the domain of the API. The schema and the domain can be updated after an iteration, often by extending the current schema to keep backward-compatibility. (Biehl 2018:47.) 3.3.4 Implementing for production When implementing for production use, the schema is complete. This step involves pro- ceeding towards using real data against the real application instead of using mock data. Other factors which come into focus in this phase are non-functional properties, such as performance, security and stability. (Biehl 2018:47.) 3.3.5 Publishing After publishing the GraphQL API, further changes and improvements of the API need to be backward compatible with the original API. Hence, it is important that the API is tested properly and that enough feedback has been received from the consumers. (Biehl 2018:48.) 3.3.6 Maintenance In the final phase, the API is maintained. Bug fixes included, but new features may be added as well. Backward compatibility is important and kept by permitting only additions of fields, queries or mutations, while obstructing the deleting of any functionality or field. In this phase, analytics may be added to gain insight into how and why consumers use the API, which assumes a direct communication with a consumer and an active community. (Biehl 2018:48.) 27 4 REPRESENTATIONAL STATE TRANSFER In the previous chapter, GraphQL, the language and runtime were explained. Concepts such as the types system, queries and mutations were mentioned. Later API design with GraphQL was covered. This chapter provides information about a common architectural style for designing APIs in today’s world of web development. REST and REST-based APIs, often called RESTful APIs, are terms which will be explained. 4.1 The architectural style In the year of 2000, the term Representational State Transfer (REST) was composed by Roy Fielding in his doctoral dissertation. REST is an architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems and consists of a set of constraints which, as Fielding states: “em- phasizes scalability of component interactions, generality of interfaces, independent de- ployment of components, and intermediary components to reduce interaction latency, en- force security, and encapsulate legacy systems” (Fielding 2000). The REST architectural style consists of six constraints defined as follows: • Client-server: This constraint addresses the separation of concerns, separating the user interface from the data storage. This enables that both the client and the server may evolve independently and improves scalability, as the simplicity of the server may be kept down. (Masse 2016:3.) • Uniform interface: The uniform interface constraint keeps the overall architecture simple and improves the visibility of interactions between the components. Another benefit is that it decouples the implementation of the service. A drawback is that de- creased efficiency often follows, since the information is standardized in the transpor- tation between components, rather than transferring information in an application spe- cific format. (Fielding 2000.) 28 • Layered system: The layered system constraint ensures that each component can only see the closest layer for which the interaction happens. This enables intermediate net- work-based components, such as proxies or gateways to be deployed between a client and a server. Benefits from this constraint are that layers can be used to encapsulate legacy systems and improve scalability, by enabling load balancers, among others. (Fielding 2000.) • Cache: The caching constraint is important in web architecture. This requires the server to declare whether a response may be cached or not, by the client. Caching content reduces latency as the payload over the network may be significantly reduced. Caching may decrease the reliability of data, in the case the data has been declared cacheable by the server and the data is updated on the server, while the client reuses the old data. (Fielding 2000.) • Stateless: Adhering to the stateless constraint, the server does not keep track of appli- cation state, resulting in improved scalability, reliability and visibility. The stateless constraint indicates that each request must contain enough information for the server to understand and to be processed as a whole, without relying on any data left in a shared context on the server side. One of the drawbacks is increased network load, since the same data might be sent repetitively between the client and the server. (Field- ing 2000.) • Code-on-demand: The code-on-demand constraint is the only optional constraint in the REST architectural style. It allows for functionality on the client side to be down- loaded and executed, in the form of scripts or applets. Benefits of the code-on-demand constraint are extensibility among others, by allowing functionality to be downloaded after deployment. According to Fielding, the reason for being an optional constraint is that it reduces visibility and tends to establish technology coupling. (Fielding 2000.) 4.2 RESTful API Design 29 APIs which fulfill the architectural constraints in REST are called RESTful APIs. This section describes some of the aspects regarding designing an API using the REST con- straints. 4.2.1 Resources A resource is a structure uniquely identifiable by a URI, which contains raw data of the business object. It is a central part of the API, thus making it difficult to change after the API has been published. Hence, it is important to elaborate on the correct model of the resources from the beginning. The design process of the resource model is similar to the designing of classes in object-oriented programming. However, a difference between these two is that the resource model in REST APIs is constrained by the HTTP methods, whereas in object-oriented programming, the methods may be application specific. Some aspects to consider in designing the resource model, is the scope of the resource, the at- tributes, relations to other resources et cetera. (Biehl 2016:91.) Biehl mentions three different categories of resources; instance resources, collection re- sources and controller resources. (2016:103). The instance resource represents a single instance of a business object. For example, the resource at the URL https://my- represents a resource of type car, which returns a JSON response con- taining the following data: { “id”: 123, “model”: “audi”, “year”: “2019”, “color”: “red” } Collection resources represent a collection or a list of instance resources. Typically, the consumer of the API is interested not only in a single instance, but rather all, or a set of the existing instances of a resource. In the previous example, a car was fetched. To fetch all cars, the following URL could be used, This request would return all the available cars stored on the server side. 30 The last category of resources is the controller resource. Sometimes, in the case of a long- running process for example, the desired functionality cannot be described by a standard resource and an HTTP method. A controller resource can then be used, by sending a POST request to the URL, which triggers the process. The server then returns a response with the status 202 Accepted, which indicates that the process is submitted. The response might also include a Location header which provides a URI to the process. By performing a GET request to the URI, the current status of the process is returned to the client. (Biehl 2016:106.) 4.2.2 Representation Representation of a resource is the point of serializing a resource in a transferrable way. As the resource in itself is merely raw data, the data needs to be serialized before trans- ferring it between a server and a client. Furthermore, the client deserializes the represen- tation back into a resource for additional processing. There are various types of serialization rules. For example, in HTTP, the MIME-types can be used as serialization rules. JSON and XML are typically used in the context of web APIs. The representation of the resource can be found in the body of the request and response. (Biehl 2016:121.) 4.2.3 Parameters An API is typically dynamic, meaning that the response is dependent on the input from the client, hence returning a specific response with regards to the input. In a RESTful API the input parameters are sent as HTTP parameters or in the HTTP body. The parameters can, depending on the use cases, be categorized in four different types. These are creation and update, filtering and sorting, locators and the final type, projections. For creating a new resource, the initial values of the resource need to be sent to the server. These are often sent as a POST request with the input sent as form parameters. (Biehl 2016:133.) 31 When the consumer fetches a list of resources, a collection resource, typically only a subset is relevant for the consumer. Transferring the complete set of resources from the server to the client for further processing, such as filtering and sorting is not efficient in terms of network bandwidth usage. Hence, the API needs to provide this functionality to the consumers. Filter and sorting criteria are often specified as query parameters, for ex- ample would return a collection of Audis which is sorted by the year. (Biehl 2016:134.) Projection is a means of providing a reduced set of fields or properties of a resource to the consumer. A consumer might be interested only in a small set of properties; therefore, the API should provide the functionality for reduced processing power and bandwidth. Similar to the filter and sorting criteria, the projection, or the selection of fields, can be provided as query parameters. Using the same example with cars, retrieving only the model property of the collection of cars is done with the following GET request: https:/ (Biehl 2016:136.) 4.2.4 Methods Using the REST architectural style correctly, means that the HTTP protocol needs to be used correctly as well. Using the principle of URIs, a basic set of operations is defined, which can be performed on a resource. Encountering a new resource, the consumer will be familiar with the manners of interacting with it. This does not imply that all operations must be supported for each resource. The API provider determines which of the HTTP methods will be supported for each resource, often limited to a subset of all the HTTP methods. (Biehl 2016:142.) The HTTP GET method is used for the retrieval of a resource. To fetch a list of resources, a GET request is performed to the URL of the corresponding collection resource. In the same way, retrieving an instance resource, a GET request is sent to the URI of the re- source. When the resource exists in the server and the request is successful, a response with the status code 200 Ok is sent back as a response, containing the resource in the 32 body. If the resource does not exist, a response with the status code 404 Not Found is sent back. (Biehl 2016.143.) Creating a new resource is often done by sending a POST request. The request is sent to the URL of a collection resource, of which the new resource is to be created. The initial values are sent in the body of the request as form parameters. A successful request is responded by a 201 Created response, and a Location header, which contains a URI to the newly created resource. Performing a POST request to a URI of an instance resource will return a response with a status code 405 Method Not Allowed. (Biehl 2016:144.) To update a resource the PUT or PATCH method is used. The PUT method requires the complete representation of the resource and will update all fields of the resource. The representation is sent in the body of the request and the request itself is sent to the URI of the instance resource. A successful update of the resource results in a 200 Ok response. Partially updating a resource is done using the PATCH method. It is sent to the URI of the instance resource, only containing the properties to be updated in the request body. (Biehl 2016:145.) When a consumer needs to delete a resource, a DELETE request is sent to the server to the URI of the instance resource. A response status code 200 Ok is returned if the resource exists or has ever existed. The consecutive responses fulfill the property of idempotent methods, meaning that the method can be repeated without altering the end result. Only in the case that the resource has never existed, the status code 404 Not Found is returned. (Biehl 2016:146 – 147.) The methods mentioned above are the most common HTTP methods, used for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on a resource. Several other HTTP methods exist, for example the HEAD method, which is used to check the existence of a resource. This method returns only a status code determining if the resource exists, with- out sending the actual representation in the body. Another method which is used is the OPTIONS method. This returns a header called Allow with a set of allowed HTTP meth- ods, which can be performed on the resource. (Biehl 2016:147.) 33 5 RELATED WORK Both GraphQL and REST have been explained in the previous chapters. This chapter will provide a literature review of some of the existing research papers regarding evaluating GraphQL in itself, as well as comparing GraphQL and REST as a basis for designing APIs. Since GraphQL is a query language and REST is a set of constraints for an archi- tectural style, they are not trivially comparable. Because GraphQL was initially released to the public in 2015, the amount of research regarding GraphQL-based APIs, is still quite low. However, the research is increasing and several papers on both comparisons and evaluations of GraphQL have been made. 5.1 Web API Capacity Study The thesis “Web API Capacity Study – A Comparison of REST and GraphQL” was made in 2018 by Tjip Pasma from the Aarhus University. A comparison between REST and GraphQL was done, in the context of managing a large amount of time series data, which is to be served to clients in real time. The data came from a wind power farm, which can contain hundreds of turbines in one farm, each of the turbine producing thousands of entries. Three different APIs were implemented and evaluated; a RESTful API, a GraphQL RPC API and a GraphQL API using subscriptions. Three hypotheses were made which focused on comparing the capacity of different GraphQL implementations against a RESTful API. One hypothesis focused on the usability of GraphQL, and was formulated as “Will a GraphQL API have same or better usability metrics as REST based API?” (Pasma 2018:8 – 9.) The results showed that with both GraphQL APIs, the capacity was increased with more than 100% compared to the REST-based API. The usability test also revealed that the 34 usability, based on a set of defined criteria, was improved by using the GraphQL based APIs. (Pasma 2018:52). 5.2 Performance analysis of Web Services Another study which compares RESTful and GraphQL web services, is done by Arnar Freyr Helgason, from the University of Skövde, in 2017. This thesis investigates whether GraphQL can increase the performance of the dataflow, as well as whether network per- formance will increase by using GraphQL, with its single endpoint, compared to multiple endpoints for RESTful APIs. The test environment used in the thesis, consisted of a Node.js server environment with a MySQL server, which stored the data to be fetched. In the client-side, the library jQuery was used for performing the requests. For measuring the latency, the total time from that a request was sent, until a response was received and parsed, was used. The measured time includes multiple steps, such as data transmission and the server processing the re- quest. A packet sniffer was used for measuring the size of packets and the latency as well. (Helgason 2017:20.) The results showed that for a simple structure of the data, the REST API outperformed GraphQL in terms of response time, whereas in a more realistic scenario, with a more complex table structure, using GraphQL improved the response time with approximately 25%. (Helgason 2017:37.) 5.3 API Design in Distributed Systems The study by Thomas Eizinger, API Design in Distributed Systems: A Comparison be- tween GraphQL and REST, (2017), from the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, has a more theoretical approach in comparing GraphQL and REST. The purpose is to compare GraphQL against the architectural style REST, to find the key differences. 35 This should assist in making an educated decision of choosing the best approach for a specific task. The main questions which the thesis tries to answer are, how they can be compared, since GraphQL is a specification and REST is an architectural style, and what the main differences are, among others. (Eizinger 2017.) The author starts by investigating different comparison approaches. The task of compar- ing the two is not trivial, as GraphQL and REST operate on a different level of abstraction. Therefore, three different comparison strategies are presented. The first strategy is to spe- cialize REST, which means to choose concrete technologies for building a RESTful sys- tem, for example HTTP. This comparison can be done by defining a set of criteria, two use cases, and using both technologies in implementing the use cases. Another approach for comparing GraphQL and REST, is to generalize GraphQL as an architectural style. This means, identifying the principles in an architectural context behind GraphQL. Three principles were identified, client-server, stateless, and declarative languages. The last ap- proach is to identify the desired properties of a system offering an API, and then compar- ing how GraphQL and REST influence the properties and manages occurring problems. This approach compares GraphQL and REST as is, without the need for specialization or generalization. Evaluation of the three strategies showed that the third alternative was the best for the scope of the thesis. (Eizinger 2017:15 – 18.) A set of comparison criteria were defined. Among these were operation reusability, dis- coverability, component reusability, simplicity, performance and over-fetching. These criteria were evaluated for both GraphQL and REST. In the conclusions, the author states that some of the biggest implications for using GraphQL are that a number of responsi- bilities shift from the server to the client. For example, the lack of metadata in the re- sponses, implies that the client needs to know on its own, which steps of operations are valid. Another example is the handling of cache invalidation, since it is a convoluted task as the size and the complexity of the application grows. Finally, the author concluded that a decision model for choosing the right approach is not provided, since the right approach always is dependent on the requirements of the system. Instead, an overview of many relevant aspects within API design is given. (Eizinger 2017:52.) 36 5.4 Semantics and Complexity of GraphQL The final research of this literature review is conducted by Olaf Hartig and Jorge Pérez in 2018. It is a technical evaluation of the semantics and the complexity of GraphQL. Ac- cording to Hartig and Pérez, there is a need for a more fundamental understanding of the properties of the language, since several implementations already exist for the language, whereas a proper understanding of the properties does not exist at the time of writing. By investigating the properties, the authors want to clarify the limitations of the language and identify optimization possibilities of existing and potential new implementations of the specifications. (Hartig & Pérez 2018:1155.) In the conclusions, the Hartig and Pérez state that the popularity of GraphQL as an alter- native to traditional REST APIs has increased. They also confirm that GraphQL, similarly to other query languages, utilizes both a schema to describe the structure of the data, and a declarative language for clients to access the data. Finally, they provide a full formali- zation of the semantics of the language, showing that three different complexity related problems, efficiently can be solved. Thus they help developers in implementing more robust GraphQL interfaces. (Hartig & Pèrez 2018:1163.) 37 6 PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION In the previous chapters, web APIs have been presented in general, as well as a detailed description of GraphQL-, and REST-based APIs. Previous studies of the two API tech- nologies were also presented. The following sections cover the planning and the imple- mentation of the web application conducted for Gambit, as well as a presentation of Toggl and the public APIs provided. 6.1 Toggl Keeping track of time is an ever-important task, in businesses today. Especially in the field of software engineering, operating as IT consultants, time tracking is crucial. Pro- jects are typically sold on a per hour basis, even though projects are occasionally offered for a fixed price, depending on the type of project and the complexity of it. Toggl is a web-based tool for tracking time. It features team management and project time management, enabling the users to have several clients, projects, tasks within a project et cetera. Toggl also provides a public API for fetching data, and for managing time entries, which involves creating, updating, deleting and reading entries. The API has different types of endpoints, from fetching raw data, to creating more complex reports. Toggl, in combination with agile management, eases the time tracking and project management for different sizes of software development companies. Toggl API is divided into two APIs called Toggl API and Reports API. The Toggl API is mainly for changing data, including creating new time entries. For read-only data, the Reports API is to be used. This API gives the user access to time entries within a work- space as well as aggregated data for reporting. Both APIs use the JSON data format for requests and responses. For authentication, basic access authentication is used. The user passes a header called Authorization with the value Basic , where the credentials are the username and password joined by a single colon, encoded using base64 encoding. (Toggl 2017.) 38 6.1.1 Toggl API The Toggl API provides CRUD operations on all the different entities. These are among other Clients, Projects, Tasks, Time entries, Users and Workspaces. The API is based on the REST architectural style. Hence, the most common HTTP methods are used for read- ing or updating data. Using Projects as an example, reading the details of a project can be done by performing a GET request to the URI jects/{project_id}. Upon a successful response, a payload formatted in the JSON format is returned as shown in figure 7. Figure 7. Example of a successful response from the Toggl API. (Toggl 2017b.) Similarly, to update or to delete a project, a PUT request with the changed fields respec- tively a DELETE request is done to the same URI. A complete list of the available request within the Toggl API can be found in Appendix A. 6.1.2 Reports API The Reports API consists of four different types of reports. These are the weekly report, detailed report, summary report and project dashboard. The reports share the same base URL of{report_type}. A request to any of the report 39 types consists of a set of standard request parameters, followed by the specific report type parameters. The list of standard request parameters is presented in table 2. Table 2. List of the Reports API standard request parameters. (Toggl 2017c.) Parameter Description user_agen t Required. The name of your application or your email address so we can get in touch in case you’re doing something wrong. work- space_id Required. The workspace whose data you want to access. since ISO 8601 date (YYYY-MM-DD) format. Defaults to today - 6 days. until ISO 8601 date (YYYY-MM-DD) format. Note: Maximum date span (until - since) is one year. Defaults to today, unless since is in the future or more than a year ago, in this case until is since + 6 days. billable "yes", "no", or "both". Defaults to "both". client_ids A list of client IDs separated by a comma. Use "0" if you want to filter out time entries without a client. pro- ject_ids A list of project IDs separated by a comma. Use "0" if you want to filter out time entries without a project. user_ids A list of user IDs separated by a comma. mem- bers_of_gr oup_ids A list of group IDs separated by a comma. These limits provided user_ids to the members of the given groups. or_mem- bers_of_gr oup_ids A list of group IDs separated by a comma. This extends provided user_ids with the members of the given groups. tag_ids A list of tag IDs separated by a comma. Use "0" if you want to filter out time entries without a tag. task_ids A list of task IDs separated by a comma. Use "0" if you want to filter out time entries without a task. time_en- try_ids A list of time entry IDs separated by a comma. descrip- tion Matches against time entry descriptions. with- out_de- scription "true" or "false". Filters out the time entries which do not have a description (literally "(no description)"). or- der_field -For detailed reports: "date", "description", "duration", or "user" - For summary reports: "title", "duration", of "amount" - For weekly reports: "title", "day1", "day2", "day3", "day4", "day5", "day6", "day7", or "week_total" or- der_desc "on" for descending, or "off" for ascending order. dis- tinct_rates "on" or "off". Defaults to "off". rounding "on" or "off". Defaults to "off". Rounds time according to workspace settings. 40 dis- play_hour s "decimal" or "minutes". Defaults to "minutes". Determines whether to display hours as a decimal number or with minutes. A successful response consists of a set of standard fields along with report specific data as shown in figure 8. Figure 8. Example response of the common fields for each report type. (Toggl 2017c.) The different report types enable the user to easily obtain an overview of the data in Toggl and provide aggregated data for different purposes, as well. The specific function of the different report types is presented in the following list. • Weekly report – This report gives aggregated data over seven-day durations or earnings grouped by projects and/or users. • Detailed report – The detailed report is used for fetching time entries based on some given request parameters/filters. Since the amount of data might be very high, this report returns paginated data. • Summary report – Similarly to the detailed report, the summary report returns data regarding the time entries. However, the data is grouped on two different levels, according to the user’s request parameters. The data can be grouped by projects, clients or users and sub-grouped by time entries, tasks and users, among others. 6.2 Requirements 41 Previously, Microsoft’s Excel was used in Gambit for the purpose of following up on projects. Data was exported from Toggl manually to Excel, where, together with other financial data, a report of the current status of a project was created. The data included in the Excel template was the hours offered for a certain task, and the number of hours spent on each task. The invoiced hours were manually inserted from the accounting software. The hourly rate used for a customer was inserted, and based on the invoiced hours, a net hourly rate value could be calculated. The goal of the developed tool is to replace this spreadsheet usage and ease the follow up of invoice hours for a specific task within a project. Another goal is to get an overview of the net hourly rate of projects. A requirement of the system is flexibility and extensibility, since the usage may vary, and the tool will be further developed later, as the requirements change. The development of the tool follows an agile process, meaning that the require- ments must not be completely known in the planning phase, rather they evolve during the development as the tool is tested and evaluated. An initial general list of requirements is shown in table 3. Table 3. The initial list of requirements. Section Requirement Data Fetch data from Toggl: customers, projects, tasks, time-entries et cetera. Synchronize the data every day, with the possibility to synchronize manually Extend the data, to include invoices, add the possibility to select project man- ager, notes about project invoicing, billing notes et cetera. Security The application must be secured with login. Project- list List all projects Filter on a given time interval Search for a project Project details List tasks within a project, with used and offered hours Add invoices for a task 42 6.3 Selection of technologies Based on the general list of requirements above, the selection of technologies can be made. Choosing the right technology for an application is a complex matter, especially when the application is a commercial product, used by a lot of customers. However, in this case, the application is limited to internal use in a small company, allowing for a more flexible and unconstrained selection process. 6.3.1 Selection criteria The following factors have been considered when deciding applicable technologies to use. Security – The developed application handles sensitive information. Therefore, it is of utter importance that login is required for any access to the application. Scalability & Performance – Since the application is merely for internal use, scalability is not a strict requirement. The application should be able to handle small loads, but no heavy peaks are expected. Likewise, the performance of the application does not need to be extremely optimized, as long as the user experience is considered somewhat good. Development cost – The application will not be monetized, rather it will only decrease the amount of manual work of the project managers. Hence, the development time, thus the cost, will be kept low, utilizing ready-made technologies and components when pos- sible. Eco-system – The chosen technologies, should preferably hold rich eco-systems and an active development for further maintenance and development of the application. 6.3.2 Server-side For the server-side a PHP-based framework called SilverStripe is used. SilverStripe is an open-source Content Management System (CMS), which allows creating a site fast with 43 small efforts, while also offering creation of custom functionality. The CMS includes user management, authentication and an administrator interface for configuring the applica- tion. Additionally, the framework possesses an Object-Relational Model (ORM) built-in, which handles all the underlying communication with the database, in this case, a MySQL database. Using the ORM in SilverStripe, the class DataObject is to be extended by a class representing a database table. When developing the application, the database schema is automatically generated based on the existing DataObjects. (SilverStripe 2019.) The benefits of using SilverStripe in the server-side are due to the many built-in function- alities in the framework mentioned above. Due to these features, the focus can be held on developing the main functionalities of the application. One could argue that a dynamically typed language is not suitable for this kind of application. However, utilizing a well- structured framework, together with intelligent code completion, bring many of the ben- efits of a statically typed language. 6.3.3 Client-side For the client side, the JavaScript library React is used. React is a declarative, efficient and flexible library for building user interfaces. A user interface built in React consists of small pieces, called components, which combined form the whole page. These compo- nents are isolated, enabling the creating of a modular and flexible user interface. The typical way of using React is creating a Single-Page-Application (SPA). In a SPA, the application resources are usually fetched upon visiting the site. The application then runs completely in the client-side as a JavaScript application, which composes the HTML in- stead of fetching the ready-made HTML resources from the server. When interaction with the server is needed, the application utilizes a web API. Today, some of the most popular JavaScript frameworks/libraries are React, Angular and Vue. They all have their benefits and drawbacks. For the application in this thesis, the reasonable choice is to use one of these, and React was chosen. For the GraphQL client, Apollo client is used. Apollo is an open source implementation of GraphQL for both 44 server and client. The Apollo client includes integrations towards the view layers men- tioned above. (Apollo 2019a.) For the design, a simplistic design is used, using a ready- made React library which is built on the Material Design specifications, made by Google. 6.4 System design and architecture The first step in the application flow consists of consuming a RESTful API provided by Toggl. The data must be synchronized and kept up to date with Toggl, to avoid inconsist- encies between the data in Toggl, and the data in the application database. For this, a synchronization service is created with a single purpose of keeping the application data- base in synchronization with Toggl, which in turn acts as the single source of truth. The rest of the server-side application is to provide necessary features, such as user manage- ment, and to secure the data for unauthorized users. Finally, a GraphQL API is provided for the SPA. 45 Figure 9. The architecture of the application. 6.4.1 Data model One of the reasons for developing the application, was to gain extended functionality and data compared to the data and model provided by Toggl. The data model from Toggl is explorable by using the APIs. A derived simplified data model from Toggl is shown in figure 10. 46 Figure 10. A simplified derived model of Toggl’s data model. 6.4.2 Synchronization service The synchronization service’s task is to fetch all the data from Toggl for Gambit’s work- space and store it in a database. This is not completely trivial since the data in Toggl may change after it has been fetched and stored in the database. This means that Toggl acts as a single source of truth, and the application needs to adapt the data accordingly. Keeping track of when an object has been updated in Toggl is easy, as Toggl in most cases provides a field called LastUpdated, which is a timestamp holding the value of the time when the object was last updated. By using this field, the data can be fetched from Toggl and the timestamp can be compared to the one saved in the database and updated when required. For the case of the application developed in this thesis, both APIs from Toggl are utilized. The Toggl API is used for fetching all the data regarding the workspace, clients, projects, tasks and users. The process of fetching data is described in the following sequence dia- gram. 47 Figure 11. Diagram of fetching workspace specific data using the Toggl API. The TogglWorkspaceService has a function called GetWorkspaceData(type), which has a parameter specifying the type of resource (projects, users, tasks and so on) to be fetched. Based on this, the complete URI is built and sent to the TogglBaseService, which per- forms the actual HTTP request to the Toggl API. The response is returned and parsed for further usage. For the actual time entry data, the Report API is used. The process of fetching time entries involves pagination and is performed according to the sequence diagram below. 48 Figure 12. Sequence diagram of performing paginated requests for time entries us- ing the Report API. 6.5 Creating the GraphQL API Using SilverStripe and GraphQL is simple, since a GraphQL module is included in Sil- verStripe. The module uses scaffolding for exposing the DataObjects, thus enabling fast and simple creation of the GraphQL API. The scaffolding generates basic CRUD opera- tions and provides pagination for exposing larger sets of data as well. To expose a DataObject the name of the class needs to be defined in a configuration file. Then, to- gether with scaffolding, the final GraphQL schema can be generated. 49 Figure 13. A snippet of the configuration file for the generation of the GraphQL schema. The example above is part of the configuration of the scaffolding, which enables the cre- ation of the GraphQL schema. Here, the DataObject of type Client is provided, defining that the fields ID and Name should be exposed. Furthermore, the available operations are read-only, with the configuration of excluding pagination, hence all Clients can be fetched in a single query. The nestedQueries option specifies that the Projects for a certain Client can be fetched in a single query. 6.6 Consuming the GraphQL API As mentioned previously, consuming the GraphQL API is done by using React and Apollo client. Apollo client provides components for queries and mutations in the same declarative way as other React components. The components handle all the networking and provide loading and error states. After the data has been successfully loaded it is injected into the render function of the component, thus allowing further processing and rendering of the data. The query itself is written, using utilities provided by Apollo client for parsing GraphQL queries. These functions parse a GraphQL query from a string to a standard GraphQL Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). The GraphQL AST in turn enables readability and easy 50 modification of the query. The Query component has a prop, which in React is an arbi- trary input for a component, called query which is the query parsed as a GraphQL AST. In the snippet shown below, a query called readProjects is defined, which has two argu- ments. These are two dates specifying the time interval from where the projects should be fetched. Basic information about the projects is fetched, that is, the ID, Name, LastUpdated timestamp, along with the assigned project manager for the project and the client to which the project belongs. Figure 14. GraphQL query for fetching all projects within a given time interval. 51 Figure 15. Render function of the Projects component. The example in figures 14 and 15, shows how the Query component is used. The query parsed as a GraphQL AST is passed as a prop along with the variables for the time inter- val. When the Query component mounts, an observable is created for the query. The com- ponent then subscribes to the result. First, the result is searched for in the Apollo cache. If it is not found, it will be queried from the server. While fetching the result, the compo- nent is rendering the loading state. When a response is received or an error occurs, the error text is shown, or the data is received for further processing. In case of valid data, the projects are parsed from the response data and passed along with options and other data to the MUIDataTable component, which handles the rendering of the projects in a list. (Apollo 2019b.) 52 7 EVALUATION AND RESULTS In this chapter, the results of the thesis and the developed application are presented. GraphQL is evaluated along with an evaluation of the application based on a set of crite- ria. The evaluation of GraphQL is done according to different aspects of using GraphQL in the development of the application. These aspects are subjectively evaluated together with a hypothetical corresponding implementation using a RESTful API. The relevant aspects in the evaluation are the implementation and consumption of the API, the com- plexity of data fetching as well as client-side caching of the content. The results of the research papers presented in the literature review revealed that in some specific cases, as the complexity of the data increases, GraphQL might a better alternative for implementing the API compared to the traditional RESTful APIs. The studies also showed that GraphQL in many cases increases performance, as the number of requests to the server can be substantially decreased. This evaluation provides a more higher-level evaluation from the developer’s perspective. The implementation of the GraphQL API is dependent on the technologies used. In its essence, the schema needs to be generated, either manually or as in this case, generated by code and scaffolding techniques. Producing the GraphQL API is therefore easily done, after the data model is designed and implemented. Similarly, a RESTful API implemen- tation often relies on higher-level libraries and technologies. In light of the technologies used in the development of the application, using GraphQL for exposing the data, is a fast and reliable way. Consuming the API is likewise to producing it, often dependant on high-level libraries which abstracts much of the work needed to be done. For GraphQL, as Apollo Client is used in this application, it enables the developer to write queries immediately without regards on any lower-level details. Along with the introspective tool GraphiQL, the ca- pabilities of the server can easily be inspected. Altogether, consuming the GraphQL API, is about writing a component directly with the only need of declaratively stating which data from the server to fetch, when needed. In a RESTful implementation, many good 53 libraries and principles exist, which give similar introspective capabilities as GraphQL. Also, consuming a RESTful version in modern JavaScript, could be easily done using a lightweight or no library at all. The benefits of using one over the other are therefore dependent on the language, frameworks and the libraries in use. In the application, different levels of complex queries needed, for presenting the data. The GraphQL API allows for all the needed data to be fetched in a single request, minimizing bandwidth usage and latency. This is useful in some of the created components, as mul- tiple resources often are needed for producing a view. However, even though the data can be specified in the exact structure wanted, in reality some complex queries take a rather long time to execute, leading to bad user experience. In these cases, the solution has often been to restructure the query. Comparing the complexity to a RESTful API, the benefits of GraphQL lay in the removal of over-fetching of the data. A RESTful implementation would in some cases need to perform up to 5 different requests for the rendering a single view, which in the GraphQL implementation can be done in one query. Caching is a complex matter with no simple general solutions. In the case of this applica- tion caching is handled by the GraphQL client. The data is often changing, forcing the cache to update regularly. The Apollo Client caches all queries and their results. In case a mutation has been performed, which creates stale data in the cache, the cache must be updated. In simple cases, the cache is automatically updated, whereas in more complex scenarios, the cache needs to be manually updated. As caching is a constraint in the REST architectural style, caching is easier to manage, by allowing the browser to manage the cache. In that aspect, a RESTful implementation could be a better alternative. However, in the developed application, caching is not a strict requirement, and is managed well by the default cache configuration in Apollo Client. In table 4, the previous aspects have been graded in a 1 – 5 scale according to the suita- bility of the technologies in the different areas. The table shows that in the developed application, GraphQL is the more suitable alternative for producing the API. Some as- pects are dependent on third party libraries, with little to no differences in using either 54 API technology, whereas in terms of managing the complexity of the data, GraphQL is clearly the better alternative. Table 4. Evaluation of a GraphQL implementation and a corresponding hypothet- ical RESTful implementation of the developed application’s API. Area GraphQL REST Note Producing the API 3 3 Dependent on the framework and language used. Consuming the API 3 3 Dependent on the framework and language used. Complexity 5 1 Complex queries are needed for different views. With GraphQL a single request can be made, fetching the exact data needed. Caching 2 4 Out of the box, caching is more complex in GraphQL, since HTTP caching can not be used. The developed application is a MVP, with the intention of being further developed in the future, which is outside the scope of this thesis. The evaluation of the application is two- folded, on one side, there is the user evaluation of the application. Things considered here are, usability and determining if the application fulfills the requirements. On the other hand, the application is evaluated from a developer’s perspective. Factors to be consid- ered here are, testability, flexibility and learnability. When it comes to usability, the most important aspect is that the application is well de- signed in terms of user experience, providing an intuitive way for working and using the application on a daily basis. The users, in this case project managers, should in case needed, be provided with documentation and/or schooling, to get started with using the application. For achieving this, relevant schooling has been provided and for good user experience, material design was utilized. Material design is a design language consisting of guidelines, best practices, tools and components provided by Google and many open- source projects, for user interface design. 55 Since this is an MVP, flexibility is crucial for further development and addressing of issues. In the future, development of the application might include integrations to other software, for example accounting software. Other features could be more advanced anal- ysis of the data, to find patterns of successful projects and estimates. For this, the foun- dation needs to be strong, with a good and thought-through data model. Flexibility in this case means that exposing new functionality should be simple. Flexibility has been achieved by first and foremost investigating in a good data model. For this the Toggl API has been explored, to get an understanding of how Toggl has implemented their data model. Furthermore, using GraphQL enables the client side to specify the exact data needed. As the requirements changes and new functionalities are added, the client is able to directly specify and use the field. However, in case the data model is updated in a way that an existing field is removed or modified, this might lead to complications as the client side has to be updated accordingly in case it’s dependant on the field. Testability provides ways of ensuring that an application works in the intended way ac- cording to the requirements and the specification. Testing an application can be done in multiple steps, from the early design phase to the later steps of implementing and main- taining the developed application. In the design phase, the application is designed by composing small units, which if ensured performing as intended, the overall system is functioning as intended. When implementing the units, each unit is tested individually, which ensures that they function correctly. In the later steps when the units are composed together, forming the complete application, integration tests are performed. These ensure that the complete system fulfills its specification. (Mili & Tchier 2015:24.) In the case of the developed application, there are some critical units which are testable. These are among others, the synchronization of the data. It is crucial that the data in the application is up to date with the data in Toggl. Other testable units are the CRUD oper- ations on the data model. In the scope of this thesis, unit testing or integration testing is not performed but should be considered in the future development of the application. 56 The evaluation of the application is presented in table 5, where each different aspect has been subjectively graded on a scale of 1 – 5 of how well the application fulfills the aspect. Table 5. Summary of the evaluation of the application. Aspect Grade Note Usability 4 Using material design creates a minimalistic and easily man- ageable user experience Testability 2 The application is testable, but tests are not implemented in the scope of the thesis Flexibility 5 A good data model along with GraphQL provides a good flex- ible foundation which can be further developed Learnabil- ity 3 The user interface is logically structured and easily explorable 57 8 CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION The developed web application is a Single-Page-Application built with the popular Ja- vaScript library React. For the user interface, Material Design was used as the design principles, by utilizing ready-made libraries developed in React. SilverStripe was selected as the server-side framework. Benefits of using the PHP-based framework lay in fast and easy setup of user management and previous experience of using the framework. When considering SilverStripe and GraphQL, the setup of the GraphQL runtime is done by uti- lizing the SilverStripe GraphQL module. This module provides helpful utilities such as the GraphiQL web-based tool for schema inspection. Scaffolding is used in the module, which allows the developers to declare the schema rapidly. In an environment with strict performance requirements, other technologies, based on a compiled language such as C# and .NET Core could be a better option. However, due to the loose requirements of per- formance, SilverStripe was chosen as the framework. The application fulfills the initial requirements as an MVP and has been developed to be extensible and flexible. The structure of the application is testable; however, tests have not been written in the scope of this thesis. In the future for further development, and if the application is utilized in a more central role, it is crucial that at least the core logic of the application is tested with unit and integration tests. GraphQL was the technology chosen in the implementation of the application. How would a corresponding RESTful API implementation look like? What would be the ben- efits and drawbacks of it? Taking it further, one could ask, is the server layer between the Toggl API and the client needed at all, or could the same application be developed, calling the Toggl REST API directly from the client? A RESTful API implementation would certainly have some benefits over the chosen GraphQL implementation. The development time would be similar to the developing the GraphQL API, by using ready made modules and libraries for SilverStripe and React. One of the greatest benefit would be caching, as shown in chapter 7, since it would be handled by the browser, thus removing the need of a complex caching library. This is, 58 however, not a problem with the GraphQL implementation, since Apollo client manages caching well. A drawback of using a RESTful API would be in the complexity of fetching the data, which in some cases, would require the client to perform five different requests for rendering a view in the application. In the current implementation, GraphQL manages this in a single query. Using the Toggl API directly, removing the middle layer is also considered. This would have reduced the development time greatly, since a considerable amount of time was spent on the synchronization process between Toggl and the server. However, the need of storing the data in a middle layer is inevitable, since the application is dependant on an extended data model, which is not provided by Toggl. Therefore, the purpose of the ap- plication would be eliminated without the middle layer. Further research ideas derived from the thesis, would be to implement the same API using REST, and measure the performance, as well as, evaluate the process of implementation of the API from the developer’s perspective. In that case, a better judgement could be done on the suitability of GraphQL, as a basis for the creating the API. The process of developing the application has been exciting and fun. Developing an ap- plication from the beginning brings many aspects which need to carefully be designed and planned, in contrast to developing an existing application containing legacy code. I have learned a lot about API technologies, specifically about RESTful-, and GraphQL- APIs, along with the modern JavaScript library React. This kind of application is a good case for learning and utilizing new technologies. In the field of web development, as the complexity of the applications developed will increase, we will probably see an increase in the usage of GraphQL as a means of creating APIs. We already see giants such as Facebook and Netflix, developing their own proto- cols for fetching data, as the standard approaches of using RESTful or other API technol- ogies are not sufficient for the increased complexity in web applications. 59 REFERENCES Apollo. (2019a). The Apollo GraphQL platform [online]. [17.04.2019]. Available at: Apollo. (2019b). Queries [online]. [08.05.2019]. Available at https://www.apol- Biehl, M. (2016). RESTful API Design. APIs your consumers will love. API-University Press. ISBN 978-15147351169. Biehl, M. (2018). GraphQL API Design. API-University Press. ISBN 978-1979717526. Box D., D. Ehnebuske, G. Kakivaya, A. Layman, N, Mendelsohn, H. F. Nielsen, S. Thatte & D. Winer. (2000). Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1 [online]. [05.03.2019]. W3C Note 08 May 2000. 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Code Reason-Phrase 100 Continue 101 Switching Protocols 200 OK 201 Created 202 Accepted 203 Non-authoritative Information 204 No Content 205 Reset Content 206 Partial Content 300 Multiple Choices 301 Moved Permanently 302 Found 303 See Other 304 Not Modified 305 Use Proxy 307 Temporary Redirect 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized 402 Payment Required 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 405 Method Not Allowed 406 Not Acceptable 407 Proxy Authentication Required 408 Request Timeout 409 Conflict 410 Gone 411 Length Required 412 Precondition Failed 413 Payload Too Large 64 414 URI Too Long 415 Unsupported Media Type 416 Range Not Satisfiable 417 Expectation Failed 426 Upgrade Required 500 Internal Server Error 501 Not Implemented 502 Bad Gateway 503 Service Unavailable 504 Gateway Timeout 505 HTTP Version Not Supported B. List of supported API requests for the Toggl API Table 7. Complete list of possible API requests from the Toggl API. (Toggl 2017d.) Type Available requests Authenticate and get user data HTTP Basic Auth with e-mail and password HTTP Basic Auth with API token Authentication with a session cookie Destroy the session Clients Create a client Get client details Update a client Delete a client Get clients visible to the user Get client projects Groups Create a group Update a group Delete a group Projects Create a project Get project data Update project data Delete a project Get project users Get project tasks Delete multiple projects Project users Create a project user Update a project user 65 Delete a project user Add multiple users to a project Update multiple project users Delete multiple project users Tags Create a tag Update a tag Delete a tag Tasks Create a task Get task details Update a task Delete a task Update multiple tasks Delete multiple tasks Time entries Create a time entry Start a time entry Stop a time entry Get time entry details Update time entry Delete time entry Get time entries started in a specific time range Bulk update time entries tags Users Get current user data and time entries Update current user data Reset API token Sign up a new user Workspaces Get user workspaces Get workspace users Get workspace clients Get workspace groups Get workspace projects Get workspace tasks Get workspace tags Workspace users Invite users to the workspace Update workspace user Delete workspace user Get workspace users for a workspace Dashboard Get a general overview of your team